R/R/CS: I'm symptom-free this month, aside from a couple breakouts. No complaints here!
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! Way back in spring, some of us "kids" found out my MIL is cheating on my FIL. Over the last six months, he found out too, and he's trying to work it out with her. Meanwhile, she's taken this a her cue to openly carry on her affair, even receiving gifts and flowers at their house (that my FIL will have to sign for since he's home during the day). It's causing a lot of drama, and some significant health problems for FIL from the stress. Basically, I'm grateful we got through the holiday without anyone yelling at my MIL. Tensions are running super high around here.
Testing: I'm determined to wait until 18DPO because I think it's highly, highly unlikely that we'll hit a home run on our first swing.
R/R/CS: I got CH today, but I'm pretty skeptical. My chart has been all over the place. I'm also just 19 days off BC (Seasonique), and the last time I went off, my first cycle was about 50 days long. I have a hard time believing that I O'd on CD16, much less that it's all going to work out on our first go. I was all psyched earlier this week, and now I kinda just don't buy it.
GTKY: No family drama. I usually love Thanksgiving, but with the wedding just 3 weeks ago, it all seems a bit much. H and I have really enjoyed the extra long weekend, though! We are having a small dinner party tonight. I started making the sauce for the lasagna at 7:30 this morning. My grandmama would be so proud!
@artlessibex that sounds so unpleasant. Here's to a quiet and family-free weekend for you.
Testing: Had a BFN on Wednesday, I agreed to wait to re-test until Friday or Sat. with DH once we returned from my mom's house for Thanksgiving. When we got home yesterday afternoon I tested with a Wondfo and saw a VERY faint line, and even though I've been told "a line is a line" I didn't believe it (and DH was convinced it was negative). I ran out and bought a FRER digital, and DH thought I was crazy.... until I went up to check it and saw it was positive. He thought I was joking until I started crying.
R/R/CS: Still totally in shock. I told one close friend but not planning on telling anyone else (parents included) until Xmas. I'm definitely feeling some guilt over getting a BFP before so many woman who have been trying much longer (both on this board, and IRL) and more than anything, I want it for them too. As excited as I am, I've really grown to love this board in the time I've been here, and I'm sad to leave you guys - I'm hoping many more join me on the Aug. BMB soon
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! OMG all the drama. One uncle was definitely on something. I seriously couldn't even talk to him, he spoke so slowly. It was ridiculous and sad.
@ArtlessIbex Wow, that sounds awful. I'm sure that was stressful to just be around.
Month/Cycle: 2/2
CD/DPO: 30/12
Timing: -3, -1
Testing: ?
R/R/CS: It's so frustrating not knowing how long my LP is so I have no idea when I should test. H wants me to test but I really don't want to see a negative. I think waiting for AF would be easier to swallow. This is my first cycle temping and I almost feel like going back to NTNP because there was no stress involved. I never expected anything so I wasn't unhappy when it didn't happen. I feel like we've been "trying" in one way or another for so damn long that it's never going to happen. Also my temps keep freaking me out and I have no idea what is normal.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! Not too much, my in-laws are here til tomorrow and are kinda getting on my nerves. My FIL makes it impossible to be hospitable, like you have to beg him to even sit down. It drives me crazy and last night I flat out told him that his awkwardly standing around while the rest of us were sitting and watching tv made me uncomfortable. I also made tons of food and had a few people cancel on us Wednesday which pissed me off. My parents were supposed to come but my dad had some things come up at work so I was kinda sad about that too. Overall, not bad, not great.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No family drama here, just lots of running around to see everyone, so I'm glad that's over so we can relax.
@ArtlessIbex that sounds like a crazy situation. Hope it gets better soon!
Testing: I've been testing since 9 dpo, but no more. Waiting for af.
R/R/CS: This morning has got to be the worst bfn I've ever had. I woke at 5:40 to temp (which was still high, so that's good) and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to test. I used a wondfo, and I truly thought I saw a squinter. So I pulled out a dollar store test and a frer and tested again. Stark white dollar store, but I swear I saw a faint line on frer (in hindsight, I don't even know why I used it because they are notorious for their ghost lines...which have gotten my hopes up in the past). I felt super confident that if I tested a clearblue digital, it would be positive. So pulled out the one I had on reserve. BFN. I have to say, I feel that actually reading "not pregnant" is a thousand times worse than not seeing a line. I feel like I'm out this month, and I'm bumming pretty hard. To top it off, we are headed to my SIL's house today to celebrate her pregnancy that they just announced. I just have a horrible feeling the "it's your turn!" comment will come up.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No drama. But I'm glad I can start getting into Christmas mode. It's keeping my spirits up
R/R/CS: I haven't slept in two nights... I wish I could take a nap. DH slept in this morning... grr
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over: I'm Canadian so no holiday drama here. But... I had planned to head out with the family to a community Christmas tree lighting/concert last night, instead the night was spent cleaning up vomit. Yuck!
R/R/CS: I'll rave and say that I made it to the pool this morning despite a late flight and the swim felt good even though I'd been out of the pool for two and a half weeks. Rant though for having to climb out of the pool (it is outdoor) at the end of the workout into 36 degree temperature! Brrrrrrrrrrr!
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
No big family drama, but I'm glad Thanksgiving is over because I was ready to be home after a week and a half away! Flew in last night.
*Intro* Hi! I'm a lurker that normally posts over at BOTB, but I think I'll start being active over here as well! I have learned SO much from this board already!
Month/Cycle: 3/1
CD/DPO: 82/7
Timing: -2, -1, +3
Testing: Plan to test next weekend
R/R/CS: I FINALLY OVULATED!! I really did not think it was going to happen. Hoping this was just an "adjusting off birth control" cycle and not undiagnosed PCOS that I was starting to suspect...
