How far along are you? 1-2 weeks according to clearblue digital. Got my BFP this morning!
How are you feeling? Terrified.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: AF was supposed to be due today and I've had all the normal pre-AF symptoms. I'm having mild cramping just like I normally would so I'm trying not to freak out and run to the bathroom to check every 5 minutes.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I don't really know what I would bring back but I really wish the high wasted shorts would go away.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
Married: November 2014
TTC #1 Since: October 2015
BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16 IT'S A BOY!!!! DS Born 10/16/16
How are you feeling? Tired, sorta hungry. or ready to puke. Not really sure.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I told my manager yesterday. I got my Beta back. 121!!!! I work near a lot of chemo and Xrays, so I had to tell now.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I love bulky sweaters. They are awesome. I hate crop tops, very few people look good in them .
Rants/raves or positive vibes: my biggest fear right now is not being able to get a midwife this time around, there aren't enough of them and very little funding so I don't have a great chance:(
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I love bell bottoms and like @PugsandKisses I hate crop tops!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I SEE MY BABY TOMORROW
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish Drive-Ins would come back. Saggy pants need to go.
How are you feeling? I was hit by the nausea train this AM.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: My poor son is so patient. I was moving at a snail's pace this AM because I just knew I was going to throw up at any minute. He got ready all by himself and was quiet. Good kid. And shout out to my boss who supplied me with ginger ale and snacks this AM.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever?
Y'all, I loved me some camo pants. And overalls should pretty much always be reserved for anyone who works on a farm.
How are you feeling? I've been cramping really bad. Like hunched over almost in tears bad. I called the doc and left a message but haven't heard back yet.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DH has been wonderful. I hurt me knee and can barely walk and he's been so helpful the last couple of days.
GTKY:What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I agree with the drive in theaters. I think mini skirts should retire.
How are you feeling? Nauseous,
Tired, Super sore boobs and brown CM when I Wipe since 5W
Rants/raves or positive vibes:
2 ½ more weeks till my dr apt …. Ahhh its worse than the TWW!! GTKY: What
fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone
forever? I have no idea!I agree with @PugsandKisses some people should not be wearing crop
How are you feeling? good, mostly just starving my face off today. I ate a plate of pulled pork leftovers at its not even 10 am
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DD has been super clingy lately, I should love the snuggles but my boobs hurt!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I don't know what I want to bring back... I did love the glitter but I don't wish that on anyone. I wish half-naked celebs would go away. I feel like it's a game to see who can wear the least amount of clothing.
How are you feeling? Fine, I haven't really had anything to complain about since this started besides really sore nips.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: My job is getting worse and worse. We have to do production but they're putting peoples employee numbers up next to their production numbers and I feel like that's a big HR no no. I didn't go into work 2 days this week because I hate it so much. DH has told me just to try to hold out as long as possible.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish they'd bring back the good tv shows from the 90's, and the kids cartoons as well. Everything on TV right now is garbage. Something that can leave and not come back I'll go with Gladiator Sandals, I just don't get them.
How are you feeling? Pretty good today. Plus this morning I had a sausage biscuit for breakfast and it was AMAZING.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: So I've no coffee since POAS, and yesterday at lunch I was trying to kill time waiting on someone in the dining room---so I had a tiny grandma-sized teacup of coffee. Ya'll---I felt invincible yesterday afternoon. SO MUCH ENERGY. Now my only thought---is it because I hadn't had it in two weeks? Or can I do that every afternoon with similar effect?
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Come back, giant hair!!! Stay away---super flat-ironed middle part smooth and shiny hair (could never pull that off!)
How are you feeling? Bloated. Definitely feeling like there is a party happening in my uterus today. I have a FUPA from my last pregnancy and it's doubly bloated today. Totally caught my coworker staring at my belly, and I feel like she knows. Although she probably thinks I'm like 16 weeks...
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I'M SO TIRED OF BEING TIRED. And I've only had to endure a week of it so far!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? Anything that covers up my fat hips can stay in fashion for all time. I'm really hoping the tattoo chokers that I wore in 1999 will stop appearing on my high school students. They weren't that great the first time around.
How are you feeling? Awful. I'm so tired of the nausea. I had two good days last week then BAM it was back.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I'm grump. I feel bad for H but he is being amazing.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I just wish the Kardashians would go away forever. I don't get the appeal of them.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: work sucks balls. I am literally lacking any sort of motivation to be here right now
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? 1950s fashion - everyone iust looked so elegant. Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Crop tops - purely because I am no longer 16 and thin
How are you feeling? I'm still in bed and it's 10h46 enough said!
