I'm 23 unmarried with a 6mo old daughter living in the south. Sometimes people either assume I'm a teen mom because I look really young, other times people look at my hand for a ring when I'm out with my dd and frown or look really stupid. It ticks me off sometimes. When I say boyfriend instead of husband there's immediate scrutiny from people even online.
I'm not some "baby mama" I'm a mother. I work, go to school and take care of countless other things all while being a mom. I hate that people judge my skills as a mom by whether or not I have a husband. My daughter's father loves her and we are working on our relationship. How do you deal with people like that? I want to be married one day and hopefully to her dad but I'm not rushing my life to make people feel better.
Re: This one's for any single/unmarried parents here. how do you handle people who judge for being unwed