Do any of you Momma's have this problem with LO? She loves her jungle gym and toys connected to her bouncer but not independent toys. I have lots of toys for her: talking animals, play cube, light up toys, singing toys and teethers but she plays with them for maybe 5 minutes and gets furious at them and starts crying so badly. At first I thought it was because she didn't know what to do with them and she gets frustrated by not being able to handle them the way she wants but as she gets older (4.5 months) it is making me nervous. The only explanation I can think of is she gets mad she can't figure out what to do with them. Then I factor in that she gets upset at family gatherings where there are to many people and I think she must get over stimulated easily. I just want to know if anyone else deals with this?
Re: LO doesn't like toys!