I'm having a hard time mentally and emotionally with breastfeeding. I feel guilty for not liking it when so many struggle with latch and production and I don't. My only minor hardship physically is relying on a nipple shield.
I just feel like I'm feeding him all the time and for long periods of time. I've spent hour at a time doing it. My baby is five weeks. Will it get better soon as he gets older?
I struggled with baby blues the first two weeks and still have anxiety and have hard time not getting upset when he does. Maybe it comes with being a ftm. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing.
Can anyone commiserate? Any advice is appreciated? It helps to write this and vent even.
Re: Need encouragement
Luckily, my fiance, baby and I lived with my family when I started breastfeeding. Everyone knew my wish and agreed to help me fufil it. This meant handing off my son to someone whenever momma was running on 2hrs of sleep. I needed to sleep so my body could make more milk. This meant having a family member do chores for me because I was busy nursing my son all day due to a growth spurt.
Regardless, doing whatever it takes for our children is what being a mom is about. I used a nipple shield for 4 months until my son weaned off it on his own. Do not be ashamed you have to use one and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I know the frustration of holding my son and not knowing what's wrong as he cries and cries. Every mom has been through it, but it's a learning experience. Every baby is different and you will soon figure out what your baby likes and how they like to be soothes. "You are doing fine, baby's don't come with manuals", my sister in law repeatedly tells me.
Hope some of this helped.
I've wanted to quit so many times especially since my lo has been having really bad gas, green mucuosy poo etc. I cried bc I felt like I was literally making him sick. Cut out dairy gluten and soy.
What's helped was having support. my dr and Dh have been so supportive in making me feel like I'm doing the right thing. The ladies on the bump are great source of support for me too.
Keep with it as long as you can! It will get better
DS: 18 months
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