May 2016 Moms

UO Thursday 12/3


Re: UO Thursday 12/3

  • I'm going to jump on the Christmas decoration train and say I really can't stand those colored lights that are mostly blue and purple. They just look weird to me and I am not a fan. Also, the red flamed candles people put in their windows look strangely demonic to me. In my opinion, the whole point of Christmas lights outside is to mimic the sparkle of freshly fallen snow so the white lights framing a house or accenting a tree/bushes looks magical vs tacky.
    Ok, so I thought this was just me. From a distance, these LED colored lights look pink and purple, right!? 
    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

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  • yogahh said:
    I dont get the Star War craze, and tired of it being the only thing I hear about!
    This!! I am pretty much the only person in my circle of friends who DOES NOT like Star Wars.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • kbrands7 said:
    I don't understand being obsessed with soda/pop. I cut it out last pregnancy because it made my MS worse, and realized I didn't miss it one bit. Even my husband looks at me like I'm crazy when I decline it in favor of water. The only exception I've made is that I did have a root beer float over the summer (you need the carbonation to make the ice cream edges crunchy!).
    Me either. I gave up soda about 3 years ago now and don't miss it a bit. I will have ginger ale on occasion though, if I have an upset stomach.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • I'm not sure if this is an UO or not, but I think the way they register sex offenders in the U.S. Goes a bit overboard in some cases.

    We recently received a post card in the mail that a sex offender had moved to the neighborhood. Then I looked at the details and saw that the guy was 16 and the crime was indecency with a minor the age of 13. Seems to me like he fooled around with his girlfriend and her parents pressed charges. Now 14 years later he's still having his neighbors get postcards with his face on it. The postcard even said Risk:High. Excuse me if I disagree. It will make me question anything I see like that in the future.

    I totally agree. That can really fuck up someone's life. We are not the same people at 30 that we were at 15. There needs to be a line somewhere.

  • My UO is I held back on the botox thread.

    Hahaha. Love this. Yeah that had some heated moment!
  • @lalala2004 I agree with you on that one. It's not fair. Some people should have that kind of stuff, but not a majority of them.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • kami09 said:
    This is a random story that goes along with @lalala2004 post... I randomly looked at the Megan's Law website a few weeks ago. Turns out there was a man (who transitioned into a woman while in prison) who had raped a 7 year old a few years back in my town. I live in an extremely small town. I almost puked. I guess I will keep going and say that my UO is that anyone who rapes a child should be shot. Screw prison- especially because they get out and can do it again.

    I just had to sit through a jury case (I'm on jury duty) that was a rape of a child. Mother didn't even give a shit. It was her BF and the girl was only 8. Makes me absolutely homicidal. The little girl had extensive injuries God love her soul.

    That's terrible. The guy deserve to have his penis cut off and shoved down his throat. I'm sorry... that probably just violated some rules on this board. That stuff makes me so mad though. How the heck could the mom be okay with that?!

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Just sayin...
    Yes, please.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • My UO I can't stand when stupid things are mandatory (this excludes immunizations IMO that isn't stupid). How the hell can anyone tell you something is mandatory?

    Couple of examples: 
    If your child wants to join such and such team parents must show up to this mandatory meeting on this time and day. Especially when the notice is given the night before the meeting.

    In the community that I live in, there are some changes being made. Apparently, everyone needs to show up outside to discuss the changes. Well, the meeting is in an hour and it's freaking freezing today and pouring rain. Why the hell would I want to show up to an outdoors meeting with 3 children? Just send me a letter with the changes being made. 
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
  • My UO I can't stand when stupid things are mandatory (this excludes immunizations IMO that isn't stupid). How the hell can anyone tell you something is mandatory?

    Couple of examples: 
    If your child wants to join such and such team parents must show up to this mandatory meeting on this time and day. Especially when the notice is given the night before the meeting.

    In the community that I live in, there are some changes being made. Apparently, everyone needs to show up outside to discuss the changes. Well, the meeting is in an hour and it's freaking freezing today and pouring rain. Why the hell would I want to show up to an outdoors meeting with 3 children? Just send me a letter with the changes being made. 
    HAHA, like government regulated healthcare ;)

    cat fail animated GIF

  • @yogahh Man couldn't you have dropped that nugget of an opinion earlier today to make this thread more interesting? And I just said nugget. Dammit.
  • yogahh said:
    My UO I can't stand when stupid things are mandatory (this excludes immunizations IMO that isn't stupid). How the hell can anyone tell you something is mandatory?

