Trying to Get Pregnant



Well I was not sure where to post this because I am not necessarily trying to conceive , however, the thought is pleasant. I am on the birth control pill but I have not been taking it correctly (missed a few days of taking it while intimate with my partner) and I have been having symptoms of pregnancy . I actually feel strongly about this but I have taken a couple of birth control tests , all them came out negative. I believe I took a few too early honestly but yesterday I missed my period (still hasn't came today) so I took one and still negative. What should I do? Wait another week? My partner is very concerned so I have decided to go take a blood test Monday but would that be too early? How accurate are blood tests? I have not been feeling like myself and it is driving me nuts that my tests came out negative when I have symptoms. I have been cramping since last week, gassy, tender breasts on the sides, heavier discharge, nauseous, headaches(I have never had this many headaches in my life) and the other night I pulled an all-nighter. It was just impossible to sleep that night. Strangely enough, how is possible to feel like I have an enhanced sense of smell? Sorry I asked so much. I am just a bit lost as to what is going on. Can anyone share their experiences ?

Re: Confused

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    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • Socuteous said:


    Well I was not sure where to post this because I am not necessarily trying to conceive , however, the thought is pleasant. I am on the birth control pill but I have not been taking it correctly (missed a few days of taking it while intimate with my partner) and I have been having symptoms of pregnancy . I actually feel strongly about this but I have taken a couple of birth control tests , all them came out negative. I believe I took a few too early honestly but yesterday I missed my period (still hasn't came today) so I took one and still negative. What should I do? Wait another week? My partner is very concerned so I have decided to go take a blood test Monday but would that be too early? How accurate are blood tests? I have not been feeling like myself and it is driving me nuts that my tests came out negative when I have symptoms. I have been cramping since last week, gassy, tender breasts on the sides, heavier discharge, nauseous, headaches(I have never had this many headaches in my life) and the other night I pulled an all-nighter. It was just impossible to sleep that night. Strangely enough, how is possible to feel like I have an enhanced sense of smell? Sorry I asked so much. I am just a bit lost as to what is going on. Can anyone share their experiences ?

    I am not really sure what your question is exactly. Keep testing regularly (st least weekly) until you get your period or a positive pregnancy test. If you go 60 days without either see your doctor.
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  • m6aguam6agua member
    edited November 2015
    Socuteous said:


    Well I was not sure where to post this because I am not necessarily trying to conceive , however, the thought is pleasant. I am on the birth control pill but I have not been taking it correctly (missed a few days of taking it while intimate with my partner) and I have been having symptoms of pregnancy . I actually feel strongly about this but I have taken a couple of birth control tests , all them came out negative. I believe I took a few too early honestly but yesterday I missed my period (still hasn't came today) so I took one and still negative. What should I do? Wait another week? My partner is very concerned so I have decided to go take a blood test Monday but would that be too early? How accurate are blood tests? I have not been feeling like myself and it is driving me nuts that my tests came out negative when I have symptoms. I have been cramping since last week, gassy, tender breasts on the sides, heavier discharge, nauseous, headaches(I have never had this many headaches in my life) and the other night I pulled an all-nighter. It was just impossible to sleep that night. Strangely enough, how is possible to feel like I have an enhanced sense of smell? Sorry I asked so much. I am just a bit lost as to what is going on. Can anyone share their experiences ?


    This post will not go over well. Basically if you are pregnant without trying you are waving it around to a bunch of people who are trying and that is not nice. Your period doesn't follow a calendar so you are probably not "late". Test once a week until positive or your period. If you go 60 days talk to a doctor.

    ETA pregnancy symptoms can be the same as period symptoms.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • I see I have bothered some of you all. I just want this post deleted. It was obviously misunderstood. Thank you .
  • Symptoms are the same
    Me: 26     DH: 25
    DS1 -- 9/30/2016

  • Socuteous said:

    I see I have bothered some of you all. I just want this post deleted. It was obviously misunderstood. Thank you .

    You can't delete
    We didn't misunderstand you
    You should learn about the community you are posting to

  • Okay. Thanks!
  • Socuteous said:


    Well I was not sure where to post this because I am not necessarily trying to conceive , however, the thought is pleasant. I am on the birth control pill but I have not been taking it correctly (missed a few days of taking it while intimate with my partner) and I have been having symptoms of pregnancy . I actually feel strongly about this but I have taken a couple of birth control tests , all them came out negative. I believe I took a few too early honestly but yesterday I missed my period (still hasn't came today) so I took one and still negative. What should I do? Wait another week? My partner is very concerned so I have decided to go take a blood test Monday but would that be too early? How accurate are blood tests? I have not been feeling like myself and it is driving me nuts that my tests came out negative when I have symptoms. I have been cramping since last week, gassy, tender breasts on the sides, heavier discharge, nauseous, headaches(I have never had this many headaches in my life) and the other night I pulled an all-nighter. It was just impossible to sleep that night. Strangely enough, how is possible to feel like I have an enhanced sense of smell? Sorry I asked so much. I am just a bit lost as to what is going on. Can anyone share their experiences ?

    Socuteous said:

    I see I have bothered some of you all. I just want this post deleted. It was obviously misunderstood. Thank you .

    It's not possible to delete threads. I'm not sure what you think we misunderstood - you're not trying to get pregnant but screwed up your birth control and want to know if your symptoms are caused by pregnancy. Not even a doctor can tell you that without a positive pregnancy test or ultrasound, and it is against TOU to ask. If you are pregnant there is no need to update here.

