
3 year old uses breast as pacifier at night

My 3 year old has basically weaned from actual breastfeeding. He only actually gets milk once a night every few nights. BUT every night, almost all night long it seems, he wants to use my breast as a pacifier. I'm really getting over that and ready to be done. Any tips on how to end this habit gently? I try unlatching him by putting my finger in his mouth. Sometimes it works, but even so, he wakes up again soon and wants to latch again. 
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Re: 3 year old uses breast as pacifier at night

  • I have the same thing with my 2.5 yr old. Now that I'm pregnant again, my nipples are so sore and it's painful. At some point I couldn't handle it anymore and made her fall asleep without breast. She whined for a while and struggled, but eventually gave in. I told her mommy's breasts hurt and she didn't demand them. Now what happens is we negotiate that she will drink a little of the milk and then breast goes bye bye and she has to fall asleep on her own. She's gotten used to it, but it takes her much longer. So be patient and do whatever you can to make sure your son is really tired and ready to pass out :)
  • Oh, and she does wake up every night to latch several times, and at times when I don't fall asleep, I push her gently away with my arm or roll away from her. Most of the time she gives up and continues sleeping. But as you see, we havent completely weaned either. I hope it works out for you, don't be afraid to try things.
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  • Maybe try saying that the boobies are tired and need to go to sleep?? Or boobies are for babies and you're a big boy now.
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