My LO is 4 months old today. For the past 2 days she has been extremely fussy, waking up all night, drooling, attempting to chew on things and crying while drinking a bottle while eating less. So I'm assuming she is teething. No fever, rash or diarrhea. My question is what did you all do to relieve the pain and fussiness? I read teething can last from a couple days to months!!! No tooth had broken gum yet. I read topicals are unsafe, hylands teething tablets are unsafe and don't want to give her Tylenol all the time. Cold washcloths last only for a minute, teething toys are not satisfying her and different shape pacifiers only seem to work late at night. What did you all do? I want to relieve her pain and help her through this but everything I read says every medication natural or not is unsafe. I realize not everything online is true of course but I am worried I could give her something to hurt her. Please help
Re: Teething help!
I am trying to stay away from Orajel though, because I dont know how common methemoglobinemia is.
Tylenol has its own side effects too.
After now being up almost every hour at night all week long, I had to weigh pros and cons so we use the tablets. 1 at bedtime and if he's still fussy after 20 min we give a 2nd.
She didn't like any of the teething toys; room temp or cold. The washcloth didn't really help and she doesn't get a paci. I would try to rub her gums with a clean finger. Mostly we just had to distract her with anything possible.