Rants/raves or positive vibes:
Not much... I'm just so impress that a poppy seed can suck all the energy out of me!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) My brain is too tired to think of anything!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Congrats @mrscorker on your BFP! Another TTGPer
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish the trend of teenagers looking like teenagers would come back. I think leggings as pants should stay away forever. (when you have a tunic, dress or long shirt that covers your arse, that's a different story)
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12 M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14 Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
you want to have in your playgroup
* Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your
meal train after birth
How are you feeling? I feel sick if I don't eat every 2 hours. My spotting and cramping got a little worse last night and is freaking me out.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: my first prenatal appointment isn't until December 9th which puts me at 10w1d. I called this morning and told them about my cramping and spotting and that I didn't feel comfortable waiting 3 more weeks to get looked at. Luckily the receptionist realized that I should definitely be seen before 10 weeks and she got me an appointment for tomorrow morning. Hopefully everything is ok!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) My favorite trend already came back....leggings! Crop tops and those high waisted jeans/shorts need to go away forever!
@addyplusone Yay! A familiar face! Got my first BFP the day before AF so now I'm trying not to ask Dr. Google ALL THE QUESTIONS. I'm just going to freak myself out.
So glad to see you over here, I'll probably lurk between here and August.
ETA words.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
Married: November 2014
TTC #1 Since: October 2015
BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16 IT'S A BOY!!!! DS Born 10/16/16
Was it the weeks estimator? Did your test say 1-2? If so I believe that means you are really 3-4 wks. along.
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12 M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14 Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
you want to have in your playgroup
* Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your
meal train after birth
How are you feeling? Tired. So crabby. I just can't adult today.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Going for my second blood draw this afternoon to check my levels. No reason to think anything is wrong, but I'm nervous!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I don't know. I'm too tired to think.
@mrscorker The 1-2 is weeks past O if I am correct. But they start from LMP. So you would be 3-4 weeks! And I am STILL checking every few hours!
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12 M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14 Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
you want to have in your playgroup
* Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your
meal train after birth
How are you feeling? Awful! I felt sick all night and this morning just trying to not vomit.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I'm trying to be thankful for the ms because I so want and love this little one but I'm seriously so Miserable. I have no idea how I am going to get through my sessions
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Crop tops go away! We don't need to see your body little girls! And bring back 1950's dresses love how classy and pretty they were.
@addyplusone Yeah, if I've done my math correctly (which is a big IF) I would be exactly 4 weeks today. I always thought it was so silly that it goes by the first day of your last AF. Kinda makes zero sense but what do I know.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
Married: November 2014
TTC #1 Since: October 2015
BFP #1: 11/18/15 - CP BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16 IT'S A BOY!!!! DS Born 10/16/16
@addyplusone Yeah, if I've done my math correctly (which is a big IF) I would be exactly 4 weeks today. I always thought it was so silly that it goes by the first day of your last AF. Kinda makes zero sense but what do I know.
I completely agree!
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12 M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14 Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
you want to have in your playgroup
* Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your
meal train after birth
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DH has been getting DD2 transitioned to her own room, so I got to sleep all night uninterrupted. It was amazing.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Just going to agree with pp I love 50s style and crop tops are the worst.
TTGP December Siggy Challenge: Favourite Holiday Movie Moment
How are you feeling? Like ass. I'm exhausted and I can't keep my nausea at bay. It's AWFUL. I'm somewhere in between starving to death and never eating again.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Great appointment on Monday and the doctor wants to see me again in two weeks. My doctor does ultrasounds each time so it's fun to see baby grow.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish jean jackets would come back. They're so cute with cropped pants (that aren't jean). But crop tops and high waisted shorts should go to fashion hell. Also, never leave me blousey shirts. I'll never let go.
How far along are you? 5w 5d How are you feeling? Wake up feeling great. Then Bloated as soon as I eat in the morning and lasts all day until next morning. Lower back pain/burn. Other than that good.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Positive vibes on not getting sick (yet) and hope I don't. Looking forward to telling both sets of parents together when they arrive next week for Turkey Day.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? Crop tops for sure the worst especially in our current condition! Large 80's style sweaters would be good right about now!
How are you feeling? Pretty good, a little dizzy, not sleeping great
Rants/raves or positive vibes: MY FIRST APPOINTMENT IS IN 4 HOURS.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Colorful eyeshadow. Maxi dresses- they just look like muumuus on me. I'm glad the ultra low rise jeans with short shirts of circa 2004 are gone. Wasn't a good look for me.
