July 2016 Moms

Subchorionic Hematoma (SCH)

I'm 7w4d, and had an US yesterday, and they found an 8mm x 4mm Subchorionic hematoma (SCH). No one appeared too concerned, and was basically told that my body should reabsorb it, or I may have bleeding.

I read online though that some doctors recommend resting, refraining from sex, and other measures-- none of which were told to me. Any ladies out there have an SCH, or have had one in a prior pregnancy? Were you placed on any restrictions? What was the outcome?

Thank you!

Re: Subchorionic Hematoma (SCH)

  • My sister had one and had no restrictions placed on her. She's a server, and from what she told me, her and her DH enjoyed her heightened labido. By the second trimester it was absorbed.
  • I do not have any answers about outcomes, but my Dr. found the same thing at 7 +1 for me (pretty much the same size as well). My dr. was completely not concerned or worried. My Dr. basically told me to go on pelvic rest (no sex) until my next appointment. She explained that it was more for my mental health than the babies health. She told me that if something is going to go wrong then it is going to happen and this way I cannot blame myself. I dont know if I am explaining it correctly. But basically she said it wont hurt the baby but it will give me one less thing to blame myself for? 
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  • My Ob said to refrain from sex while I was bleeding and for 7 days after I stopped bleeding (It was at 7 weeks). It was still there at 20 weeks, but I was not put on any restrictions then.
    Thank God for Raid.

  • It really depends on the size of the SCH compared to the baby and placenta. The smaller it is and the bigger baby is the less worrisome they are. I had a large SCH when I was pregnant with DS. I had a large gush of bright blood and continues to bleed lightly for days. I was told because of the size I did have a higher likelihood of mcing. I was told to walk no more than I needed to, lift no more than 15lbs, no sex (no orgasms) and to not strain while pooping. I was told that even with these restrictions their really wasn't much I could do to prevent anything from happening. I had these restrictions from 7 to 21 weeks. At that point, during the Anatomy scan, DS was large enough that he was no longer at risk. He was born healthy at 41 weeks.

    I know it is scary but try not to worry too much and just listen to your doctor's advice!

    "Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil." -Gandalf 
    m/c #1 01/10/12
    BFP #2 01/18/13. EDD 09/10/13. Missed m/c 02/18/13. 
    BFP #3 5/1/13 My rainbow DS born 1/13/14
    BFP #4 11/11/15 spontaneous m/c 12/28/15
    BFP#5  Praying for another rainbow in February!

  • I also had one with my first pregnancy. It was present at my 9 week ultrasound and reabsorbed by the 20 week one. I wasn't given any restrictions and did not have any bleeding. As PPs said it depends on the size. It didn't cause me any complications.
  • I started bleeding at 11 weeks and an ultrasound found a subchorionic hematoma. Mine was near the placenta, so I was put on pelvic rest, but was told that as long as it wasn't under the placenta the risk was small and it would likely bleed out/reabsorb on its own. I stopped bleeding within a few days and at my 20 week ultrasound it was no longer there and my restrictions were lifted. I'm assuming your SCH is either too small to be a concern or is far enough away from your placenta that it's not a concern. You could put yourself on pelvic rest if it makes you feel better, or you could call your doctor's office to confirm whether they think you need any restrictions if it'll give you peace of mind.
  • I was just diagnosed with SCH yesterday as well when I was 5+6 - I have been having some on and off brown spotting so they did an ultrasound just for precaution. My doctor was in surgery all day yesterday but the doctor on call told me to take it easy - no exercise or heavy lifting and strict pelvic rest. They called me back this morning and stated that my labs were good but put me on progesterone - again precautionary. They did not seem to be concerned at all. I do have sonograms scheduled for the next two weeks for them to monitor it.
    Married my rock - April 29, 2011
    BFP - June 4, 2011 EDD February 3, 2012
    Super T born @ 37 weeks - January 13, 2012
    Super T diagnosed with stage IV high risk Neuroblastoma nmyc-amp - January 2, 2013
    Super T cancer free - June 19, 2013
    Super T relapsed - January 2, 2014
    Super T earned his angel wings - January 3, 2014
    TTC for #2 beginning November 2014
    BFP #2 - Chemical Pregnancy - Confirmed May 29, 2015
    Diagnosed with PCOS; HSG - Clear; SA - Clear
    Clomid #1 - BFN
    Femera Cycle #2 - BFN
    Femera Cycle #3 - BFP 11/10/15 - EDD 07/14/16
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I just came back from my first appt today. I was told the same as @PugsandKisses. 7 days with no spotting and then sex is ok. She also mentioned to listen to your body...
  • I think I have one of these. My doc said it was a small blood clot next to the baby. She said I would either bleed or it would be absorbed. I haven't started bleeding and she didn't seem that concerned. I didn't know there was a name for it. I've been having severe cramps but no bleeding. This is my third pregnancy too, so you'd think I know these things. ;)
  • Yes, and I was placed on restrictions because if you start bleeding it can turn very bad very quick so they wanted me to do what I could to reduce the risk of that happening.
    TTC #2: 12/2012
    Back to our beloved RE 10/2013
    BFP #5 3/5/14
    Beta 1: 47. Beta 2: 87. Beta 3: 482!

