December 2015 Moms

Thought my waters had broke...(Vent)

So last week I had some clear water like spots on my undies but nothing major so I said to myself that if it happened again I would call L&D. Nothing happened over the weekend apart from feeling dizzy and vomiting a few times. Monday afternoon I went to the toilet and noticed that my undies had completely soaked though to my undies. I called L &D and told me I had to come in. I Called DH at work and told him what was happening. While waiting for DH to get home I did a few things around the house and felt more leaking. We got to the hospital we live 90 mins away and they did an internal examination and amniotic fluid test which cane back negative but said I had a lot of this milky discharge (starting with L) and that a lot of women who have this think they have ruptured their membranes. Why the hell was this NOT talk about in the birthing class I took! I felt like I cried wolf and wasted everybody's time

Re: Thought my waters had broke...(Vent)

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    Don't feel bad about it. You didn't waste anyone's time (though I know it's frustrating for you). I made dry runs with all three of my pregnancies thinking my water had broke (#1 was the same discharge you noticed, #2 I just peed an outrageous amount all over my hands when I went to wipe myself after I though I had totally emptied my bladder and #3 I had no discharge but had timable contractions for over five hours on two different occasions). L&D *want* you to come in if you think these things happen - better a "dry run" than having the real deal happen and you ignore it! Besides, it's their job to make sure you and baby are ok. You aren't bothering them at all (they are at the hospital working their shift whether you go in or not!).

    Hang in there - it will happen soon. The tail end of pregnancy is probably the hardest mentally on all of us.
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    Don't feel too stressed about it. I know it seems like a waste of time because you live so far from the hospital, but it happens all the time. My SIL went to L&D thinking her water broke when she actually peed herself. And I went to L&D when I was having BH contractions. I knew it wasn't real labor, but was in so much pain, I didn't know what else to do. I felt a little silly going in without any of the major signs of labor, but the admin told me "Never feel bad about coming in and being checked out for anything. That's why we are here." 

    For my first pregnancy, I didn't have any discharge like that, so if that would have happened to me, I probably would have done the same thing you did. This pregnancy, I have had that kind of discharge since 20 weeks on and off, so I'm actually worried about my water breaking and me not noticing, since it apparently can happen in a variety of ways.  
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    This has happened to me twice this pregnancy (without going to the hospital) and it's so frustrating. My water broke with my first so I even know what to expect but I never had this much discharge with her and I have mixed it up twice. The only reason I haven't gone to the hospital is because it hasn't been constant like it was when my water actually broke with DD
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    It's good you went to check it out. I gave birth in July. I started leaking and I was sure it was my water bag. When I got the L&D I was not dilated, nothing at all! The dr. Told me I just peed myself. She was super rude about it and treated me like I was dumb. She made me feel so stupid and I was so upset. When my amniotic test came back it was positive and I delivered within two hours! It's always best to have it checked. I was so mad that she made me feel so stupid about it. You did good momma!
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    Don't feel bad :) I've actually gone in twice this pregnancy because of it. A person would think that with this being my 3rd, I'd know what I was doing. Apparently not... They're there for a reason. Even if only for reasurrance this time. And never feel like your wasting anyone's time. This really is all about you and baby right now and it's always better to be safe than sorry :)
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    groovylocksgroovylocks member
    edited December 2015
    Don't feel bad. I had something similar happen at 25 weeks. I was in a meeting when suddenly, i had a MASSIVE amount of discharge - like really huge. In a room full of male coworkers. I finally left my dignity at the door and told them at which point one of them looks at my pants and says "Yup. You better go in!" I couldn't figure out how he could tell. I went it and, nah, it was just discharge.

    Turns out my male coworker, after looking at my crotch, decided my water must have broken because of the wash on my maternity jeans - The inside of the thighs, because of the wash, looks darker than the outer thighs.

    Mortified doesn't even begin to describe anything I felt that day. I returned the jeans. My pants, to this day, are still a topic of conversation.

    Happens to a lot of us :)
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