July 2015 Moms

LO continues to suck on bottle when formula is gone...

Is this continued sucking on an empty bottle a sign that he's still hungry?

For the past few weeks, LO's daily intake has been 20-24 oz on average (4 oz each session). He's still having enough wet and dirty diapers and the doctor didn't bring up any concerns at his 4 month appt on Nov. 23 (15 lb 2 oz now; 7 lb 8 oz at birth). This is a change from his average of 24-28 oz. (I went back to work Nov 2 and have been noticing the drop since).

He started to continue to suck on his bottle even after the formula was gone and would get upset if we tried to take it away before he was ready. So we offered him a pacifier. He did ok with this until a week or so ago.

So for the past two days, we've increased his bottle amount to 6 oz and 24-28 oz for the day. He had spit up prior to this but now there's definitely more.

My concerns:
Was it the right thing to do to increase his bottles to 6 oz even with all the extra spit up?

Was he getting enough calories at 20-24 oz?

Is he getting too many at 24-28 oz?

DS1 7/24/15

DS2 5/7/17

Re: LO continues to suck on bottle when formula is gone...

  • My LO does the same thing, especially since she started holding her own bottles. I don't know why she does it, because she might fuss for a minute but after that, she seems fine and not like she's still hungry. I just thought that maybe it's her suck reflex. She loves to suck her thumb!
  • Thanks @vcard091678 my LO loves sucking on his hands too, lol.

    My pediatrician just advised to go back to 4 oz bottles and had no comment about why he continues to suck on an empty bottle. You're probably right that it's a reflex and it's soothing for them.

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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  • Maybe try 5oz instead of 6 since the spit up increased? My LO will be 5 mths the 23rd, was 7.12 at birth and is now 15.2 as well. Although he's bottle fed with breastmilk only, he eats around 5 oz every 3 hours during the day (6 bottles) and wakes once a night. I know BF and formula fed have different needs, but maybe trying an in between amount wouldn't hurt since he still sounds hungry but you don't want him puking a lot either! Trial and error...that's what I've learned after 2 kids!!!
  • My LO does the same thing, especially since she started holding her own bottles. I don't know why she does it, because she might fuss for a minute but after that, she seems fine and not like she's still hungry. I just thought that maybe it's her suck reflex. She loves to suck her thumb!
    My LO is this way too...he just loves to suck, haha. He takes 8 oz bottles at every feeding (daily intake is 30-35 oz and ped wasn't concerned about it being too much) so I know he's not still hungry.
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  • We noticed this too and I would just let her since she sucks without swallowing when she nurses too so I figured it was a comfort thing but she was sucking in so much air when the bottle was empty that she'd spit up and be hungry again. Now when the bottle is almost empty I slowly switch it out for the pacifier and she takes it fine.
  • My LO does this too. He only gets 4oz bottles at a time though. When I tried increasing it to 6oz he would spit up I swear them 2oz it was just to much for him. He did good with 5oz but I hate making 6oz bottles and wasting an oz. Formula is expensive since now he is all formula fed. I had to stop breastfeeding when I went back to work my supply was dropping and didn't have time to pump at work for a lil bit I was doing both. My doctor told me my LO should be getting 24oz a day. So we do 5 bottles of 4oz. And he gets two meals a day and with each meal he gets 2oz. So that's what's been working for my LO has of now I'm sure that might change in the months to come.
  • Also if he fusses when bottle is done and taken away. I give him his pacifier which then he stops fussing. I think he just wants to continue sucking that's why he gets mad. He's always sucking his hands
  • ^^^ this is us exactly!

    LO has been getting 6oz every 4 hours for weeks now, and this weekend we bumped him up to 7 but still wants to suck after. He will scream once the bottle is empty so we usualyl give him a paci. 
  • Riley does this when she's still hungry.
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