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
I live far from family and worked the night before and of Thanksgiving, but had a nice tasty Thanksgiving dinner with my husband the day after. (: I'm excited it's over, because that means Christmas is coming!!! It will be our first time home and seeing family in a year!!
It feels really good to be back in TWW! I'm excited to be back here.
Month/Cycle: 6/4
CD/DPO: 22/3
Timing: -3, -1
Testing: I plan to not test until 18 DPO if AF doesn't start. Last cycle I had the faintest of lines on a few wandfos and got my hopes up (just evap lines). This time I'm going to try really hard to hold out until I'm officially late (my LP last cycle was 16 days) if I even make it that far.
R/R/CS: I'm really happy that my cycles seem to be getting back to normal after my loss in July. My first cycle after that was 50 something days, then last cycle was 39. This one looks like it'll be 35. So it's on its way toward normal.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! I worked Thanksgiving day and I'm working all of thanksgiving weekend. I'll be glad when my work week is over because this is the worst week in newspapers. The papers are HUGE because of Black Friday ads and that means a ton of work for us with a very limited staff. Plus I have jury duty next week in the mornings and still have to work at night because we're too short handed. And I'm working a long week without any days off. Ugh... Can't wait until it's over.
Timing: -3, -2, +1 is what FF was saying but there's more to the story........
Testing: Fully expecting AF
R/R/CS: I've had a feeling for the last 2 weeks or so that this was not going to be our month and its looking very much like that is going to be the case. I had my HSG done at the beginning of the month and I was concerned that was going to cause me to not ovulate. Looks like that Is what is happening. Temps have been all over and I did get CH but I wasn't 100% confident in them. I was happy I got them though and kept on minding my business. still not convinced though this month was going to be our month. Yesterday and this AM my temp dropped slightly. My temp dropped enough this AM though that FF took away the CH saying it couldn't detect a clear pattern. So I expect AF to be here in the next few days. I've cried already this AM. Feeling frustrated with my body. All tests thus far point to nothing wrong. We've been doing everything right for the most part. However, as DH pointed out, the 1st 2 month we were TTC, I was really just figuring out how all this worked. Month 3 came and went. In month 4 or 5 I'm pretty sure I didn't ovulate, so we didn't even have a chance and now its the same. So in reality, we've really only had good timing maybe 2 of the 7 months we've been TTC. This really does not make me feel any better. In some ways it does, in others it doesn't. I'm just frustrated and sad. And then DH said I hope this is not going to have you upset all day......Its not like I woke up and said, hmmmm.....how can I ruin our Saturday?? He means well over all and I know that he was not trying to be mean. He just doesn't want to see me down in the dumps all day. And I get that too. I don't want that either. I was going to avoid overindulging in alcohol at any point because of how much it messes with my temps but now that is probably out the window for this evening, especially with the CH's being taken away. And I just want AF to show sooner than later, but preferably on Monday because I want to call the RE and try to get any blood work done at the right time during cycle to make sure everything is ok. I'm still not confident about my progesterone levels either, although the 2nd RE didn't mention it, but I'm not sure he saw them either in my med records I brought with me. So....here's looking to month at month 8. And, I've gone through a bottle of 250 pre natal vitamins since we've been TTC and opened a new bottle last night. Good times. is it too early to start drinking?? Its 5 oclock somewhere right?!?! Sorry for the negativitity....rough morning.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No drama here, we had a very low key holiday actually. I have 3 siblings here within a 3 hour driving range but we've all had various things going on so we choose to not get together. My DH has one sister here in our area, a 10 minute drive away but she has some drama going on in her household with her kids and they had dinner early and we were going to go visit but they were already napping and ready to be done for the day by the time we were ready to go visit with them. Which is fine too because DH and I fine tuned our shopping plan for Friday and I also went out to a few stores on Thanksgiving night to get a few things. So it all worked out just fine.
@Artlesslbex- That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry that you guys are going through that. I can't even imagine. we have issues with DH's step family, but not like that. It doesn't make it any easier though. And for MIL to just be so open?? I'd probably have to say something and everybody else can just deal with it. I would almost feel something NEEDs to be said to this woman. I'm sorry. That sucks!!
@LindseyRVA- Welcome! I'd agree most of the time it doesn't happen in the first month and you may even need a few months to really get a good understanding of what your body is doing and when your typical O date is and then that is always subject to change too, which makes it fun. A few pieces of advice I would give you as you mentioned your temps being all over the place would be are you taking your temp at a consistent time everyday? Even on the weekends, even if it means setting an alarm to do so and going back to sleep? Are you a mouth breather or do you snore? If you do or you continue to notice a patter of rocky temps you may want to switch to vaginal temping. Trying to have as much consistency overall with your environment will help too. A lot of noticed with the changes in the weather that if we had turned the AC off in the house or turned the heat on but hadn't changed the layers in blankets in bed or what we are wearing (or not wearing to bed) can throw your temps off too. So just try to be aware of those thing. Oh yes, and for most of us, alcohol will play a part in your temps too. Depending on how much you've had and if you go to bed with a buzz kind of thing, don't be surprised if you see a big temp spike! So are you in Ricmond VA? That's where I am! And home made sauce for lasagne sounds amazing!!
@FrancesGrace630 Way to go on your Black Friday deals!! You definitely did well!!
@Hummingbird125 So happy for you!! Try not to feel guilty!! It will happen for all of us eventually!! Please keep us updated on how you are!!
