Late Term and Child Loss


I think I'm in the right place... I lost my son a year ago due to a horrible genetic disease from hell called Tay Sachs Disease. He was 13 days from being 2 1/2. I had left his sperm donor when I first found out I was pregnant. Now me and my fiance (different guy) are pregnant and I'm scared to death of this disease showing again. It only affects certain ethnicities but I'm scared. I'm going to get the CVS test done just to know. It doesn't matter if this baby has it or not because this is our child... We will cherish and love it like no other .. Just scared that I may not be able to handle the loss of another child. I'm glad that I found this board but I wish none of us were apart of it. Its not fair to lose a child.... No matter how it still hurts!!!! Hugs!

Re: Intro...

  • @DragonMom2 I am so very sorry for your loss and hope you find the comfort and support you need here.

    Have you and your fiancé had your blood tested or any genetic work done? That might tell you if you're both carriers/what the odds are of it happening again. Since Tay-Sachs is recessive and requires both parents to have the gene mutation, if you can ascertain your fiancé is not a carrier, you can save yourself a lot of worry.
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm going to ask if they know where he can get tested. I already know I'm a carrier but he doesn't have insurance, I've searched online to see if there is free testing but my ob may have more information on where he can get tested. If not then we will probably do the CVS test.
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  • You may be able to get him tested under your insurance if it's for your pregnancy. Ask your OB about genetic screening. Do you have a National Children's Hospital near you? I know ours had neonatal and pediatric genetic specialists.
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm so very sorry for your loss. Best of luck on this new journey!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • My Dr is amazing .. I never had to ask for anything, he came in and said we can do a simple blood draw to see if there is a chance the baby may have it. He wanted to give us peace of mind and I go January 5 for the test, should get results within 7-14 days after.
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