May 2016 Moms

Any vegetarians/vegans craving meat???


Re: Any vegetarians/vegans craving meat???

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    This whole thing got nuts.
    Why don't we all just have a carrot or slice of bacon and calm down!
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    Before getting KU I was "selectively vegetarian". I would only eat meat that was organic/free range/hormone- and antibiotic-free, so not very often. That all went out the window in the 1st tri, with somewhat regular trips to McEvilFastFoodChain :( Oops. I realize that it's even more important now (while pregnant) to eat meat without all that crap in it, but it's all I could stomach for a while. Somewhat luckily, in my 2nd tri, meat is back to grossing me out sometimes, so I've cut back some. My heightened sense of taste means some of it tends to taste "off" or gamey, which is the way lamb had always tasted to me and I've always avoided it.
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    Love this: 

    Do what you can. Losing or maintaining your "veganity" is about status, not compassion. Let compassion lead you and have some for yourself and others 

    I've been veggie since I was 18 and I do think your attitude changes as time passes. At first I was really dogmatic about the whole thing but now I'm much more relaxed. My decision to be vegetarian was largely a matter of personal morality--- I couldn't stomach the idea of eating animals, especially those raised in poor conditions. I still feel that way but I'd had to make some concessions since getting married and just to survive places with sparse/ non-existent vegetarian offerings in the great north woods of Minnesota and Wisconsin. 

    Long story short, I think it's better for vegans/ vegetarians to be inclusive. :)
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    Okay, so I started this thread to see if others agreed with me and whether STM and such had done this before and gotten sick. I've stayed lurking since this ridiculousness started because while I do admire and appreciate the support of bumpers, I do not care for the judgment of those who sit on some high moral ground without knowing really anyone on this app personally.

    I really do think this is supposed to be a thread about support and acceptance. Extremist views already exist via Google.

    I don't sit on a pedestal regarding veg-ism. I stopped eating meat in law school randomly when my roommates didn't eat meat and there was none in our house. Period.

    I appreciate the support from those who feel the same way about this thread as I do. I, however, urge others to think about why their opinions on matters tangential to the initial post in this thread even warranted a comment.
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