    As for my experience, I've always used birth control correctly. I've had many "pregnancy" symptoms but have never been pregnant.
  • Socuteous said:

    I see I have bothered some of you all. I just want this post deleted. It was obviously misunderstood. Thank you .

    You can't delete your post, and don't bother editing anything because you have already been quoted.

    If you had bothered to lurk the message boards AT ALL you would see that these types of questions don't go over well. We can't tell you if you're pregnant, and we don't symptom spot. Honestly everything you named off means nothing without a positive HPT. If you don't want to get pregnant, I suggest you take your BCP every day.

  • Well I meant no harm in what I said. I really just wanted advice from women who have been through similar situations. I would love to have a child but I do know that I do not need one right now. Honestly if I am expecting, I would be very happy . My apologies if I offended anyone . No I did not lurk the message board enough and now I wish I would have. I will watch how I say things , better yet, not post at all.
  • I agree with the advice from PP.

    I'll just add that when I was on BC, my periods gradually got shorter and lighter until they basically went away entirely. It definitely freaked me out for awhile, and I would occasionally POAS just to confirm I wasn't actually pregnant. It's possible you're dealing with something similar, though the missed pills are definitely a big issue. I never missed a pill unless I was REALLY sick.

  • Symptom spotting will get you nowhere. A BFN means not pregnant at this time. You might have ovulated later than you think you "usually" do, hence pushing your period back. Previous posters gave great advice. Good luck.
  • I will try not to reiterate what PPs have said and agree with the above advice.

    So you missed a few days of your birth control. Please follow the directions on the package for what you are to do if you miss taking it. if you've missed taking it a significant period of time (usually more than 2 pills), you are at risk for ovulating. Please contact your doctor for further instructions on how you should proceed with your method of birth control. Your body may be getting ready to ovulate if it hasn't already. If your body is going to/has ovulated, then it will take approximately two weeks for you to get a positive pregnancy test following ovulation, if you do become pregnant. If you honestly don't wish to become pregnant at this time then I seriously suggest you take your birth control correctly or use a form of backup protection.
    TTC + medicated cycles
    3/2015: Start TTC
    8/2015: PCOS Dx
    4/2016: BFP, Loss (4+5)
    2/2017: BFP

    Honorable mentions: Biggest IF support sister, sweetest bumpie, most genuine, LFAFer you'd most like to visit, great things come in small packages, pocket sized babe
  • Let's go through this question by question from your original post:

    What should I do? If you're going for a blood test Monday, wait for  tomorrow. 
    Wait another week? When is your period due? How late is it? Typically people say around here test as often as you want, but if the HPT is negative, then you're not pregnant. 
    My partner is very concerned so I have decided to go take a blood test Monday but would that be too early? Again, without knowing when your period was due, it's hard to tell. But, if you're pregnant enough to have symptoms like you mentioned, then you're pregnant enough to turn an HPT, which means you'll definitely have a positive blood test.
    How accurate are blood tests?  A quantitative hCG test (beta hCG) measures the exact amount of hCG in your blood. It can find even very low levels of hCG,a doctor will consider anything less than 5 to be negative.
    Strangely enough, how is possible to feel like I have an enhanced sense of smell? If you're symptom spotting, it's not strange at all.

    OP, even if your TTA and not TTC, I highly recommend you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility. You'll learn a lot and it will help you avoid this confusion in the future!
  • Socuteous said:
    Hi, Well I was not sure where to post this because I am not necessarily trying to conceive , however, the thought is pleasant. I am on the birth control pill but I have not been taking it correctly (missed a few days of taking it while intimate with my partner) and I have been having symptoms of pregnancy . I actually feel strongly about this but I have taken a couple of birth control tests , all them came out negative. I believe I took a few too early honestly but yesterday I missed my period (still hasn't came today) so I took one and still negative. What should I do? Wait another week? My partner is very concerned so I have decided to go take a blood test Monday but would that be too early? How accurate are blood tests? I have not been feeling like myself and it is driving me nuts that my tests came out negative when I have symptoms. I have been cramping since last week, gassy, tender breasts on the sides, heavier discharge, nauseous, headaches(I have never had this many headaches in my life) and the other night I pulled an all-nighter. It was just impossible to sleep that night. Strangely enough, how is possible to feel like I have an enhanced sense of smell? Sorry I asked so much. I am just a bit lost as to what is going on. Can anyone share their experiences ?
    Also....what's a birth control test? Do you mean HPT?
  • Also, a lot of your 'pregnancy symptoms ' are common when coming off of birth control or when not taking them correctly.
    Thank God for Raid.

  • Socuteous said:
    Well I meant no harm in what I said. I really just wanted advice from women who have been through similar situations. I would love to have a child but I do know that I do not need one right now. Honestly if I am expecting, I would be very happy . My apologies if I offended anyone . No I did not lurk the message board enough and now I wish I would have. I will watch how I say things , better yet, not post at all.
    Hey girl.  Luckily it sounds like you probably aren't pregnant at this time since you're getting negative tests.  Sounds like you and/or your partner are not wanting/ready to be parents yet.  I would suggest seeing your obgyn/midwife to look into getting an IUD since you are having a hard time taking the pills responsibly.  
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