@FerdieFox- Since you are on 12 DPO, you could test but to avoid seeing too many negatives, that is why it is helpful to know the length of your LP. if you have short LP, and you were to implant today for example because you can implant as late as day 12, the test would more than likely be negative. So you would ideally want to wait a few more days. If you have a longer LP, you can usually start testing earlier and have more accurate testing results, is the way it was explained to me anyways. Because with a short LP, and lets say a late implantation, there's not enough of the hormones built up. I'm sorry to hear that temping has been so frustrating for you. Do you feel lke its been frustrating the whole time for you or more in the TWW? It can be hard, I will agree but I really try to not let it be anything other than a number that I put on a chart until O is confirmed and then after that, I know that the numbers don't mean much until the closer I get to the end of the LP. So maybe once you know a little more about your LP that will make it easier for you too? I'd try to also look at all the things you can control about temping- temp in your house, drinking, temping at the same time everyday. If you are doing as much as you can to control what you can in regards to temping maybe that will help some too? If its really creating more stress than you feel is worth it, then you could stop. Personally from somebody who has had 2 anovulatory cycles now, I'm glad I've been doing it because I wouldn't know that I haven't ovulated with out it. You can turn an OPK positive and still not ovulate. With out going to a dr office for either ultra sounds or blood work, you can't determine whether you have ovulated on the OPKS alone. So when I first started out on this journey, I said I was going to take my temp and do the OPKS for 6 months. Well, I didn't start taking my temp consistently until our 3rd month of TTC. But, in that time, I've learned a lot. Both the RE's I've seen put a lot more stock into the OPKS than temping, but I'm so glad I stuck with it because when I call them when AF shows I can tell them I didn't ovulate this month. Or I'm pretty confident I didn't anyways based on temps. They can agree or disagree I guess, but based on what the temp shows, which is hard to argue with, I have not. and that is something they would want to know and I can use as an argument to have monitored cycles to make sure I am in fact ovulating or to start meds sooner than later or have it at least work in my favour anyways. Maybe once you get another cycle or 2 under your belt if won't be as stressful?? It still gives me anxiety from time to time, but really I just try to look at it as another number until either O has been confirmed or I'm at the end of the LP. How long have you been TTC? Or how long were you NTNP for before you started to seriously start TTC? How long had you been off BC (if you were on any) before NTNP?
@mali0902 I'm sorry about your morning. I'm having a rough start to my day over here too. I hope that your afternoon goes better than you are anticipating. The "your next " comments or " when are you going to start trying" comments can be hard to field.
@bcooke314 Sorry for the temp drop. Buy your favourite wine or adult beverage, go for a long walk or pedicure. Something to put a smile on your face I don't want to go back to work either, although I'm hoping to be busier than normal and we have some training coming up over the next few weeks so I hope it flies by! I'm off for 2 weeks at Christmas which Im really looking forward too but it kind of stinks too because I don't really know anybody else that is off during that time that has $$ to do anything because they spent it all on Xmas!! I will be ready for a break though from my job in general.
@babymish Safe Travels home!! Glad you got to see your family and in Switzerland of all places!! How awesome was that?
@MrsDho11 Good for you for getting the work out in!! I've been missing my gym time something fierce!! I've been doing some physical therapy and I REALLY need to get back to the gym. I used to swim competitively in HS and I tried to get back in the pool a few years ago. I feel like there is so much effort into it though and I'm so out of shape, I could only do a few laps and that wold be it. So its a lot of effort for a little return.....and then I'd be all wet and wouldn't want to go do any ab work or lift or anything. But I suppose I could do those things first. I've been heavily debating giving it another whirl, especially since I've spent more time in physical therapy this year than I have in the gym.
@Hummingbird125 congrats on your bfp! What a great way to top off thanksgiving! H&H 9 months to you!
@mali0902 girl, I feel your pain and I'm sorry your morning turned out so sour. Maybe you can surround yourself with blankets with all the wine and a chick flick. That always helps me!
Month/Cycle: 2/2 (but I was thinking about this, and technically I've been trying since June. Got ku in August, m/c in October, and have just now been able to try again. Idk what to put. Oh whale.)
CD/DPO: 22/5
Timing: -5, -1, 0, +1
Testing: probably in a week or so.
R/R/CS: I had some friends visit for a few days for thanksgiving and now my house is a wreck and I have no motivation to clean it today. I'm still recovering from Black Friday exhaustion.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
No drama on my side, but my in-laws are still bsc. DH's sister stopped tagging him in "I'm so thankful for my family" posts after he wouldn't donate to her gofundme account when her baby was sick because she is on Medicare and doesn't need help with doctors bills. She just won't work and needed Christmas money for her two other kids. She thinks she's hurting his feelings by ignoring him, but really he's just relieved she's leaving him alone finally. Oh, and thanksgiving will be over for me today! I have one more dinner at my paternal grandparents house and I CAN'T WAIT for that delicious cholesterol-killing southern cooking only "Mawmaw" can make!
@mali0902 I agree that seeing the "not pregnant" is so much worse than just not seeing a line. That sucks
Month/Cycle: 2/2 TTCAL
CD/DPO: 18/3
Timing: -3, -2, O
Testing: I'll test Friday at 9dpo because my work Christmas party is that night and if it's BFN I will want all the wine. Then probably every day until AF or BFP because I have a bag full of wondfo's and I'm not afraid to pee on them!
R/R/CS: I am sooooooo glad to be back in TWW! There are not enough words to describe how much I loathe WTO! Also I'm much happier with our timing this month so feeling more at peace with everything even if it is not our month.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No drama. Glad thanksgiving is over mostly because I am glad Black Friday is over. Although it does make me laugh to listen to my friends at work talking about the "deals" they got on stuff I bought cheaper earlier in the week. It is such a marketing scam!!
