Parenting after 35

Push Presents/Gifts

Did any of you guys get one of these?  Is this a younger mom thing or just something that's new for everyone?

Just curious since my Yahoo feed said that Kim Kardashian (not that I ever pay attention to her) said she was looking for a $1 million push gift.  

Personally, I didn't get a push gift, nor did I expect one.  Of course, I never had to push since I had the schedule C, so I guess there's that, lol.
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Re: Push Presents/Gifts

  • I didn't get nor want one. I think that for some couples this is something they do that is special to them. My present was a healthy baby.
  • That's ridiculous. I wouldn't have done that.
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  • If My husband bought me a sparkly piece of jewelry I wouldn't turn it down, but I certainly didn't expect or ask for a gift. 

    DH did bring me flowers after the 1st and 3rd were born. He didn't after the 2nd was born, not sure if it slipped his mind, or if he thought HE deserved some kind of gift because he caught her on the bathroom floor, after I failed to realise how quickly labour was progressing.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • @KateLouise Ha!ha! Yeah, he must have had other things on his mind with #2!
  • I'm not really a jewelry person, so no. And gifts isn't my love language :wink: I think flowers is a nice gesture, though @KateLouise.
    Don't really have any strong opinion on whether or not others should do it, though. Maybe it is a younger mom thing.
    My DH was so involved and supportive and the experience was pretty rough for his as well, so I feel like we both deserved a present - and we got our healthy baby, like @millereliz13 said.
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • Hah... i don't think it's a young person thing. More like a rich entitled person thing! Sorry if this sounded super judgey. Of course KK would be one expecting a million dollar gift.... Every time I hear something about push presents I can't help but think - what about all those moms that had c sections (and I had TWO of those). Are they not deserving of a present just because they didn't push anything out?...
  • Love your responses, ladies!!!

    I think flowers are nice.  But, yeah, the healthy baby was enough for me. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My "push" presents were babies...that was more than enough for me.
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