LFAF/Nov 16 challenge: Bad TV moms that shouldn't be celebrated
BFP #1 10/30/15 MMC found 11/30/15 D&C 12/11/15 EDD 7/9/16
healing comes in waves, and maybe today the wave hits the rocks and that’s ok, that’s ok, darling. you are still healing, you are still healing- Ijeoma Umebinyuo, be gentle with yourself BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
@stephweinsteinHang in there! You're in the home stretch of first tri and hopefully the placenta will be helping out more soon and nausea will get better.
How far along are you? 8 weeks today!!! Baby is officially a fetus and not an embryo- baby's first milestone! I'm going to cry!
How are you feeling? Better today! After reading an article about nutrients I forced my exhausted ass to cook a healthy meal of homemade mashed potatoes, roasted cabbage, and sauteed broccoli, carrots, and peppers for dinner last night. Woke up feeling more well rested and less nauseated. Made it to the gym! Still doing pretty well- not the slowest or lightest lifter yet Regretting the omega pill I took because these fish burps have me gagging, but I'll grab a vegan one this weekend and maybe forcing myself to cook healthy stuff will help the nausea!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I did lose another pound this week. I'm not allowed to lose more than 5lbs during first trimester or it's considered unhealthy and it'll be more difficult to reach the required 25lbs weight gain to birth with the center. Nothing sounds good though. More peanut butter it is!!! Gotta make a killer Thanksgiving menu so I'll be tempted into over-eating and help the numbers! Shouldn't be hard- cranberry sauce and hot rolls sound AMAZING! Pumpkin pie and truffle hot chocolate? Yes please!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish big ass hair would come back. I have naturally big frizzy hair and would have looked so much cooler in the 80s... Also I really hate the floral curtain-like fabrics that are popular now (and were in the early 90s). If a dress looks like it was made from your grandma's table cloth or curtains, just say no.
How are you feeling? I am farting up a storm and the smell is so bad it makes me gag.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I have 2 English Mastiffs who have been very clingy and protective of me for the last month or so. They don't seem to mind my farts.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Foam platform sandals. I had this sweet pair with dragons embroidered on them man those were so comfy and awesome. Plus, I am 5'8" and I love towering over people in them lol.
How are you feeling? Like balls. Spend most of my time wondering if I need to eat or puke. It's like Russian roulette. Also hubs gave me a cold so I am 2x miserable this week.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I am so emotional. All of a sudden I want my step son to disappear because I feel like he's taking away room and board for my baby. (We literally don't have a room for baby) And his mother is moving away in 3 weeks (across the country) and is leaving him with us. I am having panic attacks thinking about him coming over. I love him but I just want my time with my baby, and not raising another woman's son, because she doesn't want to anymore. I know I sound evil-I get much guff for this. ("You knew what you were signing up for!") no, you never do. Not to mention the guilt suffered for these emotions I can't seem to control :-(
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I wish Flares/bell bottoms (hello, I'm curvy!) would come back. I also loved different colored mascara, like white and green! And yes, crop tops are awful. Also not a big fan of the shaving one side of the head thing.
How are you feeling?Sore boobs, a little nausea, but not bad
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I just had my first ultrasound! We saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac. No fetal pole yet, but measuring right on with how far along I am. I go back in two weeks for another scan.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I agree with pp, high waisted shorts and crop tops should stay gone forever (or go away again)
How are you feeling? Like crap. But that's because I seem to have a cold.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I tested again last night and this morning just to be sure. I'm still kind of in shock!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Come back? Bell bottoms -- again. Leave? These messy hi-top fades and half buns.
How are you feeling? So so. Not as nauseous as I was but still don't want to eat.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Rave: my spotting seems to have stopped. Rant: My boobs are HUGE. I already excessively large sweater cows and they are getting so big already it's ridiculous. I just hope my bras from my last pregnancy fit again this time because I don't want to have to buy a bunch more super expensive bras.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I hate culottes and they appear to be making a comeback. As for something to stay, I guess the more tailored look. All the loose, baggy, flowy stuff out there now makes me look like I'm wearing potato sacks.
How are you feeling? Headache that just never seems to let up. So bad that all I want to do is lie down & close my eyes. The only time I feel like I get relief from it is while I am actually eating and maybe 30 minutes after. I know I could take Tylenol, but feel guilty taking anything!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I want the damn brown spotting I've been having for a week to just stop already. It looks like coffee grounds and/or sand and it totally freaking gross!!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I love platform shoes LOL. I have so many crazy pairs stashed away from the late 90s/early 2000s. I'd look like a wacko wearing them now. The highwaisted SUPER sort shorts need to go. They don't even look good on ANYONE. When I see them on adolescent/teen girls I cringe & question the parenting.