    Baby CCH v2.0 due 11.14.14

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank you all for your responses. While I know it's not the norm, it appears to be fairly common. The fact that none of you had serious complications from it is reassuring. All of your feedback was super helpful! If anything else happens I'll update the post!
  • I'm 7 weeks and 5 days and my ultrasound Monday showed I have one adjacent to the baby. I am on restrictions also. When I had my mc in May I had the same thing which I think re absorbed but the baby's heart had stopped. So I'm not sure if that was a factor.
  • Ugh I just bled some more... These things are lame.
  • @BettyRu So lame! Hope it passes quickly for you.
  • mamaW1416mamaW1416 member
    edited December 2015
    Any updates ladies? I was diagnosed last week at 7 weeks 1 day with a SCH. I've been taking it easy and on pelvic rest. I have mostly brown spotting but here and there I'll have a tiny amount of light red spotting along with the brown. Anyone having light cramps? It seems as though mine come at the end of the day.
  • I started having bleeding at 7 weeks so called Dr. And they had me come in as a precaution and they saw a small SCH on the ultrasound they didn't give me any restrictions and said just to watch it closely and let them know if the bleeding got heavier. I spotted for a few more days after that and then it stopped. At my 9 week appointment they did another ultrasound and the SCH was gone.
  • MusestarvedMusestarved member
    edited December 2015
    I had one at 7 weeks. It was small and so I had no restrictions, and I think I only saw spotting because of progesterone detritus. I had an ultrasound yesterday at 11 and 6, and there was no sign. I agree with the other ladies- it depends on size and placement and the doctors will let you know if you need to take precautions. (This is not to say I was always calm about it, just that it wasn't as bad as my mind worms wanted me to believe.)
  • I started this thread when I was diagnosed with the SCH at 7w+4d. I'm 11 weeks now. I had some passing intermittent mild cramping about two weeks ago. But it subsided. I have a follow up US tomorrow, so we'll see if the SCH is still there or if it's resolved. If you're on pelvic rest, it's likely BC of the size/location of your SCH. In any event, I know it's not uncommon to have some bleeding BC of it. My doctor even told me to expect some mild bleeding. Good luck! I'm sure it'll all turn out better than fine.
  • WVUPetuniaWVUPetunia member
    edited December 2015
    I was diagnosed with one at 8 weeks after some spotting. She said it is very small, and she put me on pelvic rest "until she says otherwise." I'm having an ultrasound next week to have it re-checked, but I haven't had any spotting since 8 weeks.
    Me: 32 DH: 32
    Married: 05/31/2008
    DS: 11/06/2012 at 38w 1d
    M/C: 06/11/2015
    DD: 06/14/2016 at 37w 3d
  • My update - I haven't bled for maybe a week :).  I went to my 12 week appointment today and saw LO on an ultrasound.  LO was moving around like crazy in there :)  I'm just very happy that everything seems to be going well.  My tear has gotten smaller on the ultrasound, which is great.  :)  All around good day today.
  • This is so encouraging to hear your stories. I was just diagnosed with this last night after bleeding immensely for almost four hours. The bleeding has stopped and the doctor put me on pelvic rest but my husband and I are being extra careful and we put me on bedrest until my next ultrasound on Monday. I am 11 weeks + 4 days and miscarried my first baby earlier this year. I am very scared. 
  • I had this and am
    Now almost 40 wks pregnant with no complications from it. I googled it a lot when I was first told but that only made me worry because it really is not a big deal (in my doctors words) :)
  • I had one on my first ultrasound but thankfully it has gone by the second one which was at 11 weeks 2 days.
  • @mjmardel hang in there mama! Monday is so close and you are pregnant today!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • I woke up this morning 12 weeks 1 day and there was blood when I whiped, we went to the hospital and ultrasound was normal but he said it's a small bleed between the placenta and the uterine wall. And called it a sch too.. He said I can go back to my regular activity but gave me a note for work. I'm gonna take it easy anyways mostly because I was just so stressed and emotional I need some relax time.. Hope we all have happy healthy babies
  • I have the same thing, I was bleeding and crampy. U/s were fine. They also found hemoragic cysts on my right ovary which is causing a lot of pain and some bleeding. I had been good since Monday with no spotting for cramping but today I have had some wicked cramping, but it is only on the right side.
  • I am so grateful to find this thread. I am 8 weeks 3 days. Woke up this morning bleeding and went to the ER. They found SCH also. They told me pelvic rest and modified bedrest for the next couple of days. I'm really freaked out. I had a mc in August and I'm 41. Just scared but grateful to know other women have this condition and go on to have successful pregnancies
  • I was diagnosed with this from my 7 week 1 day ultra and found out today --- and I'm almost 9 weeks. The doctor just forgot to call me back about the results... Anyway; I was told to refrain from s-x and don't run until my 12 week ultra and it should be cleared up she thinks. I've had zero bleeding but she told me to not run to prevent it. I ran like 10 miles this weekend, so that kind of stunk to find this out today, but no bleeding so I'll just rest going forward. She also told me it puts you at a less than 10% chance of miscarriage in case you are worried. I personally was worried about the news, but this thread really helped ease my worry!!! :-).
  • I'm also grateful for this thread - diagnosed today at 10w3d. I'm told its small but am on pelvic rest and modified bed rest - basically just taking it as easy as is possible with a 2yo. I'm hoping this clears itself in the next few weeks. Going to enjoy the downtime and maybe a few more naps than normal and just keep thinking positively.
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  • edited December 2015

