August 2016 Moms

Wednesday check-in

In the future, Wednesdays will be Hump Day Bump Day where we will share our bumps! But I doubt anyone wants to see early bloat ;)

How far along are you?

How are you feeling?

Doing anything baby related today?

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:


GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs!
me 30; DH 35
TTC since May 2014.
Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
Short LP (8 days).
Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

Re: Wednesday check-in

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    How far along are you? 5+5

    How are you feeling? Had a bout of nausea last night but otherwise doing great. No puking so far!

    Doing anything baby related today? Just my nightly meditation with me and LO.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: last time I was pregnant, I miscarried at 5+6. Trying hard to think super positive over the next few days! Baby and I will celebrate somehow on Friday for making it to 6 weeks.

    Questions? Has anyone talked to their HR at work yet about maternity leave? I want to do this so I have a better understanding of what to expect, but I haven't told anyone that I am pregnant other than a close friend (and coworker) so it makes me nervous to start talking to HR this early. 

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs!
    Fight Club is definitely on my favorites list!
    fight club movies brad pitt edward norton tyler durden

    And When Harry Met Sally
    when harry met sally
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

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    How far along are you? 4w6d (5 weeks tomorrow!!!  GAHHHH!!!!)

    How are you feeling? pretty good so far.

    Doing anything baby related today?  drinking water (does that count? I HATE water)

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  just went for bloodwork this morning to check my levels.  hoping for really high! 

    Questions? none today.

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! Favorite all time: Wizard of Oz  Favorite Christmas: Elf

    <a href="" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="" alt=" BabyFetus Ticker" border="0"  /></a>

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    good movie!!!!

    <a href="" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="" alt=" BabyFetus Ticker" border="0"  /></a>

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    Elm1214Elm1214 member
    edited December 2015
    How far along are you? 4w5d 

    How are you feeling? Still having a lot of cramps which makes me nervous, but I also did with DD2. 

    Doing anything baby related today? Not really. Just already calculating when I will be able to find out if this LO is a boy or girl (2/19). It's going to be a long wait. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: We have 2 girls, and I'm already getting annoyed by the "Maybe this one is a boy!" comments from the few people who know. I can't imagine how bad it will get when we announce to the world. I really don't care and will be super happy either way. 

     GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Hmm that's tough. Maybe Love Actually.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    @AL_TwinCities I'm not sure how large of a company you work for, but when I was pregnant with DD1 I was able to find the policies on our intranet so I could look them up without talking to HR. Do you have your company policies anywhere accessible?
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    How far along are you? 4+1

    How are you feeling? Not really sure right now

    Doing anything baby related today?
    Blood draw in an hour

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    Started spotting with light cramps. Feels just like my natural mc.

    Me (23) & DH (26)
    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    BFP 2/26/15    |     EDD 11/4/15     |     Natural M/C 3/11/12 @ 6 weeks
    BFP 6/17/15    |     EDD 2/26/15     |     Empty Sac 7/13/15  @ 7 weeks     |    D&C 8/10/15
    BFP 11/26/15  |     EDD 8/9/16       |     Natural M/C 12/2/15 @ 4 weeks
    BFP 1/4/16      |     EDD 9/8/16       |     It's a BOY!                                      |     Hudson born 9/16/16
    Working with RE to begin infertility testing 12/2015

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    mrsgillham14 - good luck at the blood draw!!  FX for a sticky baby!!
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    edited December 2015

    @mrsgillham14 - Best wishes to you! Hoping all is OK!

    How far along are you? 5w,1d

    How are you feeling? Good today!

    Doing anything baby related today? Not today.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I think I've discovered ways to help my MS! I felt it coming this morning, but I was able to keep it under control. For anyone who wants to know - I got the acupuncture sea sickness bands, and they are amazing! I also took a long time to get up and moving. I laid in bed awhile, then sat in bed, then went to living room and watched tv for a few minutes. For some reason, looking at my phone made it worse ( felt like reading in a car), so I avoided that. I think it is all about getting up slowly and keeping my mind occupied. However, my MS has been very mild so far, so FX this works the whole time!

