1st Trimester

Epstein Barr

Anybody here have epstein barr? I was diagnosed with it in April 2014 (reactivation, not initial mono) and it has been kicking my ass ever since. I was just beginning to feel better when we started trying a couple months ago and now that I'm pregnant and my immune system in suppressed, it is flaring up again. I'm to the point now where I can hardly get out of bed, let alone function. I work a few nights a week until 11:30 at night and I have a 5 year old and an almost 3 year old and I feel like I'm drowning. I don't have the energy to do anything. I feel like no matter what I do, I can't get anything accomplished. I also feel like my husband could be more supportive (he does try to pick up my slack and will let me nap when he gets home and watches the girls and will do dishes) but I know he is getting really frustrated with coming home to a messy house each day and has voiced this. I can hardly stay awake, let alone take care of a toddler and myself and then clean the house. Anyway, please tell me someone else is going through this and has some suggestions or things that have helped you feel better. Sorry for the vent, TIA.
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Re: Epstein Barr

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    I am not pregnant or having an auto-immune flair and I have hard time keeping the house completely picked up. Your husband needs to relax. I hope you feel better soon.

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    I have Lupus (which some say is a manifestation of EBV).  Maybe your husband can go to a doctors appointment with you, and can hear it from the doc and this is kicking your butt and it's normal?  Sorry you are going through this!!
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