    Couple of examples: 
    If your child wants to join such and such team parents must show up to this mandatory meeting on this time and day. Especially when the notice is given the night before the meeting.

    In the community that I live in, there are some changes being made. Apparently, everyone needs to show up outside to discuss the changes. Well, the meeting is in an hour and it's freaking freezing today and pouring rain. Why the hell would I want to show up to an outdoors meeting with 3 children? Just send me a letter with the changes being made. 
    HAHA, like government regulated healthcare ;)
    LOL. I also think that it's unfair that hardworking people have to pay a ton of money out of pocket for medical and many other non-working people get free healthcare. I've heard so many people say they refuse to work so that they can keep their free health coverage. Seems really counter productive that people get paid for being unemployed and then take advantage of free health care. Now, unless someone gets laid off and needs to use the unemployment/healthcare system so they can get back on their feet... well, that's what it was intended for.
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
  • missnc77 said:

    @yogahh Man couldn't you have dropped that nugget of an opinion earlier today to make this thread more interesting?

    And I just said nugget. Dammit.

    I'm trying not to bring my politics into the board too much. But I couldn't pass that one up! It was just there, waiting for me to say it.

    cat fail animated GIF

  • tgortney said:

    yogahh said:

    This UO is a real snooze-fest today. Wheres all the crazy at?

    realitytvgifs  tired realitytvgifs rhoc tgif
    Ok I'll bite.

    The recent news of the multiple mass shootings sicken me.

    I grew up and live in the south, my husband is a southern man. I know the craze about guns in America.

    I think America needs stricter gun laws within reason and let me explain:

    Should the average Joe citizen be able to have a concealed carry permit and carry a pistol for defense? Yes they should.

    Should hunters be able to own shot guns to hunt? Yes they should, within regulations and seasons. Otherwise it's just poaching, which is illegal.

    Should the average Joe citizen be able to buy a semi automatic rifle at Walmart? Absolutely not
    I'm really not trying to start an argument here because I know people have very strong feelings about guns and nothing that I say will change that. But I am genuinely curious about why you specifically refer to "semi automatic rifles" and why you think those are specifically the problem?

    DH and I are both gun owners with concealed carry permits. DH is in the Army and is somewhat of a gun enthusiast.

    Did you know that you can hunt with rifles as well? Not just shot guns like many people believe. The laws vary by state but here in Indiana there is a list of rifles that are approved for hunting. Also, there are other rifles that can do equally as much damage. The other classifications include bolt-action, pump-action, lever-action. With a semi-auto rifle you still have to pull the trigger between each shot, unlike an automatic rifle that will quickly fire an entire magazine of shots with only one trigger pull.
    Also, I have a semi-automatic pistol as well as a revolver. The mechanisms are different but I can shoot both without having to cock in between.

    I guess I just don't necessarily understand the stigma behind the word "semi-automatic". Also, I can just as easily use DH's AR as a home defense gun as I can my shot gun or my pistol.
    I'll completely agree with @JessicaB0627 statement as well as add that DH and I as well as both of our families are gun owners as well, hunters and non-hunters. I'm not going to get too crazy into the whole issue because just as stated previously, it's a hugely controversial issue and I have no intention on changing anybody's viewpoint on the matter. I will add that when I got my new pistol in July as a birthday gift from DH it was darn near impossible to get that gun due to the laws in CA to simply legally buy and register a weapon. DH and I, after going into the gun shop several times with different needed papers for my gun joked to the guy behind the counter and said "wow, pretty sure I could get a gun illegally way easier than getting one through this legal process" and the guy behind the counter laughed and agreed. My brother's neighbor several years back put in for a restraining order against him because they got into a verbal disagreement on some work the neighbor was doing on their house and my brother simply told his neighbor "well, at least with my security cameras I'll be able to tell when you mess with my house over this". His neighbor took that as a threat and once the request for a restraining order was submitted the local authorities were at my brothers doorstep collecting all of his registered and legal firearms until the court process was over. Gun laws are plenty strict and make it much harder for those of us who do the right thing to own them for the right reasons and be responsible gun owners while these shooting instances continue to happen with no decrease in violent acts.