    I actually just posted this on another thread too but it seemed appropriate here. :)

    I was diagnosed yesterday with the exact same thing. Thankfully it happened the same morning as my 12 wk checkup. My ob was really fantastic about it though, he had me laughing in five minutes. The only thing he told me to do cut the exercise to one short walk a day (a necessity with my two dogs), not to lift anything bigger than 5-10lbs, and no sex till the next visit.

    Mine measured a full inch and is located under the placenta, which I was told was actually on the larger scale. The plus side is that they said they will most likely monitor with ultrasounds at my check ups until it goes away. Yay for more baby time! Yesterday the little one was jumping around like a bouncy ball.
  • Lurking from April BMB...
    I had one with my last pregnancy and it got so big at 8 weeks it separated my pregnancy from my uterus and I had a D&C after finding out a week later.
    It happens.
    It's not uncommon to have a SCH and I've seen quite a few women in the office end up with normal pregnancies as they usually re-absorb.

    I had one with this pregnancy too but it bled out on its own at 9 weeks and now at 24 weeks it's gone.

  • I got in with my ob today and she told me my sch is very small and that she is not worried at all, she said its quite common, she even has seen some very large ones and the baby turns out okay! All she suggested to me was no sex, or physical activity and heavy lifting, until I see her again so I am not to worried as of now! I Also had my 13 week ultrasound baby is healthy! So relieved.
  • I haven't bled in over two weeks :)...  yeay!
  • I am super behind in posting but I also have a SCH which was found at my 8 week ultrasound. It is tiny and I had no restrictions at all. My doctor mentioned that up to a third of women have them at some point during a pregnancy and it's extremely common. I am now almost to my 13th week and had an appointment today. My doctor had no concerns about it at all and felt that if I hadn't seen bleeding to this point then it likely has been or will be reabsorbed.
  • What is considered a small one? My doctor said it was very small but put me on pelvic rest and no running, limits like that- are some doctors just really cautious? Maybe it's the location ? Anyway, calling doctor Monday. Still no bleeding at all and want more detail or another ultra sound rather than having to wait 5 weeks to find out the status of this.
  • It's interesting how differently Drs treat these. We found one last week when I was 13+4 and woke up to heavy bleeding. Supposedly mine is quite large in comparison to the baby. About 6cmx5cm, and it's located in a weird spot on the placenta that increases the risk of cutting off blood supply. I was put on bedrest through the weekend. Monday I continued bleeding with bad cramping, so my Dr put me on modified bedrest until I stop bleeding for 4 days. I understand most people go one to have a healthy baby, but it's still a little nerve wracking when you see all that blood!
  • Hey ladies, just wanted to check in, and see how everyone was doing. I'm 16+4 and still on modified bedrest. I had been bleeding mostly brown for the past few weeks, which I thought meant it was maybe resolving. Went in for an US Wednesday and it has actually gotten slightly bigger. It's also torn away a small part of my placenta from the uterus. I was already high risk for pre term labor, so OB seems to think this time around it is also highly likely. We shall see. I go back at 20 weeks for my anatomy scan to check it out.
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