Married 2007 - DH & I: 39
DS #1: Sept 2011
TTC #2 January 2015: BFP 8/1/2015, MC 8/27/2015
Surprise BFP 6/28/17... Chemical pregnancy confirmed: 7/2/2017 TTC #2 again: July 2017
Month/Cycle: 2/2 (but I was thinking about this, and technically I've been trying since June. Got ku in August, m/c in October, and have just now been able to try again. Idk what to put. Oh whale.)
You can define your month/cycle however you want, but I have noticed quite a few people who have had a loss put the number of cycles TTCAL
Month/Cycle: 2/2 (but I was thinking about this, and technically I've been trying since June. Got ku in August, m/c in October, and have just now been able to try again. Idk what to put. Oh whale.)
You can define your month/cycle however you want, but I have noticed quite a few people who have had a loss put the number of cycles TTCAL
I just noticed this. And I do exactly what she said. Partly because I don't know how to count. Partly because mentally I like seeing the 2/2 vs the 10/10 it would be if I added in the 8 cycles before I had my loss. And also, so sorry to hear about your loss. **hugs**
Married 2007 - DH & I: 39
DS #1: Sept 2011
TTC #2 January 2015: BFP 8/1/2015, MC 8/27/2015
Surprise BFP 6/28/17... Chemical pregnancy confirmed: 7/2/2017 TTC #2 again: July 2017
@ArtlessIbex - that sounds so stressful! Congrats on making it through the holiday! @LINDSEYRVA - what happened between earlier this week and now to make you less optimistic? @FrancesGrace630 - that's quite the deal! @lgem4 - FX that you're feeling better by tomorrow morning! @FerdieFox - Deep breaths! @mali0902 - *hugs* @KayJDT3 - ugh, I know how you feel! I've been sleeping like crap and have been up for 5 hours already! DH is still asleep, and I'm so jealous! @babymish - safe travels! @kgm92 - welcome! Make sure you read the newbie threads to get all the details on how this board operates! @JournoGrl23 - yay for more regular cycles!
Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016 TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
@MNturnsVA - *hugs* for the tough day. If you want to get back into swimming, I have a few recommendations that have made it easier for me to transition to swimming on my own and have it still be enjoyable!
Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016 TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
@MrsDho11- Yes! I'd love to know any suggestions on the pool!! when I had tried it a few years ago, I could really only do a few laps. And I was not happy about that. Also, I don't like other people being in the lane with me because then I feel slow and embarrassed when I stop after a few laps and get out.....boo.....So I'm totally open and welcome your thoughts!!
Married May 2014 TTC Nov 2014-Aug 2016 Aug 2015 Dx: Thyroid Cancer and Hashimotos Total Thyroidectomy October 2015 Ovarian Cystectomy Nov 2015 CANCER FREE and resumed TTC Dec 2015.
Second recommendation is the Finis underwater MP3 player. For me, a lot of being able to take my time and swim at a slower pace at first (and stay in the water longer) was fighting boredom. So, they're these totally awesome MP3 players that conduct the sound through your cheekbones instead of trying to use waterproof earbuds. It's about $100, but the one I have right now has been going for at least two years strong at this point! Sound quality is really good, IMO, and the fact that it sometimes has me wanting to swim longer to listen to more songs is just a bonus! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0169RSNGK?keywords=Finis swimp3&qid=1448738331&ref_=sr_1_3&sr=8-3
Me: 30 DH: 32 ~~ TTC #1: Sep 2015 ~~ BFP: Mar 2016 ~~ Daughter: Nov 2016 TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
@MNturnsVA First of all, I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough day. It sounds like you're really stressed. Could you take some time today to do something relaxing?
Thank you for all of your kind advice. I temp at just about the same time every day, between 6:30 and 7. I'm not one of the lucky ones who are able to sleep in on the weekends! The only exception is that I work out with a trainer at 6 on Thursdays, so I temp at 5:30, but I also go to bed earlier on Wednesday nights. I had a couple of aberrant temps on CD6 and CD 14 that I was trying to link to some sort of unusual behavior, but I came up empty. I ran a half-marathon on CD 4, but I doubt that would affect my temp two days later. I have also been trying to be aware of my alcohol consumption, if only to drink earlier in the day (ha), but I don't really drink that much, anyway. Maybe two or three drinks, twice a week. I definitely think that switching temping locations might be in my future - I'm not a mouth-breather, but H says I occasionally saw wood overnight. TCOYF says that coming off BC can mess with your temps, so I'm really just trying to treat this first cycle as a baseline.
Also, yes, I'm in Richmond! Nice to see a local on here!!
@MrsDho11 Great work getting back into the pool! I totally know what you mean about working out after a couple of weeks away - we took a week or so off after our race a couple of weeks ago, as we always do, and our first run after that was torture! So great work getting out there in the cold. To answer your question, I was seeing really positive signs of O and two days of really high temps, so I got my hopes up. Then my temp dipped more than I'd like this morning. I still got CH but I don't really believe it. I guess today is the day I let go of that fantasy of getting KU right away, and I'm cranky about it. I also got annoyed last night, when I was out to dinner with H and my sister. I said something about not having a second beer, and my sister pounced onto it. She started asking all these dumb questions, like, "can I do xyz with your baby?????" and I was like, "kid, calm down."
@MNturnsVA sorry you're feeling down. I know it's frustrating (I'm only on month 4, not feeling this month either). Sometimes you need to wallow with some wine and let yourself feel the feelings before you pick yourself up for the next cycle. I hope you find some way to treat yourself today!