  • @JessicaB0627 and @ncm0328

    Honestly, I understand your reasonings to back up on your desire to not have stricter gun laws because of the personal experiences and knowledge with guns. I respect that.

    But does that mean we keep things the same and shrug instances like this off because it's going to happen anyway? That, I don't get.

    And arming more people doesn't seem to the most proactive solution though. Decreasing gun violence with more guns....
  • wamam027wamam027 member
    edited December 2015
    @tgortney were these people legal gun owners (they could be, to be honest I'm not sure)? Did they go through the several processes required to legally own, register, and carry a weapon? Many people believe that anyone can simply walk into any store that sells guns and ammo, hand the clerk their card, sign on the bottom of the receipt, and walk out in a matter of minutes when this is not at all how it works. I understand that CA is a state with very strict gun laws, but in order to purchase a gun I needed paperwork which took me close to a week to gather, I had to sit in the DMV for 4 hours for an address change because my husband is in the military and we move so often, I didn't have three legal documents in which my address matched. I had to take a gun safety exam to get a certificate that I must hold in my wallet so it is known that I know general safety rules as well as federal laws and regulations. I had to pay for my gun, pay for a federal background check (once all of my paperwork was in) and wait for a 10 day long waiting period before I was able to walk out with my gun and ammunition. Not every state has these waiting periods, but waiting periods for gun purchases are there A. to allow sufficient time for the background check to clear and B. A cool down period to *hopefully* keep those who go in to buy a weapon with intentions of inflicting harm on others or using their weapon irresponsibly from acting instinctually. Those who have a felony on their record cannot legally purchase a gun EVER in their lifetime, depending on misdemeanor charge, individuals cannot own or purchase a weapon for a specified amount of time, anybody with a domestic violence charge can NEVER legally purchase or own a gun or ammunition for the rest of their life. Now, as a responsible gun owner I am HAPPY to do all of these things because I respect the fact that convicted felons and those with domestic violence crimes cannot legally be on the street with weapons, however, convicted felons and those with domestic violence charges on their records had NO PROBLEM breaking the law to earn those convictions, so why would I think that they would have any problem not following the legal process to own and operate firearms?

    And I by no means "shrug" off instances such as the shooting that happened yesterday or any other shooting. My heart breaks for those who were injured and those who lost their lives as well as their family. All I'm saying is that it's TYPICALLY not the legal and responsible gun owner who's committing these crimes and people who live their lives breaking laws have no problem breaking laws in order to get a gun illegally. It's a real shame that these shootings always come out giving us responsible gun owners a bad rep and making it more difficult to go about owning and operating our firearms.
  • tgortney said:

    @JessicaB0627 and @ncm0328

    Honestly, I understand your reasonings to back up on your desire to not have stricter gun laws because of the personal experiences and knowledge with guns. I respect that.

    But does that mean we keep things the same and shrug instances like this off because it's going to happen anyway? That, I don't get.

    And arming more people doesn't seem to the most proactive solution though. Decreasing gun violence with more guns....

    I wasn't speaking at all on regulations, laws, or what needs to be done in regards to gun control. I was simply asking about your choice of terminology. I hear a lot of the same terminology used by the media and people repeat it unknowingly. It just doesn't make sense to make, like in my last post, that people attack "semi automatic rifles" as opposed to every other gun on the market.

    Gun control laws are a completely different discussion that I wasn't getting into at all.
  • Lol @JessicaB0627 sorry, that was all me. I went there
  • @yogahh it is scary that it's become such a regular occurrence and it's totally understandable for you to be worried about your husband given the circumstances of previous shootings. Truly had no intention on taking it there but the response comment made me feel the urge. Anyway, Botox is scary too.
  • yogahh said:

    What worries me about these shootings is it just seems so normal now. Used to be that this type of event would be shocking. Now, it just seems like another everyday occurace, atleast to me.

    As I've mentioned before DH is a teacher. He has a kid whip out a gun in class once (just to show off. He wasn't threatening anyone thank god!). But I always worry about a school shooting and it scares the crap out of me.

