
Terrified CPS Will Get Involved

I suppose that I will just jump right into this post. First and foremost, I have never delt with CPS before. I had my son at age 15 and I was homeless, so I split the custody with his paternal grandmother. Fast forward, I had my daugter at age 21. Her father (my now ex-husband) and I had a very unhealthy relationship. It was toxic on both ends, emotionally and physically. She also has severe autism. I eventually and inevitably had to leave after 4 years of Hell. During the divorce, it was mutually agreed upon that he would have custody of her (he is a wonderful father) and I could have rights to see her every other weekend. Please, keep in mind the severity of her autism. It is impossible for her to be tossed from house-to-house because even a simple car ride causes her a lot of trauma and anxiety. She is non-verbal, cannot feed herself and is violent towards herself/others. The hardest part in all of this is that she no longer remembers who I am, due to not being around her constantly; her memory is poor, but she is such a beautiful and intelligent child. My son and I are extremely close and he comes to stay with me every other weekend; he will be moving in with me next year. Once again, never once has CPS been involved. Should I be concerned about them taking away my unborn baby? Maybe it is just me over thinking.

Re: Terrified CPS Will Get Involved

  • I think you are overthinking it. The Special Needs forum may be a great place to get advice for introducing a new baby to a child who has Autism. Unless you are neglectful, abusive or fail to provide housing that is safe for your children, CPS has no reason to be involved. With all children, you have to watch them around your baby and not leave them alone.
  • If you are doing something illegal (drugs), are homeless, or baby is special needs and you can't care for the child CPS could become involved. I wouldn't be concerned about it though. Their goal is to keep families together. Even if it's safer for the baby to be with a temporary family - remember it's temporary! It could actually be a benefit to you if you're not settled properly. They can help you find a home, job & learn of any resources that you may qualify for. You should be able to qualify for WIC now. Even if they become involved stay active with your plan & keep in good communication with your caseworker.

    You can even get CPS involved with you and your child voluntarily. In some cases they work with you while you are caring for your child. They help you find housing, etc.
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  • Nope, unless there is a reason your child will be unsafe with you. It sounds like your exes and maybe courts(?) have no reservations of you having unsupervised visitation with your kids. Following a mutually agreed upon custody order/plan with your other 2 kids that has the individual needs and best interests of the kids at heart will not affect your parental rights with your third. From what I've seen, even if your parental rights WERE terminated with previous kids by court order, they do not automatically take subsequent kids away, unless you are clearly demonstrating continuing behavior that puts THIS child at risk.
  • I think this has been posted on every single board...
  • briwuvsbribriwuvsbri member
    edited December 2015
    Nope, only three.

    I want to delete it, but for some reason this forum does not allow you to.

    *Rolls eyes*
  • Nope, only three. I want to delete it, but for some reason this forum does not allow you to. *Rolls eyes*

    Dirty deleting is frowned upon here. Yep, my eyes are rolling pretty hard at these posts as well.
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