Re: TWW Saturday
CD/DPO: 29/8
Timing: -2
Testing: Waiting for AF
R/R/CS: I'm symptom-free this month, aside from a couple breakouts. No complaints here!
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! Way back in spring, some of us "kids" found out my MIL is cheating on my FIL. Over the last six months, he found out too, and he's trying to work it out with her. Meanwhile, she's taken this a her cue to openly carry on her affair, even receiving gifts and flowers at their house (that my FIL will have to sign for since he's home during the day).
It's causing a lot of drama, and some significant health problems for FIL from the stress.
Basically, I'm grateful we got through the holiday without anyone yelling at my MIL. Tensions are running super high around here.
CD/DPO: 19/3
Timing: -4, -2, O, +1, +2
Testing: I'm determined to wait until 18DPO because I think it's highly, highly unlikely that we'll hit a home run on our first swing.
R/R/CS: I got CH today, but I'm pretty skeptical. My chart has been all over the place. I'm also just 19 days off BC (Seasonique), and the last time I went off, my first cycle was about 50 days long. I have a hard time believing that I O'd on CD16, much less that it's all going to work out on our first go. I was all psyched earlier this week, and now I kinda just don't buy it.
GTKY: No family drama. I usually love Thanksgiving, but with the wedding just 3 weeks ago, it all seems a bit much. H and I have really enjoyed the extra long weekend, though! We are having a small dinner party tonight. I started making the sauce for the lasagna at 7:30 this morning. My grandmama would be so proud!
Started TTC #1 November 2015
BFP 6/10/2016 - EDD 2/22/2017
CD/DPO: 22/4
Timing: -4, -3, -2, 0
Testing: Waiting for AF
R/R/CS: I got $80 worth of stuff for $5 yesterday black Friday shopping!
GTKY: No drama here. And I'm glad, because I'm with my family til tomorrow.
@ArtlessIbex oh wow, sounds like a stressful situation!
CD/DPO: 50/15
Timing: -3, 0, +1
Testing: Had a BFN on Wednesday, I agreed to wait to re-test until Friday or Sat. with DH once we returned from my mom's house for Thanksgiving. When we got home yesterday afternoon I tested with a Wondfo and saw a VERY faint line, and even though I've been told "a line is a line" I didn't believe it (and DH was convinced it was negative). I ran out and bought a FRER digital, and DH thought I was crazy.... until I went up to check it and saw it was positive. He thought I was joking until I started crying.
R/R/CS: Still totally in shock. I told one close friend but not planning on telling anyone else (parents included) until Xmas. I'm definitely feeling some guilt over getting a BFP before so many woman who have been trying much longer (both on this board, and IRL) and more than anything, I want it for them too. As excited as I am, I've really grown to love this board in the time I've been here, and I'm sad to leave you guys - I'm hoping many more join me on the Aug. BMB soon
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! OMG all the drama. One uncle was definitely on something. I seriously couldn't even talk to him, he spoke so slowly. It was ridiculous and sad.
Congrats @Hummingbird125!! H&H 9!
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
Month/Cycle: 2/2
CD/DPO: 30/12
Timing: -3, -1
R/R/CS: It's so frustrating not knowing how long my LP is so I have no idea when I should test. H wants me to test but I really don't want to see a negative. I think waiting for AF would be easier to swallow. This is my first cycle temping and I almost feel like going back to NTNP because there was no stress involved. I never expected anything so I wasn't unhappy when it didn't happen. I feel like we've been "trying" in one way or another for so damn long that it's never going to happen. Also my temps keep freaking me out and I have no idea what is normal.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! Not too much, my in-laws are here til tomorrow and are kinda getting on my nerves. My FIL makes it impossible to be hospitable, like you have to beg him to even sit down. It drives me crazy and last night I flat out told him that his awkwardly standing around while the rest of us were sitting and watching tv made me uncomfortable. I also made tons of food and had a few people cancel on us Wednesday which pissed me off. My parents were supposed to come but my dad had some things come up at work so I was kinda sad about that too. Overall, not bad, not great.
CD/DPO: 24/8 or 7
Timing: -5,-2, O or -3,-1
Testing: Sometime between next Wednesday-Friday
R/R/CS: Nothing that I can think of today.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No family drama here, just lots of running around to see everyone, so I'm glad that's over so we can relax.
@ArtlessIbex that sounds like a crazy situation. Hope it gets better soon!
@Hummingbird125 congrats!!
Married: July 2015
BFP: 5/20/16 | EDD: 1/28/17 | Twin boys born 1/16/17
Month/Cycle: 3
CD/DPO: 31/12
Timing: -3, -1, O
Testing: I've been testing since 9 dpo, but no more. Waiting for af.
R/R/CS: This morning has got to be the worst bfn I've ever had. I woke at 5:40 to temp (which was still high, so that's good) and couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to test. I used a wondfo, and I truly thought I saw a squinter. So I pulled out a dollar store test and a frer and tested again. Stark white dollar store, but I swear I saw a faint line on frer (in hindsight, I don't even know why I used it because they are notorious for their ghost lines...which have gotten my hopes up in the past). I felt super confident that if I tested a clearblue digital, it would be positive. So pulled out the one I had on reserve. BFN. I have to say, I feel that actually reading "not pregnant" is a thousand times worse than not seeing a line. I feel like I'm out this month, and I'm bumming pretty hard. To top it off, we are headed to my SIL's house today to celebrate her pregnancy that they just announced. I just have a horrible feeling the "it's your turn!" comment will come up.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No drama. But I'm glad I can start getting into Christmas mode. It's keeping my spirits up
Congrats @Hummingbird125 H&H9!
