Had mine today too,6+5 weeks. Found the heart beat, it was nice and strong. They're going to give me another one on the 5th of January for peace of mind, followed by the 12 week one on the 19th of Jan:)
We heard the heartbeat today!!!!! It was so overwhelming and wonderful I cried. Heart rate of 132, size matches with 6 weeks 6 days. So excited!!!! Our next one is 12 weeks.
I went in yesterday for my 7 week ultrasound and baby was measuring on track with a heartbeat of 135. Wasn't much to see but will get another one at 10 weeks where we will see more and post a pic!
Had our first ultra sound today! At 6w6d, Dr did an abdominal ultrasound and couldnt really see anything but a tiny flicker and got to hear babys heart beat. She couldn't even measure to give an EDD. I go back Jan 5th for another one!
Ultrasound today with RE to confirm viability. I am 7 weeks and baby measured 7 weeks. HR was 136 bpm! The extra "sac" is actually connected to the gestational sac. No idea what it is. RE thought it would be a bicornuate uterus if we didn't already know I have a unicornuate uterus (confirmed via MRI).
I had an ultrasound today and it went great--I was so relieved! 6w0d according to my ovulation date but measuring 6w1d. Heartbeat was measured at 115. My doctor will give me another very quick one at my appointment in January when I'll be in my 10th week. I'm really glad she offered that as a quick check since I'll be past the 9 week mark when my previous pregnancy stopped progressing. I really like my doctor--she is so compassionate but very fact focused too.
edit: words are hard.
Went today for confirmation! DD of Aug 22nd and first ultrasound scheduled for Jan 12th!! 1pm I know time will drag until then!! We can't wait to see our baby!
Our first ultrasound! At the appointment I was 7 weeks and 0 days. The baby measured at exactly 7 weeks and had a healthy heartbeat. I could see the heartbeat flicker on the ultrasound and I could hear it. My doctor office does ultrasounds to date the pregnancy and make sure it is a uterus pregnancy and confirm that it's one baby. All seems well!
Based on my O date I am 6 weeks today with a due date of august 11th. I measured 5w5days and a heartbeat of 100!
The only strange thing is he said that puts my due date at August 21?? I would think it should be the 13/14th, right? He must have miscalculated because if that was my due date I would only be 4w4d now which puts me at getting my positive test at 2 weeks!
Math aside there is a baby with a heartbeat in me!!
Had my first ever prenatal visit today I am 5 weeks 6 days. Also did transvaginal sono and saw the yolk sac and little bitty baby..saw baby move (heart beating) it was so amazing approx due date is Aug 12th. Next appt is Jan 14th and then Jan 28th for another sono!
I had my third ultrasound today at 6w5d. We know my date based off of a trigger shot for my fertility treatments, but we're measuring at 7w3-4d. I must have had an early implanter! Baby was 9.3mm and heartrate was 123bpm. We even got to see the little nubs for an arm and legs. The baby looks like a little fish right now. The arm stub is at the top and if you look very closely you can see the little leg buds at the left end. So exciting!
Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
First ultrasound today, I'm 6w5d and baby is measuring right on schedule! 134 bpm, strong little heart. Saw it flickering on the screen. I was so relieved I had to cover my face and cry for a moment. It was the same room, same US tech and doctor who told me of my loss. Still taking it in that we saw our LO today... So many emotions.
@bsckgb7 I don't think so because my LMP (nov 5th) lines up with my O date. I think he must have been doing the math in his head because I never saw the EDD on the screen or anything and he just said it. I get another one on Tuesday so I plan to question him if he still says August 21st. I am an analyst so this will bug me, even though I know baby has no idea what his/her due date is.
Had our first ultrasound today at 6w! Saw a strong heart beat and the doctor said everything looked "perfect"! I cried like a baby!!! We go back 12/26/15 for another ultrasound!
Me: 26 DH: 27 TTC: October 2014 IUI #1: July '15 - BFN; IUI #2: Aug '15 - BFN; IUI #3 Oct '15 - BFN; IUI #4: Nov '15 - BFP 1st Beta: 57. 2nd Beta: 177. 3rd Beta: 6563 12/18/15: 6week Ultrasound - ONE STICKY LITTLE NUGLET!!!
Just had a sono, they measured me at 6w1d, they couldn't see a heartbeat yet but said that you really couldn't for a few more days. But we have a tic tac!
We had a loss in August, we went yesterday to have a sonogram to see how this pregnancy is progressing. Seeing and hearing a heartbeat was so fufilling. So many emotions and I am so glad to see you say the same thing!! Cheers to our pregnancies!
We had our first ultrasound today- 7w6d. Revised EDD a little earlier that I previously thought- July 30. Measured perfectly and heart beating strong. I don't know if I've ever felt the way that I did when I heard that heartbeat. DH and I were both in tears. Amazing!
First sight of our baby is Jan 12th! I should be 8w 1d at that point!! I'm super excited but of course a little nervous. We have to wait until 1 pm but we took a half day of work so we could grab our boys and let them come and see their new brother or sister! Then take off for a family fun day
We go on January 13 for our first ultrasound. I'll be a little over 7 weeks. We had a miscarriage in May, but I'm feeling very hopeful this time around. I love seeing all the ultrasounds!
We said goodbye to our sweet Taylor Ashley on August 8, 2012.We lost baby Noelle on May 1, 2015
Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
Re: Ultrasound Pics!
BFP #2 09/03/17 | EDD 05/17/2018
Our first ultrasound! At the appointment I was 7 weeks and 0 days. The baby measured at exactly 7 weeks and had a healthy heartbeat. I could see the heartbeat flicker on the ultrasound and I could hear it. My doctor office does ultrasounds to date the pregnancy and make sure it is a uterus pregnancy and confirm that it's one baby. All seems well!
Had my first US today...7 wks 2 days HR 148...everything looks healthy
The only strange thing is he said that puts my due date at August 21?? I would think it should be the 13/14th, right? He must have miscalculated because if that was my due date I would only be 4w4d now which puts me at getting my positive test at 2 weeks!
Math aside there is a baby with a heartbeat in me!!
Here's my little peanut at 7 weeks! Didn't look like much but we saw the heartbeat heart rate was 130
First ultrasound today, I'm 6w5d and baby is measuring right on schedule! 134 bpm, strong little heart. Saw it flickering on the screen. I was so relieved I had to cover my face and cry for a moment. It was the same room, same US tech and doctor who told me of my loss. Still taking it in that we saw our LO today... So many emotions.
Me: 26 DH: 27
TTC: October 2014
IUI #1: July '15 - BFN; IUI #2: Aug '15 - BFN; IUI #3 Oct '15 - BFN; IUI #4: Nov '15 - BFP
1st Beta: 57. 2nd Beta: 177. 3rd Beta: 6563
12/18/15: 6week Ultrasound - ONE STICKY LITTLE NUGLET!!!
Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
we thought we were 8 weeks.. BUT, todays ultrasound revealed we are 6 weeks 5 days, due date changed to 08/10/2016
6th pregnancy, 4th baby
BFP 12/08/2015
Beta #1 12/08/2015 (3097)
Beta #2 12/11/2015 (6033)