    I don't know what the answer is; no one seems to. But the majority of these cases seem to stem from mental instability. Maybe prioritizing helping those with these mental issues would be beneficial??

    And that's as deep into this topic I'm getting. By saying we should spice it up today I guess I was hoping to talk about Botox some more ...

    That sounds like bad parenting! How the heck did this kid get a gun out of the house and carry it to school without his parents noticing? We plan on teaching DD and LO#2 all about gun safety and respect for guns at an early age, but regardless of how much we teach her we will still always have our guns locked up! That seems to crazy to me!
    DH has worked in some baddddd neighborhoods. Like BedSty Brooklyn. It's bad and the schools have no detection as the kids enter the school.
    DH is a gym teacher. He once has a kid throw a dumbbell at another kids heads.
    Kids are dicks.

    cat fail animated GIF

  • tgortney

    I'll say to this also...Most of the mass shooters don't have gun permits and aren't legally carrying anyways. You take guns away from the people who do it responsibly it leaves our country with guns only in the hands of those who have them illegally and are the ones shooting innocent people. There's going to be a lot more lives taken if they take guns away completely.

    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

  • @doozer1345 I totally get that, I guess I should specify. I meant more along the lines of people dating and thinking its "cool" or "sexy" to refer to their partner as "mami", "papi", or "daddy". In that circumstance I feel it's disgusting. When there's a child involved and they obviously know you guys as mom and dad or whatever relatable name people use for parents, and moms and dads refer to each other as such around their child it's completely different and obviously acceptable imo.
  • @missnc77 I have absolutely no problem with stricter laws. I'm not a criminal so that would in no way impede my buying of a gun. I just honestly don't think stricter laws are going to help lessen these shootings. The only thing that will help is paying more attention to mental illnesses. A lot of these people involved in the shootings don't necessarily have criminal backgrounds, so they could legally buy guns. But these people are obviously psychos that need some serious help.

  • wamam027wamam027 member
    edited December 2015
    @missnc77 totally agree with you in the fact that those with criminal backgrounds or mental illness shouldn't have weapons, and just as I stated in my post I'm perfectly fine with going through all the required steps to own and carry a gun if it means criminals and mentally ill don't have access to them. The issue I was trying to get at was that most criminals or those who are mentally ill are less likely to follow gun laws no matter how strict or give up their guns IF guns happened to be banned where most responsible gun owners would.
  • yogahh said:

    yogahh said:

    What worries me about these shootings is it just seems so normal now. Used to be that this type of event would be shocking. Now, it just seems like another everyday occurace, atleast to me.

    As I've mentioned before DH is a teacher. He has a kid whip out a gun in class once (just to show off. He wasn't threatening anyone thank god!). But I always worry about a school shooting and it scares the crap out of me.

    I don't know what the answer is; no one seems to. But the majority of these cases seem to stem from mental instability. Maybe prioritizing helping those with these mental issues would be beneficial??

    And that's as deep into this topic I'm getting. By saying we should spice it up today I guess I was hoping to talk about Botox some more ...

    That sounds like bad parenting! How the heck did this kid get a gun out of the house and carry it to school without his parents noticing? We plan on teaching DD and LO#2 all about gun safety and respect for guns at an early age, but regardless of how much we teach her we will still always have our guns locked up! That seems to crazy to me!
    DH has worked in some baddddd neighborhoods. Like BedSty Brooklyn. It's bad and the schools have no detection as the kids enter the school.
    DH is a gym teacher. He once has a kid throw a dumbbell at another kids heads.
    Kids are dicks.
    Holy crap! Reason #16387383 why I could never be a teacher. How old are these kids?
  • tgortneytgortney member
    edited December 2015
    ncm0328 said:

