June 2015 Moms

Has anyone dealt with their LO having allergic colitis?

Just figuring out that my sweet girl has colitis . I have stopped dairy for a week now and not seeing a whole lot of improvement yet. I know it takes 2-3 weeks to completely get rid of dairy in my system .. Just wondered if anyone has gone thru this and had any advice?

Re: Has anyone dealt with their LO having allergic colitis?

  • I went through a whole bunch of food sensitivities. But we saw improvement after a few days and by a week, she was a totally different baby. Have you stopped all dairy, even trace ingredients? How old is LO? Is your pedi helping you?

    I still am off dairy, but the other food sensitivities seem to be getting better. By 6 months, a lot of these problems resolve on their own unless it's a true allergy.

    It's kind of a pain in the ass, but totally worth it. Good luck!
  • At first I was just going to cut out the major sources bc I eat a lot of dairy .. But I am trying to cut the hidden ones too. Might as well go all in! She will be 5 months this week.. She's had issues for months and it has recently gotten worse as far as symptoms. The pediatrician wants to see her back in a month.. My main concern is that she isn't gaining much weight at all
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  • If just cutting out dairy doesn't do it, you can try a complete elimination diet. Google breastfeeding elimination diet. There are several good sites. But a warning: it really sucks. I mean really, really sucks. I did it and like I said, she was a new baby in a week. I wanted to try that before going to the hypoallergenic formula, which was our next step.

    I don't know what symptoms you're seeing, but here is what we saw: colic/fussiness, reflux, foul smelling gas, painful gas & bm, mucus in bm, only sleeping 1-3 hours due to gas/reflux/bm, and baby acne. We never had weight gain issues, though. She was a comfort nurser until we got the reflux under control.
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