How are you feeling? Is it nap time yet? Sooo sleepy!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DH has the man-flu and being such a baby about it... I'm growing a human dang it! Man up already!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish we could bring back bell bottoms!
Re: Thursday Symptoms
How are you feeling? Terrified.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: AF was supposed to be due today and I've had all the normal pre-AF symptoms. I'm having mild cramping just like I normally would so I'm trying not to freak out and run to the bathroom to check every 5 minutes.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I don't really know what I would bring back but I really wish the high wasted shorts would go away.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
4 weeks 1 day
How are you feeling?
Tired, sorta hungry. or ready to puke. Not really sure.
Rants/raves or positive vibes:
I told my manager yesterday. I got my Beta back. 121!!!! I work near a lot of chemo and Xrays, so I had to tell now.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board)
I love bulky sweaters. They are awesome. I hate crop tops, very few people look good in them .
How are you feeling? Oddly fine...
Rants/raves or positive vibes: my biggest fear right now is not being able to get a midwife this time around, there aren't enough of them and very little funding so I don't have a great chance:(
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I love bell bottoms and like @PugsandKisses I hate crop tops!
How are you feeling?
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I SEE MY BABY TOMORROW
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish Drive-Ins would come back. Saggy pants need to go.
How are you feeling? I was hit by the nausea train this AM.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: My poor son is so patient. I was moving at a snail's pace this AM because I just knew I was going to throw up at any minute. He got ready all by himself and was quiet. Good kid. And shout out to my boss who supplied me with ginger ale and snacks this AM.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever?
July BMB May Signature Challenge
How are you feeling? I've been cramping really bad. Like hunched over almost in tears bad. I called the doc and left a message but haven't heard back yet.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DH has been wonderful. I hurt me knee and can barely walk and he's been so helpful the last couple of days.
GTKY:What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I agree with the drive in theaters. I think mini skirts should retire.
How far along are you? 5W 5D
How are you feeling? Nauseous, Tired, Super sore boobs and brown CM when I Wipe since 5W
Rants/raves or positive vibes: 2 ½ more weeks till my dr apt …. Ahhh its worse than the TWW!!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I have no idea! I agree with @PugsandKisses some people should not be wearing crop tops!
How are you feeling? good, mostly just starving my face off today. I ate a plate of pulled pork leftovers at its not even 10 am
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DD has been super clingy lately, I should love the snuggles but my boobs hurt!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I don't know what I want to bring back... I did love the glitter but I don't wish that on anyone. I wish half-naked celebs would go away. I feel like it's a game to see who can wear the least amount of clothing.
How are you feeling? Fine, I haven't really had anything to complain about since this started besides really sore nips.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: My job is getting worse and worse. We have to do production but they're putting peoples employee numbers up next to their production numbers and I feel like that's a big HR no no. I didn't go into work 2 days this week because I hate it so much. DH has told me just to try to hold out as long as possible.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish they'd bring back the good tv shows from the 90's, and the kids cartoons as well. Everything on TV right now is garbage. Something that can leave and not come back I'll go with Gladiator Sandals, I just don't get them.
Married: May 16th 2015
How are you feeling? Pretty good today. Plus this morning I had a sausage biscuit for breakfast and it was AMAZING.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: So I've no coffee since POAS, and yesterday at lunch I was trying to kill time waiting on someone in the dining room---so I had a tiny grandma-sized teacup of coffee. Ya'll---I felt invincible yesterday afternoon. SO MUCH ENERGY. Now my only thought---is it because I hadn't had it in two weeks? Or can I do that every afternoon with similar effect?
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Come back, giant hair!!! Stay away---super flat-ironed middle part smooth and shiny hair (could never pull that off!)
How are you feeling? Bloated. Definitely feeling like there is a party happening in my uterus today. I have a FUPA from my last pregnancy and it's doubly bloated today. Totally caught my coworker staring at my belly, and I feel like she knows. Although she probably thinks I'm like 16 weeks...
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I'M SO TIRED OF BEING TIRED. And I've only had to endure a week of it so far!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? Anything that covers up my fat hips can stay in fashion for all time. I'm really hoping the tattoo chokers that I wore in 1999 will stop appearing on my high school students. They weren't that great the first time around.
