
Nipple confusion

Any tips for working back to breastfeeding after exclusive bottle feeding? Baby boy is 11 weeks and has been bottle fed since 5 days after some supremely unhelpful lactation visits. We used to nurse for comfort several times a week with no problems, but this week he refuses the breast almost every time. We've gotten a latch 4 times in the last week, and never for very long. I offer it all the time. I don't think I can get rid of bottles completely because at this point it's the only way he eats, not a supplement. We have syringes that I'm trying to use but he spits a lot of it out. He also uses a pacifier to fall asleep so I'm working on breaking that habit now. My SO has no patience for that though so if he's around and baby fusses, the paci gets popped in before I can stop him. I don't want to jeopardize their bonding because he can't soothe baby without it. I feel like this is a perfect storm of crappy circumstances. Any help would be much appreciated.

Re: Nipple confusion

  • All you can really do at this point is offer breast soon after bottle when LO is less hungry. And have plenty of skin to skin time. My son also prefers faster flow of bottles but I was able to get him on the breast in the 1st 2 weeks. At 11 weeks I would think it would be harder. Good luck!
  • Personally I don't like the term nipple confusion... he's not confused he just prefers the faster flow of bottles. From my experience breaking him from a pacifier isn't going to help - my son BF mainly and used a pacifier and bottle fed from time to time. There wasn't any confusion with breast and paci and I wasn't around to give bottles so he had no choice about what to have.

    I'd suggest finding a (helpful) lactation consultant to work on maintaining your latch. Not sure if you're supplementing or pumping but if you're pumping you're pretty much a super hero! It's hard work and kudos for sticking it out!
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  • Have you tried getting him to latch right after you pumped? That's how I finally got my LO to latch because pumping had pulled my nipples out.


    Me: 33, DH: 35
    Married 10/13, TTC since 7/13
    Dx: MFI
    IUI #1 7/14: BFN
    IUI #2 8/14: BFN
    IVF #1 11/14: 20R17M15F
    Transferred 1 three day embryo! 7 frosties!
    BFP!  EDD 7/27/15


  • I've tried every single position and time of day that I can think of except the bath. That's on my list for today if I can get the darn tub scrubbed out haha. We have only had success with side lying positions and there's no rhyme or reason to when he'll take it. He only latches with the nipple shield for about thirty seconds at a time before he gets uncomfortable. I'm on Medicaid and still trying to figure out if they'll cover a lactation visit. Until then we're just struggling. And yes, I've been pumping this whole time. He hasn't had formula since my milk came in on day 6. My freezer is overflowing. I feel like baby got overwhelmed with my letdown the first couple of days we were trying, and since I'm pretty sure he has a posterior tie, he probably felt like he was drowning. :( our goal for the week is to get in to lactation but again, I need Medicaid to cover it.
  • See if there is a local La Leche League chapter in your area. It's free to attend a meeting and you can call a leader or email one and ask for help. Those women are volunteering to help BFing moms and have done it themselves and can be helpful.
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