Month/Cycle: 1
CD/DPO: 24/8
Timing: +1
Testing: I'll only test if AF is late
R/R/CS: I haven't slept in two nights... I wish I could take a nap. DH slept in this morning... grr
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over: I'm Canadian so no holiday drama here. But... I had planned to head out with the family to a community Christmas tree lighting/concert last night, instead the night was spent cleaning up vomit. Yuck!
#1 DS Apr.2010 #2 DD Feb.2013 #3 DS Sept.2016
CD/DPO: 31/6
Timing: 0
Testing: I am having a GNO on DPO 12. So I'll test that morning.
R/R/CS: my temp jumped up HUGE this AM.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
No good Drama this year. I do wish that my family was happier during the holidays. My mom is always so stressed no matter how things are organized.
CD/DPO: 28/13
Timing: -5, -2, -1
Testing: waiting for my period
R/R/CS: My temp went down this morning. Still above the coverline, but I don't have much hope. My period is due tomorrow.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
Started TTC #1 November 2015
BFP 6/10/2016 - EDD 2/22/2017
@ArtlessIbex wow. That sounds like something from a movie or show. I feel bad for your fil. Your mil sounds interesting to say the least
@mali0902 I'm sorry you had a rough morning.
Me: 28 | DH: 31
Together since 2006 | Married May 2015
TTC #1 since November 2015
BFP 5/17/16 | EDD 1/27/17 | Born 2/4/17
Month/Cycle: 2/2
CD/DPO: 25/5
Timing: -2, -1
Testing: maybe next Friday
R/R/CS: just at the airport waiting to board and come home. Had an amazing time is Switzerland seeing my sister and nieces. So sleepy now!
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
No thanksgiving celebrations for us but I did visit family just because
Congrats @Hummingbird125 wishing you a h&h 9 months!
Congrats @Hummingbird125!!! I'm so excited for you!
CD/DPO: 31/13
Timing: -4, -2, O
Testing: BFN this morning, ED till AF.
R/R/CS: I'll rave and say that I made it to the pool this morning despite a late flight and the swim felt good even though I'd been out of the pool for two and a half weeks. Rant though for having to climb out of the pool (it is outdoor) at the end of the workout into 36 degree temperature! Brrrrrrrrrrr!
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
No big family drama, but I'm glad Thanksgiving is over because I was ready to be home after a week and a half away! Flew in last night.
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
Congratulations @Hummingbird125! H&H 9 months to you!!
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
Month/Cycle: 3/1
CD/DPO: 82/7
Timing: -2, -1, +3
Testing: Plan to test next weekend
R/R/CS: I FINALLY OVULATED!! I really did not think it was going to happen. Hoping this was just an "adjusting off birth control" cycle and not undiagnosed PCOS that I was starting to suspect...
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
Congrats @Hummingbird125!
DH: 36⎹ Me: 36
It feels really good to be back in TWW! I'm excited to be back here.
Month/Cycle: 6/4
CD/DPO: 22/3
Timing: -3, -1
Testing: I plan to not test until 18 DPO if AF doesn't start. Last cycle I had the faintest of lines on a few wandfos and got my hopes up (just evap lines). This time I'm going to try really hard to hold out until I'm officially late (my LP last cycle was 16 days) if I even make it that far.
R/R/CS: I'm really happy that my cycles seem to be getting back to normal after my loss in July. My first cycle after that was 50 something days, then last cycle was 39. This one looks like it'll be 35. So it's on its way toward normal.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! I worked Thanksgiving day and I'm working all of thanksgiving weekend. I'll be glad when my work week is over because this is the worst week in newspapers. The papers are HUGE because of Black Friday ads and that means a ton of work for us with a very limited staff. Plus I have jury duty next week in the mornings and still have to work at night because we're too short handed. And I'm working a long week without any days off. Ugh... Can't wait until it's over.
Congratulations @Hummingbird125!!
High School Sweethearts: 12/12/04
Engaged: 5/28/10
Married: 5/22/11
TTC #1: October 2015
BFP: 12/22/15 EDD: 9/2/16
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
Month/Cycle: 7/5th month temping
CD/DPO: 29
Timing: -3, -2, +1 is what FF was saying but there's more to the story........
Testing: Fully expecting AF
R/R/CS: I've had a feeling for the last 2 weeks or so that this was not going to be our month and its looking very much like that is going to be the case. I had my HSG done at the beginning of the month and I was concerned that was going to cause me to not ovulate. Looks like that Is what is happening. Temps have been all over and I did get CH but I wasn't 100% confident in them. I was happy I got them though and kept on minding my business. still not convinced though this month was going to be our month. Yesterday and this AM my temp dropped slightly. My temp dropped enough this AM though that FF took away the CH saying it couldn't detect a clear pattern. So I expect AF to be here in the next few days. I've cried already this AM. Feeling frustrated with my body. All tests thus far point to nothing wrong. We've been doing everything right for the most part. However, as DH pointed out, the 1st 2 month we were TTC, I was really just figuring out how all this worked. Month 3 came and went. In month 4 or 5 I'm pretty sure I didn't ovulate, so we didn't even have a chance and now its the same. So in reality, we've really only had good timing maybe 2 of the 7 months we've been TTC. This really does not make me feel any better. In some ways it does, in others it doesn't. I'm just frustrated and sad. And then DH said I hope this is not going to have you upset all day......Its not like I woke up and said, hmmmm.....how can I ruin our Saturday?? He means well over all and I know that he was not trying to be mean. He just doesn't want to see me down in the dumps all day. And I get that too. I don't want that either. I was going to avoid overindulging in alcohol at any point because of how much it messes with my temps but now that is probably out the window for this evening, especially with the CH's being taken away. And I just want AF to show sooner than later, but preferably on Monday because I want to call the RE and try to get any blood work done at the right time during cycle to make sure everything is ok. I'm still not confident about my progesterone levels either, although the 2nd RE didn't mention it, but I'm not sure he saw them either in my med records I brought with me. So....here's looking to month at month 8. And, I've gone through a bottle of 250 pre natal vitamins since we've been TTC and opened a new bottle last night. Good times. is it too early to start drinking?? Its 5 oclock somewhere right?!?! Sorry for the negativitity....rough morning.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No drama here, we had a very low key holiday actually. I have 3 siblings here within a 3 hour driving range but we've all had various things going on so we choose to not get together. My DH has one sister here in our area, a 10 minute drive away but she has some drama going on in her household with her kids and they had dinner early and we were going to go visit but they were already napping and ready to be done for the day by the time we were ready to go visit with them. Which is fine too because DH and I fine tuned our shopping plan for Friday and I also went out to a few stores on Thanksgiving night to get a few things. So it all worked out just fine.