How are you feeling? Awful. I'm so tired of the nausea. I had two good days last week then BAM it was back.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I'm grump. I feel bad for H but he is being amazing.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever?
I just wish the Kardashians would go away forever. I don't get the appeal of them.
How are you feeling? Sick, tired and irritable.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: work sucks balls. I am literally lacking any sort of motivation to be here right now
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? 1950s fashion - everyone iust looked so elegant. Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Crop tops - purely because I am no longer 16 and thin
How are you feeling? I'm still in bed and it's 10h46 enough said!
Rants/raves or positive vibes:
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) My brain is too tired to think of anything!
How are you feeling? Pretty decent today!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Congrats @mrscorker on your BFP! Another TTGPer
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board)
I wish the trend of teenagers looking like teenagers would come back.
I think leggings as pants should stay away forever. (when you have a tunic, dress or long shirt that covers your arse, that's a different story)
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
Lfafer you want to have in your playgroup * Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth
How are you feeling? I feel sick if I don't eat every 2 hours. My spotting and cramping got a little worse last night and is freaking me out.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: my first prenatal appointment isn't until December 9th which puts me at 10w1d. I called this morning and told them about my cramping and spotting and that I didn't feel comfortable waiting 3 more weeks to get looked at. Luckily the receptionist realized that I should definitely be seen before 10 weeks and she got me an appointment for tomorrow morning. Hopefully everything is ok!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board)
My favorite trend already came back....leggings! Crop tops and those high waisted jeans/shorts need to go away forever!
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
Lfafer you want to have in your playgroup * Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
How are you feeling? Tired. So crabby. I just can't adult today.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Going for my second blood draw this afternoon to check my levels. No reason to think anything is wrong, but I'm nervous!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I don't know. I'm too tired to think.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
Lfafer you want to have in your playgroup * Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth
How are you feeling? Awful! I felt sick all night and this morning just trying to not vomit.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I'm trying to be thankful for the ms because I so want and love this little one but I'm seriously so Miserable. I have no idea how I am going to get through my sessions
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board)
Crop tops go away! We don't need to see your body little girls! And bring back 1950's dresses love how classy and pretty they were.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16
Lfafer you want to have in your playgroup * Best Baker * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads* Most Supportive Lfafer * Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth
@MRSCORKER congrats!
How far along are you? 4w4d
How are you feeling? Good
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DH has been getting DD2 transitioned to her own room, so I got to sleep all night uninterrupted. It was amazing.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Just going to agree with pp I love 50s style and crop tops are the worst.
How are you feeling? Like ass. I'm exhausted and I can't keep my nausea at bay. It's AWFUL. I'm somewhere in between starving to death and never eating again.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Great appointment on Monday and the doctor wants to see me again in two weeks. My doctor does ultrasounds each time so it's fun to see baby grow.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish jean jackets would come back. They're so cute with cropped pants (that aren't jean). But crop tops and high waisted shorts should go to fashion hell. Also, never leave me blousey shirts. I'll never let go.
Married: October 23, 2010
DS: 8/7/2013
#2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016
5w 5d
How are you feeling?
Wake up feeling great. Then Bloated as soon as I eat in the morning and lasts all day until next morning. Lower back pain/burn. Other than that good.
Rants/raves or positive vibes:
Positive vibes on not getting sick (yet) and hope I don't. Looking forward to telling both sets of parents together when they arrive next week for Turkey Day.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever?
Crop tops for sure the worst especially in our current condition!
Large 80's style sweaters would be good right about now!
How are you feeling? Pretty good, a little dizzy, not sleeping great
Rants/raves or positive vibes: MY FIRST APPOINTMENT IS IN 4 HOURS.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Colorful eyeshadow. Maxi dresses- they just look like muumuus on me. I'm glad the ultra low rise jeans with short shirts of circa 2004 are gone. Wasn't a good look for me.