    Questions? Does anyone else have a gut feeling about the gender of your baby? Yesterday I suddenly had this strong feeling that it is a boy, and I can't shake it. Anytime I think about a girl name, I instantly think to myself "But it isn't a girl, so...". I'm probably wrong, but I'd be happy either way. :)

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Love me some Forest Gump! It will always be my favorite movie.
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    @strickland8052 Thanks for the tip on the bands! I might have to look into them if I don't start feeling better! And yes, I have a very strong feeling it's a boy, too. Also a tiny terrifying feeling there might be two in there.

    How far along are you? 4W4D

    How are you feeling? Ok this morning, a hint of underlying nausea.

    Doing anything baby related today? Went to my first confirmation appointment with my OB. I got the stink eye for asking about raw milk, but otherwise it went well! They gave me two different prenatals to try to see if either helps with the MS.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: sending positive vibes to all of you ladies out there, and praying for healthy babes for all of us!

    Questions? Anyone know what percentage of twin chances are genetic vs. random?

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! Uh... not a big movie watcher but my favorite two TV shows are Gilmore Girls and Supernatural!
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    Hi Everyone!

    How far along are you? 5wk 2days

    How are you feeling? Pretty good. I've had daily headaches, and burp after EVERYTHING. But no MS yet, so that's good!

    Doing anything baby related today? Reading around on The Bump, Trying not to buy anything at Khols that's baby related yet :)

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  Happy thoughts, positive vibes for all- I know it's still early for all of us, and I just pray everynight that the LO stays in there!! 

    Questions?  Anyone still drinking coffee. I hear 1 cup is okay- and I love my coffee, so have had it a few times a week.

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie?  Pretty Woman!
    TTC Since 2010
    Lots of Failed Medicated Cycles
    3 Failed IUI's 2015
    1st IVF November 2015
    ER- 11/9, Transfer 11/16
    BFP 11/24 Beta#1 78  Beta#2 286, US 12/4
    EDD UPDATED: 7/28/16
    12/11/15- U/S saw 1st HB- 6wks
    12/2315- U/S measuring 8 weeks, released from RE !  
    1/5/2016-  U/S measuring 10 wks/5 days, heard the heartbeat! 
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    @lgem4 I love 10 things I hate about you!!!

    @AL_TwinCities I will pray extra for you the next few days until you hit week 6. :) I hope that is not too creepy.

    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    PupatellaPupatella member
    edited December 2015
    @cjboyle10 My doc said under 200mg a day of caffeine is okay. I used to drink a lot of coffee, but also have migraines. She told me that cutting caffeine completely was unrealistic as that would increase the headaches. I currently have it down to 100mg a day. Although today I completely skipped the morning cup of coffee!! I'm going to try to go to every other day now. ;) Not sure if I can cut it out completely, but maybe I can get it to 2-3 days a week. This is the first day I have gone without, and I already have a slight headache, but honestly not too bad...yet.

    How far along are you? 4w3d

    How are you feeling? Great today!! :)

    Doing anything baby related today? Bumping, and starting to talk to him/her. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Wishing all of us positive vibes while we progress through this fragile time. @mrsgillham14 I hope everything turns out okay.


    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! Stepbrothers!!
    Edited because I'm still learning how to GIF!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    GL at your blood draw @mrsgillham14!
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

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    How far along are you? 4+3

    How are you feeling? Recovering from a bad cold, but otherwise, doing great.

    Doing anything baby related today? Not much time for that at this moment as I'm a single parent for the next week, so I'm busy keeping up with my 19 month old.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: wishing everyone a H&H next 9 months!

    Questions? None at the moment

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Pretty woman! It's the best ;)
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    How far along are you? 4+2

    How are you feeling? Great right now! I slept hard as a rock for a few nights in a row but then last night had some mid-night insomnia.

    Doing anything baby related today? Not today.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Happy to not have any negative symptoms right now, but hopeful they do come at some point soon so I know baby is healthy and there.


    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs!
    The Wedding Date

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    HCG was 6 this morning and I started passing clots. Off to an RE I go. H&H 9 months everyone


    P.S. Does someone want to take over updating the due date spreadsheet? I don't mind leaving it in my Google docs, but I won't be updating it.

    Me (23) & DH (26)
    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    BFP 2/26/15    |     EDD 11/4/15     |     Natural M/C 3/11/12 @ 6 weeks
    BFP 6/17/15    |     EDD 2/26/15     |     Empty Sac 7/13/15  @ 7 weeks     |    D&C 8/10/15
    BFP 11/26/15  |     EDD 8/9/16       |     Natural M/C 12/2/15 @ 4 weeks
    BFP 1/4/16      |     EDD 9/8/16       |     It's a BOY!                                      |     Hudson born 9/16/16
    Working with RE to begin infertility testing 12/2015

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    How far along are you? 4w 5d

    How are you feeling? Trying to tell myself I'm "excited" and not "stressed."