@Artlesslbex- That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry that you guys are going through that. I can't even imagine. we have issues with DH's step family, but not like that. It doesn't make it any easier though. And for MIL to just be so open?? I'd probably have to say something and everybody else can just deal with it. I would almost feel something NEEDs to be said to this woman. I'm sorry. That sucks!!
@LindseyRVA- Welcome! I'd agree most of the time it doesn't happen in the first month and you may even need a few months to really get a good understanding of what your body is doing and when your typical O date is and then that is always subject to change too, which makes it fun. A few pieces of advice I would give you as you mentioned your temps being all over the place would be are you taking your temp at a consistent time everyday? Even on the weekends, even if it means setting an alarm to do so and going back to sleep? Are you a mouth breather or do you snore? If you do or you continue to notice a patter of rocky temps you may want to switch to vaginal temping. Trying to have as much consistency overall with your environment will help too. A lot of noticed with the changes in the weather that if we had turned the AC off in the house or turned the heat on but hadn't changed the layers in blankets in bed or what we are wearing (or not wearing to bed) can throw your temps off too. So just try to be aware of those thing. Oh yes, and for most of us, alcohol will play a part in your temps too. Depending on how much you've had and if you go to bed with a buzz kind of thing, don't be surprised if you see a big temp spike! So are you in Ricmond VA? That's where I am! And home made sauce for lasagne sounds amazing!!
@FrancesGrace630 Way to go on your Black Friday deals!! You definitely did well!!
@Hummingbird125 So happy for you!! Try not to feel guilty!! It will happen for all of us eventually!! Please keep us updated on how you are!!
@FerdieFox- Since you are on 12 DPO, you could test but to avoid seeing too many negatives, that is why it is helpful to know the length of your LP. if you have short LP, and you were to implant today for example because you can implant as late as day 12, the test would more than likely be negative. So you would ideally want to wait a few more days. If you have a longer LP, you can usually start testing earlier and have more accurate testing results, is the way it was explained to me anyways. Because with a short LP, and lets say a late implantation, there's not enough of the hormones built up. I'm sorry to hear that temping has been so frustrating for you. Do you feel lke its been frustrating the whole time for you or more in the TWW? It can be hard, I will agree but I really try to not let it be anything other than a number that I put on a chart until O is confirmed and then after that, I know that the numbers don't mean much until the closer I get to the end of the LP. So maybe once you know a little more about your LP that will make it easier for you too? I'd try to also look at all the things you can control about temping- temp in your house, drinking, temping at the same time everyday. If you are doing as much as you can to control what you can in regards to temping maybe that will help some too? If its really creating more stress than you feel is worth it, then you could stop. Personally from somebody who has had 2 anovulatory cycles now, I'm glad I've been doing it because I wouldn't know that I haven't ovulated with out it. You can turn an OPK positive and still not ovulate. With out going to a dr office for either ultra sounds or blood work, you can't determine whether you have ovulated on the OPKS alone. So when I first started out on this journey, I said I was going to take my temp and do the OPKS for 6 months. Well, I didn't start taking my temp consistently until our 3rd month of TTC. But, in that time, I've learned a lot. Both the RE's I've seen put a lot more stock into the OPKS than temping, but I'm so glad I stuck with it because when I call them when AF shows I can tell them I didn't ovulate this month. Or I'm pretty confident I didn't anyways based on temps. They can agree or disagree I guess, but based on what the temp shows, which is hard to argue with, I have not. and that is something they would want to know and I can use as an argument to have monitored cycles to make sure I am in fact ovulating or to start meds sooner than later or have it at least work in my favour anyways. Maybe once you get another cycle or 2 under your belt if won't be as stressful?? It still gives me anxiety from time to time, but really I just try to look at it as another number until either O has been confirmed or I'm at the end of the LP. How long have you been TTC? Or how long were you NTNP for before you started to seriously start TTC? How long had you been off BC (if you were on any) before NTNP?
@mali0902 I'm sorry about your morning. I'm having a rough start to my day over here too. I hope that your afternoon goes better than you are anticipating. The "your next " comments or " when are you going to start trying" comments can be hard to field.
@KayJDT3 Sounds like you deserve a nap!!
@msdidonato What's a GNO??
