I love Christmas music and decorations before Thanksgiving. I would have a tree up by now, but I would have to deviate from my fanatic devotion to the principle of procrastination.
My UO is that if you need a license to go fishing, you need a license to have a baby.
My husband works for CPS and I work for a hospital and yesterday we realized we were talking about the same case, a 3 year old (edited because it could upset people). What a sad, short life. And yet those meth heads are free to have more children.
But the second I say forced sterilization shouldn't be ruled out...well, people just don't like that.
My UO is that if you need a license to go fishing, you need a license to have a baby.
My husband works for CPS and I work for a hospital and yesterday we realized we were talking about the same case, a 3 year old (edited because it could upset people). What a sad, short life. And yet those meth heads are free to have more children.
But the second I say forced sterilization shouldn't be ruled out...well, people just don't like that.
I get the sentiment behind this. I do. But what if the mother were to leave the father (or be left) and she enters rehab and puts her life back together and 10 years down the road, clean and sober the whole time, she wants to have children again?
So, I'll clarify the edited part...she allowed and/or participated in (they're still investigating, and now the couple is on the run) the horrific sexual abuse of the 3 year old and her 3 other children under the age of 10. Granted, it was most likely the SO that beat the child to death. I think at a certain point you've fucked up badly enough that your inalienable right to procreate is rescinded. You've failed your most basic duty has a mother to protect your children. Too many of these women choose their "man" over their children. Now one child is dead and her other 3 will likely live in foster care until they're 18.
For sure I think people can be redeemed. There's plenty of cases of neglect where kids are in foster care for the short term while the parent goes to rehab, gets their life together and gets their kids back. But when you pass a certain tipping point to truly heinous treatment of 4 children, I think there's something miswired in your head. And there's no 2nd chance. Or 3rd or 4th. Because for each of those chances, there's a child we're letting be a guinea pig to test if you've really straightened out.
So, I'll clarify the edited part...she allowed and/or participated in (they're still investigating, and now the couple is on the run) the horrific sexual abuse of the 3 year old and her 3 other children under the age of 10. Granted, it was most likely the SO that beat the child to death. I think at a certain point you've fucked up badly enough that your inalienable right to procreate is rescinded. You've failed your most basic duty has a mother to protect your children. Too many of these women choose their "man" over their children. Now one child is dead and her other 3 will likely live in foster care until they're 18.
For sure I think people can be redeemed. There's plenty of cases of neglect where kids are in foster care for the short term while the parent goes to rehab, gets their life together and gets their kids back. But when you pass a certain tipping point to truly heinous treatment of 4 children, I think there's something miswired in your head. And there's no 2nd chance. Or 3rd or 4th. Because for each of those chances, there's a child we're letting be a guinea pig to test if you've really straightened out.
See, I said it was an unpopular opinion!
That is so messed up. I'm with you totally, I think once you've deliberately messed up one child's life It should be all over for you breeding wise. My friends sister is a heroin addict, has 4 heroin babies with massive disabilities. Because they are such high care they can't stay together when she's back in jail and no one takes the kids off of her permanently. My friend has said she'll take one but full time, not for the prison sentence which she doesn't want because she'll lose $1000's of government money.
In Australia we used to have a $6000 lump sum payment for having a baby on top of $2800 per month from the government. I think they need to bring the $6k back as a sterilisation bonus,!if we can't legally sterilise these pieces of shit then let's make it too tempting to refuse.
So, I'll clarify the edited part...she allowed and/or participated in (they're still investigating, and now the couple is on the run) the horrific sexual abuse of the 3 year old and her 3 other children under the age of 10. Granted, it was most likely the SO that beat the child to death. I think at a certain point you've fucked up badly enough that your inalienable right to procreate is rescinded. You've failed your most basic duty has a mother to protect your children. Too many of these women choose their "man" over their children. Now one child is dead and her other 3 will likely live in foster care until they're 18.
