July 2015 Moms


Has anyone given there LO water yet? My doc said its ok to give a little warm water now I'm still kind of nervous to start doing it I give her about a 1/2 oz and she spit it up.. (She some times has firm poop)

Re: Water

  • Only time I've given my LO water was about 2oz with some brown sugar in in when he was constipated and he drank it really well and didn't spit it up. It helped with his constipation. Usually when he has firm poop I give him an ounce of prune juice which helps soften it. You can give your LO up to 2ozs of prune juice a day or Apple juice, prune juice works a lot better. My LO loves it especially when I fed him prunes for the first the other day he went nuts for him which I figured he would since he likes the juice. Lol
  • The paperwork my dr gave us at his 4 month appointment said no water because too much flouride can cause seizures. Even at bath time I avoid getting water around his mouth. I guess I am a bit paranoid.

    My in laws keep forcing water and I explain that it is too early for it and baby gets all he needs from breastmilk.
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