BFP #2 3/21 EDD 11/28/16
How are you feeling? the worst I've already vomited 2x today once at work
Rants/raves or positive vibes: this week is almost over then i have all next week off to lay in bed
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) hmm yup I've got nothing
How are you feeling? Better today! After reading an article about nutrients I forced my exhausted ass to cook a healthy meal of homemade mashed potatoes, roasted cabbage, and sauteed broccoli, carrots, and peppers for dinner last night. Woke up feeling more well rested and less nauseated. Made it to the gym! Still doing pretty well- not the slowest or lightest lifter yet Regretting the omega pill I took because these fish burps have me gagging, but I'll grab a vegan one this weekend and maybe forcing myself to cook healthy stuff will help the nausea!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I did lose another pound this week. I'm not allowed to lose more than 5lbs during first trimester or it's considered unhealthy and it'll be more difficult to reach the required 25lbs weight gain to birth with the center. Nothing sounds good though. More peanut butter it is!!! Gotta make a killer Thanksgiving menu so I'll be tempted into over-eating and help the numbers! Shouldn't be hard- cranberry sauce and hot rolls sound AMAZING! Pumpkin pie and truffle hot chocolate? Yes please!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish big ass hair would come back. I have naturally big frizzy hair and would have looked so much cooler in the 80s... Also I really hate the floral curtain-like fabrics that are popular now (and were in the early 90s). If a dress looks like it was made from your grandma's table cloth or curtains, just say no.
How are you feeling? I am farting up a storm and the smell is so bad it makes me gag.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I have 2 English Mastiffs who have been very clingy and protective of me for the last month or so. They don't seem to mind my farts.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come
back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Foam platform sandals. I had this sweet pair with dragons embroidered on them man those were so comfy and awesome. Plus, I am 5'8" and I love towering over people in them lol.
How are you feeling? Like balls. Spend most of my time wondering if I need to eat or puke. It's like Russian roulette. Also hubs gave me a cold so I am 2x miserable this week.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I am so emotional. All of a sudden I want my step son to disappear because I feel like he's taking away room and board for my baby. (We literally don't have a room for baby) And his mother is moving away in 3 weeks (across the country) and is leaving him with us. I am having panic attacks thinking about him coming over. I love him but I just want my time with my baby, and not raising another woman's son, because she doesn't want to anymore. I know I sound evil-I get much guff for this. ("You knew what you were signing up for!") no, you never do. Not to mention the guilt suffered for these emotions I can't seem to control :-(
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I wish Flares/bell bottoms (hello, I'm curvy!) would come back. I also loved different colored mascara, like white and green! And yes, crop tops are awful. Also not a big fan of the shaving one side of the head thing.
How are you feeling? Sore boobs, a little nausea, but not bad
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I just had my first ultrasound! We saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac. No fetal pole yet, but measuring right on with how far along I am. I go back in two weeks for another scan.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I agree with pp, high waisted shorts and crop tops should stay gone forever (or go away again)
How are you feeling? Like crap. But that's because I seem to have a cold.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I tested again last night and this morning just to be sure. I'm still kind of in shock!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) Come back? Bell bottoms -- again. Leave? These messy hi-top fades and half buns.
How are you feeling? So so. Not as nauseous as I was but still don't want to eat.
Rants/raves or positive vibes: Rave: my spotting seems to have stopped. Rant: My boobs are HUGE. I already excessively large sweater cows and they are getting so big already it's ridiculous. I just hope my bras from my last pregnancy fit again this time because I don't want to have to buy a bunch more super expensive bras.
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board)
I hate culottes and they appear to be making a comeback. As for something to stay, I guess the more tailored look. All the loose, baggy, flowy stuff out there now makes me look like I'm wearing potato sacks.
Me: 32 & DH: 37
BFP #2: 2/8/16 - EDD 10/20/16
IT'S A BOY!!!!
DS Born 10/16/16
How are you feeling? Headache that just never seems to let up. So bad that all I want to do is lie down & close my eyes. The only time I feel like I get relief from it is while I am actually eating and maybe 30 minutes after. I know I could take Tylenol, but feel guilty taking anything!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: I want the damn brown spotting I've been having for a week to just stop already. It looks like coffee grounds and/or sand and it totally freaking gross!!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? I love platform shoes LOL. I have so many crazy pairs stashed away from the late 90s/early 2000s. I'd look like a wacko wearing them now. The highwaisted SUPER sort shorts need to go. They don't even look good on ANYONE. When I see them on adolescent/teen girls I cringe & question the parenting.
Me: 39 DH: 40
Married: 12/6/2014
BFP#2: 10/28/15 MC: 11/24/15
BFP#3: 3/20/16 MC: 4/26/16
BFP#4: 7/15/16 DD: 3/18/17
BFP#5: 5/1/18 EDD: 1/12/19
How are you feeling? Is it nap time yet? Sooo sleepy!
Rants/raves or positive vibes: DH has the man-flu and being such a baby about it... I'm growing a human dang it! Man up already!
GTKY: What fad/trend do you wish would come back? Which do you feel should stay gone forever? (stolen from another board) I wish we could bring back bell bottoms!