For sure I think people can be redeemed. There's plenty of cases of neglect where kids are in foster care for the short term while the parent goes to rehab, gets their life together and gets their kids back. But when you pass a certain tipping point to truly heinous treatment of 4 children, I think there's something miswired in your head. And there's no 2nd chance. Or 3rd or 4th. Because for each of those chances, there's a child we're letting be a guinea pig to test if you've really straightened out.
See, I said it was an unpopular opinion!
That is so messed up. I'm with you totally, I think once you've deliberately messed up one child's life It should be all over for you breeding wise. My friends sister is a heroin addict, has 4 heroin babies with massive disabilities. Because they are such high care they can't stay together when she's back in jail and no one takes the kids off of her permanently. My friend has said she'll take one but full time, not for the prison sentence which she doesn't want because she'll lose $1000's of government money.
In Australia we used to have a $6000 lump sum payment for having a baby on top of $2800 per month from the government. I think they need to bring the $6k back as a sterilisation bonus,!if we can't legally sterilise these pieces of shit then let's make it too tempting to refuse.
$2800/month?! Wow. That seems like quite a lot. In a small town here, you could have a really nice life on that amount of money (especially if you have more than one kid!). Is that true in Oz? Don't people take advantage of that system?
They sure do, $2800 a month is pretty tight living here though, a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house is $400 per week, cigarettes are $32 a packet, good for a week is between $150-200. but they also get everything subsidised, normally they'll get an additional payment to help with rent, medical treatment in Aus is free for everyone but medications can be pretty high, but if your in this program your script is $5.40 only. It's a lot of money to be made exclusive of child support. A girl I know has a 10 year old to one guy, he pays $900 per month for the child, the second kid is 5 years old to another guy and he pays $1200 per month plus she gets $2800 per month and has everything subsidised. It gets abused, there is a lot of single SAHM's who's youngest child is in full time school but they haven't returned to work. Pretty frustrating when The people paying the tax are getting screwed and these scum bags are sitting in there couch smoking and going for coffee on my tax $$. For every child after your first it's about $200 extra per fortnight. It's a joke really.
I hear ya! The amount of "poverty" in this country is ridiculous. How can you live in poverty when our government gives you so much? Self inflicted..How great to be on welfare and still be able to comfortably save for overseas holidays. It annoys me so much
OK. Apparently I have 2 profiles. As i was saying: Yaaaaas I'm on my way to Oz!!! You guys get the beach, kangaroos, cool accents AND baller level public assistance! Oh, and freaking wallabies!! I'm going to look at prices for Qantas tickets tomorrow. Claiming asylum. Cause...presidential candidates, natch.
Re: UO
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
My husband works for CPS and I work for a hospital and yesterday we realized we were talking about the same case, a 3 year old (edited because it could upset people). What a sad, short life. And yet those meth heads are free to have more children.
But the second I say forced sterilization shouldn't be ruled out...well, people just don't like that.
For sure I think people can be redeemed. There's plenty of cases of neglect where kids are in foster care for the short term while the parent goes to rehab, gets their life together and gets their kids back. But when you pass a certain tipping point to truly heinous treatment of 4 children, I think there's something miswired in your head. And there's no 2nd chance. Or 3rd or 4th. Because for each of those chances, there's a child we're letting be a guinea pig to test if you've really straightened out.
See, I said it was an unpopular opinion!
In Australia we used to have a $6000 lump sum payment for having a baby on top of $2800 per month from the government. I think they need to bring the $6k back as a sterilisation bonus,!if we can't legally sterilise these pieces of shit then let's make it too tempting to refuse.
Yaaaaas I'm on my way to Oz!!! You guys get the beach, kangaroos, cool accents AND baller level public assistance! Oh, and freaking wallabies!! I'm going to look at prices for Qantas tickets tomorrow. Claiming asylum. Cause...presidential candidates, natch.