Hi ladies.....So I just have a question about this test. I know they want to do it ideally around the time of O and I actually have the appt scheduled already but I'm wondering if I should change it.
I typically O anywhere from CD 18-20 (ish) and I'm scheduled for CD 17 right now. Part of why I'm wondering if I should reschedule though is because if we are going to try to have sex EOD CD 17 may affect that and I worry that I'll O late or something or not at all again this month which would be my luck......and our schedules have been and are probably going to be somewhat crazy for the month too, of course.
I'm sure I probably need to call the dr office and talk to one of the nurses, just wondering if anybody has any insight or experience with these.....
Re: Post Coital Cervical Mucus test anyone?
Also, based on your RE's comment regarding your DH's swimmers, it sounds like he has no issues with his sperm. Therefore, the EOD mentality doesn't really apply to you. You could have sex everyday during your fertile window and not decrease your chances. The EOD recommendation is a minimum recommendation in general for TTC and is recommended for those with any MFI instead of every day. In fact, when I did TI with a PCT and teigger, I was told to BD the night before PCT, Night of trigger (same day as PCT), night after and night after: 4 days in a row.
I've never heard of doing a PCT with only 2-6 hour delay. I was told 12-8 hours.