July 2015 Moms

We're sick.

Baby's been sick for a few days
It caught up to me 2 days ago.

He's got a runny nose and a cough.
Any thing I can give him to relieve it or do I have to let it run its course?

Re: We're sick.

  • I don't have any advice but I hope y'all feel better.

    Here's a little bit of Jeff G to brighten your day. Lol
  • My girl was sick. Just watch his breathing, suck out his nose, and use a humidifier.
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  • @AKOL0 oh man he hates the nose sucker but I just have to work through the screams.
  • @AKOL0 oh man he hates the nose sucker but I just have to work through the screams.

    She does too. She is also getting good at her arms and will try to hit it out of my hand.

  • If LO lets you, maybe have him in the bathroom while you or DH showers for the steam. Hope you both feel better soon.

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • We used all of the above: steamy showers, Nose Frieda and a cool mist humidifier.

    But I also elevated her head at night by rolling a blanket under her crib sheet so she could breathe a little easier. And Vick's Baby Rub on her feet and back.

    It took about a week for the cold to go away, and even longer for the cough, but these things seemed to make her alot more comfortable.

    Good luck!
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