    Doing anything baby related today? Nope!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm having trouble relaxing. I've felt like a ball of nerves since getting my BFP. I need to either try to forget I'm KU or learn to chill out about it.


    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! Well I'm thinking Xmas right now - so A Christmas Story!
    Me: 28
    DH: 31
    Married: May 2015
    1 Furbaby
    BFP 11/27/15
    EDD 8/4/16

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    @mrsgillham14 - I'm so sorry. Hugs.
    Me: 28
    DH: 31
    Married: May 2015
    1 Furbaby
    BFP 11/27/15
    EDD 8/4/16

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    @Pupatella Love Step Brothers!  SO MANY ACTIVITIES!!
    TTC Since 2010
    Lots of Failed Medicated Cycles
    3 Failed IUI's 2015
    1st IVF November 2015
    ER- 11/9, Transfer 11/16
    BFP 11/24 Beta#1 78  Beta#2 286, US 12/4
    EDD UPDATED: 7/28/16
    12/11/15- U/S saw 1st HB- 6wks
    12/2315- U/S measuring 8 weeks, released from RE !  
    1/5/2016-  U/S measuring 10 wks/5 days, heard the heartbeat! 
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    @mrsgillham14 I'm so sorry! Praying for you and DH.
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    ((Hugs)) @mrsgillham14 I'm so, so sorry. Hopefully the RE can give you some answers and a future rainbow baby isn't too far away for you.

    I can manage the Google docs for due dates.
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

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    @mrsgillham14 I am so, so sorry for your loss. eHugs.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    How far along are you? 5+3

    How are you feeling? It's the first day my stomach has really bothered me today. Neither breakfast or lunch has sat well with me. Also feeling like none of my work matters! I have a bad case of baby brain today where I cannot seem to focus on anything else.

    Doing anything baby related today? Nothing today

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Today is the least worried I've been about this pregnancy. After our loss earlier in the year, I've stressed about this every since our BFP but it's slowly getting better! The only thing that's worrying me now is how soon we'll be able to see or hear the baby at the dr. That confirmation would help TONS with the worry!

    What is your favorite movie? Ooh, that's a tough one! Probably Nightmare Before Christmas or any LOTR movie

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    So sorry @mrsgillham14. Keeping you in my thoughts!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    How far along are you? 
    5 weeks today
    How are you feeling?
    Great, I just need a nap!
    Doing anything baby related today?
    Nope, too busy catching up on work this week
    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
    Just wishing positive vibes to the ladies that are no longer in the group with us.
    Trigger warning- is anyone else surprised by the numbers of MC's that have happened already? Maybe I'm the only one....I'm just heartbroken for those lovely ladies
    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs 
    Forrest Gump as well @strickland8052
    Sorry, I'm not smart enough to figure out how to use gifs, haha
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    I'm so sorry @mrsgillham14 :(

    <3 DD born August 2016
    <3 2nd baby due 9.9.19
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    Feeling great other than insomnia. Did not sleep one second last night. Ugh

    Went for second beta test this morning. Test on 15dpo was 207. This morning will be 19dpo

    Rants/raves etc. This pregnancy doesn't feel real yet. Maybe once nausea kicks in

    Questions- how many beta's is everyone getting? I've had 2 so far. I had five last time (infertility issues so I was nervous)

    Fav movie. Love actually (esp during holidays)
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    Nausea and fatigue come and go


    Positive vibes to all fellow bumpies

    No questions

    Fave movies Shawshank redemption and the green mile...

    Sorry I had to post it like this it wouldnt let me do it with the questions too
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    How far along are you? 5 weeks today

    How are you feeling?  Moody as heck, I cried on the way to work because of the sweet story they were telling on the radio.  Then I was so feisty at a meeting, oops!!