    @tgortney were these people legal gun owners (they could be, to be honest I'm not sure)? Did they go through the several processes required to legally own, register, and carry a weapon? Many people believe that anyone can simply walk into any store that sells guns and ammo, hand the clerk their card, sign on the bottom of the receipt, and walk out in a matter of minutes when this is not at all how it works. I understand that CA is a state with very strict gun laws, but in order to purchase a gun I needed paperwork which took me close to a week to gather, I had to sit in the DMV for 4 hours for an address change because my husband is in the military and we move so often, I didn't have three legal documents in which my address matched. I had to take a gun safety exam to get a certificate that I must hold in my wallet so it is known that I know general safety rules as well as federal laws and regulations. I had to pay for my gun, pay for a federal background check (once all of my paperwork was in) and wait for a 10 day long waiting period before I was able to walk out with my gun and ammunition. Not every state has these waiting periods, but waiting periods for gun purchases are there A. to allow sufficient time for the background check to clear and B. A cool down period to *hopefully* keep those who go in to buy a weapon with intentions of inflicting harm on others or using their weapon irresponsibly from acting instinctually. Those who have a felony on their record cannot legally purchase a gun EVER in their lifetime, depending on misdemeanor charge, individuals cannot own or purchase a weapon for a specified amount of time, anybody with a domestic violence charge can NEVER legally purchase or own a gun or ammunition for the rest of their life. Now, as a responsible gun owner I am HAPPY to do all of these things because I respect the fact that convicted felons and those with domestic violence crimes cannot legally be on the street with weapons, however, convicted felons and those with domestic violence charges on their records had NO PROBLEM breaking the law to earn those convictions, so why would I think that they would have any problem not following the legal process to own and operate firearms?

    And I by no means "shrug" off instances such as the shooting that happened yesterday or any other shooting. My heart breaks for those who were injured and those who lost their lives as well as their family. All I'm saying is that it's TYPICALLY not the legal and responsible gun owner who's committing these crimes and people who live their lives breaking laws have no problem breaking laws in order to get a gun illegally. It's a real shame that these shootings always come out giving us responsible gun owners a bad rep and making it more difficult to go about owning and operating our firearms.

    I live in NC, a southern state.

    It's pretty easy to obtain a gun here, most are laws are according to the 100 different counties who might or might not require background checks, registrations of hand guns, waiting periods etc.

    "North Carolina is generally considered a permissive state for firearms owners, with no state-imposed restrictions on "assault weapons", no magazine/clip capacity restrictions, no caliber restrictions, and few restrictions on the open carrying of firearms. North Carolina maintains concealed carry reciprocity with all other states"

    That statement is pretty dang scary.

    I'm glad we can agree that these situations are heart breaking and I don't want to go into the minuscule details because we won't change each other's opinions. But just because that was your experience in CA, does not mean it is the standard for ALL states and counties of each of those states.
  • What @missnc77 said is exactly what I agree with! :)
  • yogahh said:

    yogahh said:

    What worries me about these shootings is it just seems so normal now. Used to be that this type of event would be shocking. Now, it just seems like another everyday occurace, atleast to me.

    As I've mentioned before DH is a teacher. He has a kid whip out a gun in class once (just to show off. He wasn't threatening anyone thank god!). But I always worry about a school shooting and it scares the crap out of me.

    I don't know what the answer is; no one seems to. But the majority of these cases seem to stem from mental instability. Maybe prioritizing helping those with these mental issues would be beneficial??

    And that's as deep into this topic I'm getting. By saying we should spice it up today I guess I was hoping to talk about Botox some more ...

    That sounds like bad parenting! How the heck did this kid get a gun out of the house and carry it to school without his parents noticing? We plan on teaching DD and LO#2 all about gun safety and respect for guns at an early age, but regardless of how much we teach her we will still always have our guns locked up! That seems to crazy to me!
    DH has worked in some baddddd neighborhoods. Like BedSty Brooklyn. It's bad and the schools have no detection as the kids enter the school.
    DH is a gym teacher. He once has a kid throw a dumbbell at another kids heads.
    Kids are dicks.
    Holy crap! Reason #16387383 why I could never be a teacher. How old are these kids?
    High school. So old enough to know better. And the reason we need to get the eff outta Brooklyn before our kid starts school.

    cat fail animated GIF

  • LemmyRN said:

    My UO is I held back on the botox thread.

    It was so weird how I was very direct with the "your rude" comment and yet she chose to attack @yogahh , who was way nice and welcoming in her post. I could tell by her reply there was no reasoning with that one. I held back, and instead of getting warned/banned, I was just chilling at home like ...


    I'm still offended she accused me of directing her to get bangs.

    It was me that recommended she get bangs, and I stand by that ;)
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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