July 2015 Moms

LO doesn't like toys!

Do any of you Momma's have this problem with LO? She loves her jungle gym and toys connected to her bouncer but not independent toys. I have lots of toys for her: talking animals, play cube, light up toys, singing toys and teethers but she plays with them for maybe 5 minutes and gets furious at them and starts crying so badly. At first I thought it was because she didn't know what to do with them and she gets frustrated by not being able to handle them the way she wants but as she gets older (4.5 months) it is making me nervous. The only explanation I can think of is she gets mad she can't figure out what to do with them. Then I factor in that she gets upset at family gatherings where there are to many people and I think she must get over stimulated easily. I just want to know if anyone else deals with this?

Re: LO doesn't like toys!

  • I think the more our little ones grow, the more they will like their toys. Just wait until they start crawling, they will want to touch and play with everything lol
  • I think they're still a little too young to really enjoy stuff. My LO maxes out at 5 min with most toys, we've had the most luck with Jacques the Peacock by Lamaze. It's super bright, has patterns on the back side and makes a crinkly sound when he grabs it. So far that's his favorite, everything else is pretty meh to him.
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  • LO has a the Moose and Robot by Lamaze and they're his two favorite toys. One hangs above his changing pad and the other is attached to his activity mat. He will also play with Oballs but otherwise he doesn't play with any of his toys.
  • LO loves Lamaze Captain Calamari and his o'ball rattle. Other than that, he like the rattles with blankies attached to them, mostly to chew on the blanket. He gets frustrated with Sophie the giraffe after a few minutes.


    Me: 33, DH: 35
    Married 10/13, TTC since 7/13
    Dx: MFI
    IUI #1 7/14: BFN
    IUI #2 8/14: BFN
    IVF #1 11/14: 20R17M15F
    Transferred 1 three day embryo! 7 frosties!
    BFP!  EDD 7/27/15


  • Mine likes her Lamaze doll - can't remember her name but my DH calls her Trashy Sally because her dress is crinkly, like a trash bag. She likes rattles. But, other than that, she has no interest yet.
  • LO loves Lamaze Captain Calamari and his o'ball rattle. Other than that, he like the rattles with blankies attached to them, mostly to chew on the blanket. He gets frustrated with Sophie the giraffe after a few minutes.

    Just a word of caution - we were about to buy Captain Calamari and saw some Amazon reviews from people who said their LOs sucked on the arms and the knot on the end got stuck in their LO's throat. So, just make sure you keep a close eye on that one! It scared me so we didn't buy it.
  • It could be that they are too much for her. Maybe she is getting overstimulated. When you mentioned about family gatherings and also about the toys lighting up and taking, it might just be too much for her. It takes time :) our daughter is 6 months and she doesn't like talking toys, it scares her. She likes light up toys, but even that kind of scares her and she doesn't want to play with it. I would start by simple toys. You mentioned teethers, maybe you can get different textures, patterns and colors involved. Or more rattles and toys like the kind of toys she has on her bouncer. Our daughter only recently became interested in toys in general, but there are still some things she doesn't like. Experiment with it and have fun :) if you are concerned, ask your pediatrician and maybe they have some ideas that will get her interested more. Good luck! :)
  • DS loves his rattle (it was like $2.00 at Walmart). He's also started taking a liking to Sophie the Giraffe. I've found that anything thin enough for him to grab makes him happy. He definitely gets frustrated at things he can't easily pick up and transfer to his mouth.

    Similarly, he loves the toys attached to his mat and bouncer as he can't drop them. Though it's hilarious to watch him bend over and try to eat the piano attached to the bouncer.

    I've also found if I hold him in my lap and hold a toy, it keeps his interest a lot longer. I've also attached different toys to his bouncer for variety and that draws his interest.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks ladies! The past week she has been getting better with her toys. She is starting to play with them more. I also talked to our pediatrician and he assured me this was norm behavior and babies attention spans are quite short. He actually said its a good sign she gets frustrated by not being able to do what she wants with the toys because she's trying to do more than she's able to as opposed to playing with whatever she's in front of. Idk about that but it is getting better and she's finding her favorites...I ordered some lamaze toys like suggested. Thanks for the advice!!!
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