@bcooke314 Sorry for the temp drop. Buy your favourite wine or adult beverage, go for a long walk or pedicure. Something to put a smile on your face I don't want to go back to work either, although I'm hoping to be busier than normal and we have some training coming up over the next few weeks so I hope it flies by! I'm off for 2 weeks at Christmas which Im really looking forward too but it kind of stinks too because I don't really know anybody else that is off during that time that has $$ to do anything because they spent it all on Xmas!! I will be ready for a break though from my job in general.
@babymish Safe Travels home!! Glad you got to see your family and in Switzerland of all places!! How awesome was that?
@MrsDho11 Good for you for getting the work out in!! I've been missing my gym time something fierce!! I've been doing some physical therapy and I REALLY need to get back to the gym. I used to swim competitively in HS and I tried to get back in the pool a few years ago. I feel like there is so much effort into it though and I'm so out of shape, I could only do a few laps and that wold be it. So its a lot of effort for a little return.....and then I'd be all wet and wouldn't want to go do any ab work or lift or anything. But I suppose I could do those things first. I've been heavily debating giving it another whirl, especially since I've spent more time in physical therapy this year than I have in the gym.
@mali0902 girl, I feel your pain and I'm sorry your morning turned out so sour. Maybe you can surround yourself with blankets with all the wine and a chick flick. That always helps me!
Month/Cycle: 2/2 (but I was thinking about this, and technically I've been trying since June. Got ku in August, m/c in October, and have just now been able to try again. Idk what to put. Oh whale.)
CD/DPO: 22/5
Timing: -5, -1, 0, +1
Testing: probably in a week or so.
R/R/CS: I had some friends visit for a few days for thanksgiving and now my house is a wreck and I have no motivation to clean it today. I'm still recovering from Black Friday exhaustion.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over!
No drama on my side, but my in-laws are still bsc. DH's sister stopped tagging him in "I'm so thankful for my family" posts after he wouldn't donate to her gofundme account when her baby was sick because she is on Medicare and doesn't need help with doctors bills. She just won't work and needed Christmas money for her two other kids. She thinks she's hurting his feelings by ignoring him, but really he's just relieved she's leaving him alone finally. Oh, and thanksgiving will be over for me today! I have one more dinner at my paternal grandparents house and I CAN'T WAIT for that delicious cholesterol-killing southern cooking only "Mawmaw" can make!
@mali0902 I agree that seeing the "not pregnant" is so much worse than just not seeing a line. That sucks
Month/Cycle: 2/2 TTCAL
CD/DPO: 18/3
Timing: -3, -2, O
Testing: I'll test Friday at 9dpo because my work Christmas party is that night and if it's BFN I will want all the wine. Then probably every day until AF or BFP because I have a bag full of wondfo's and I'm not afraid to pee on them!
R/R/CS: I am sooooooo glad to be back in TWW! There are not enough words to describe how much I loathe WTO! Also I'm much happier with our timing this month so feeling more at peace with everything even if it is not our month.
GTKY: Any good holiday family drama this weekend? Tell me why you're glad Thanksgiving is over! No drama. Glad thanksgiving is over mostly because I am glad Black Friday is over. Although it does make me laugh to listen to my friends at work talking about the "deals" they got on stuff I bought cheaper earlier in the week. It is such a marketing scam!!
TTC #2 again: July 2017
TTC #2 again: July 2017
I just noticed this. And I do exactly what she said. Partly because I don't know how to count. Partly because mentally I like seeing the 2/2 vs the 10/10 it would be if I added in the 8 cycles before I had my loss. And also, so sorry to hear about your loss. **hugs**
TTC #2 again: July 2017
@LINDSEYRVA - what happened between earlier this week and now to make you less optimistic?
@FrancesGrace630 - that's quite the deal!
@lgem4 - FX that you're feeling better by tomorrow morning!
@FerdieFox - Deep breaths!
@mali0902 - *hugs*
@KayJDT3 - ugh, I know how you feel! I've been sleeping like crap and have been up for 5 hours already! DH is still asleep, and I'm so jealous!
@babymish - safe travels!
@kgm92 - welcome! Make sure you read the newbie threads to get all the details on how this board operates!
@JournoGrl23 - yay for more regular cycles!
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
@MrsDho11- Yes! I'd love to know any suggestions on the pool!! when I had tried it a few years ago, I could really only do a few laps. And I was not happy about that. Also, I don't like other people being in the lane with me because then I feel slow and embarrassed when I stop after a few laps and get out.....boo.....So I'm totally open and welcome your thoughts!!
Congratulations @Hummingbird125! I had a feeling with your chart!
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Congrats at @Hummingbird125 HH9 to yiu
Married May 2014
TTC Nov 2014-Aug 2016
Aug 2015 Dx: Thyroid Cancer and Hashimotos
Total Thyroidectomy October 2015
Ovarian Cystectomy Nov 2015
CANCER FREE and resumed TTC Dec 2015.
Second recommendation is the Finis underwater MP3 player. For me, a lot of being able to take my time and swim at a slower pace at first (and stay in the water longer) was fighting boredom. So, they're these totally awesome MP3 players that conduct the sound through your cheekbones instead of trying to use waterproof earbuds. It's about $100, but the one I have right now has been going for at least two years strong at this point! Sound quality is really good, IMO, and the fact that it sometimes has me wanting to swim longer to listen to more songs is just a bonus!
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0169RSNGK?keywords=Finis swimp3&qid=1448738331&ref_=sr_1_3&sr=8-3
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
Started TTC #1 November 2015
BFP 6/10/2016 - EDD 2/22/2017
@MNturnsVA sorry you're feeling down. I know it's frustrating (I'm only on month 4, not feeling this month either). Sometimes you need to wallow with some wine and let yourself feel the feelings before you pick yourself up for the next cycle. I hope you find some way to treat yourself today!