    Doing anything baby related today?  I received my OB new paperwork in the mail today :)

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:  Sorry for your loss @mrsgillham14 .  @hummingbird125 H&H break, hope to see you back 

    Questions?  @AL_TwinCities My HR policies are on our intranet too.  
    @strickland0582  No thoughts on the gender yet, just playing with names.
    @winchestergirl I'm trying to avoid those stats as I was a twin.  However, the theory is that if there are fraternal twins that it can happen in decedents because two eggs come out within a short time of each other.
    @CJBoyle10 I agree with above, 200mg caffeine is what I have read is acceptable.
    @ElizabethM30 I haven't had a beta test yet

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? I'll go seasonal- Home Alone!!  "Buzz, your girlfriend!  Woof!!" 
    Me: 31
    DH: 35
    Married: August 2009
    TTC#1: June 2015

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    How far along are you? 3w+6d

    How are you feeling? Pretty normal, but more tired sometimes

    Doing anything baby related today? We moved since I had my first so I am researching doctors, hospitals, and doulas over the next few weeks. I had all places I liked in my old town, and now I feel like I have to start over

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Positive Vibes to all!

    Questions? Not today

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! Catch me if you Can

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How far along are you? not entirely sure. Somewhere around 5 weeks

    How are you feeling? Pretty good besides being EXHAUSTED

    Doing anything baby related today? I was on the phone trying to get ahold of the billing department of the birth center, supah fun

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I hope the lack of symptoms keeps up ;) 
    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! I am super lame and I don't really have one. I am not keen on watching movies more than once. Maybe the whole harry potter series? LAME

    Baby O born 7/17/12

    Baby T born 7/12/14
    Baby3 due 8/4/16
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    @Elm1214 and @Merocket59 thank you! I looked at our intranet but it doesn't explicitly explain maternity leave in our policies. I'm assuming it'll be in the realm of short term disability, but reading those forms is like sludging through mud. I'll just talk to HR discreetly next week!
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

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    Hugs and many wishes for strength and health @mrsgillham14

    How far along are you? 5 + 1 - start of week 6 :)

    How are you feeling? Muscle cramps in my lower pelvic bone, inner thighs, and back. Very tired, but otherwise good spirits :)

    Doing anything baby related today? Received my first baby items!! The SnootyBee changing pad I requested through a kickstarter campaign 6 months go and a pregnancy journal. Going to take a check point bump photo. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: It's neat baby is the size of an apple seed and should have a heart beat :) I'm just so worried for the first ultrasound I'm having nightmares. The next two weeks are going to be tough.

    Questions? Ideas on how to alleviate some of the nervous tension of waiting for the first ultrasound?

    GTKY: My favorite movie was Dragon Heart when I was little
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    @mrsgillham14 so sorry for your loss :(

    How far along are you? 4+4

    How are you feeling? Tired, super bloated, on and off nausea and dizzy, gassy, peeing constantly, my chest was hurting but now barely sore and definitely larger, and totally forgetful all the time now.

    Doing anything baby related today? Not today, but first Dr appt tomorrow to confirm and check levels.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: sending positive vibes to everyone here. I'm anxious and worried but trying to stay positive this time around.

    Questions? No, not right now.

    GTKY: what is your favorite movie? Bonus for gifs! Favorite movie is Pride & Prejudice (old and new) ❤
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    ElizabethM30 I had 2 betas , first was 78, second was 286.  I go for my ultrasound tomorrow! I too have infertility issues, and just came off an IVF cycle, so my appointments seem to be a little earlier than what I have seen for the normal.  We transferred 2 eggs over, and froze 3. We are so excited that it actually worked!  TTC for 5 years now!
    TTC Since 2010
    Lots of Failed Medicated Cycles
    3 Failed IUI's 2015
    1st IVF November 2015
    ER- 11/9, Transfer 11/16
    BFP 11/24 Beta#1 78  Beta#2 286, US 12/4
    EDD UPDATED: 7/28/16
    12/11/15- U/S saw 1st HB- 6wks
    12/2315- U/S measuring 8 weeks, released from RE !  
    1/5/2016-  U/S measuring 10 wks/5 days, heard the heartbeat! 
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    I'm really sorry for your loss @mrsgillham14

      BabyFruit Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    Cjboyle10 said:

    ElizabethM30 I had 2 betas , first was 78, second was 286.  I go for my ultrasound tomorrow! I too have infertility issues, and just came off an IVF cycle, so my appointments seem to be a little earlier than what I have seen for the normal.  We transferred 2 eggs over, and froze 3. We are so excited that it actually worked!  TTC for 5 years now!

    Congrats! I love happy infertility stories

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