I'm 7w4d, and had an US yesterday, and they found an 8mm x 4mm Subchorionic hematoma (SCH). No one appeared too concerned, and was basically told that my body should reabsorb it, or I may have bleeding.
I read online though that some doctors recommend resting, refraining from sex, and other measures-- none of which were told to me. Any ladies out there have an SCH, or have had one in a prior pregnancy? Were you placed on any restrictions? What was the outcome?
Thank you!
Re: Subchorionic Hematoma (SCH)
BFP#5 Praying for another rainbow in February!
Now almost 40 wks pregnant with no complications from it. I googled it a lot when I was first told but that only made me worry because it really is not a big deal (in my doctors words)
I actually just posted this on another thread too but it seemed appropriate here.
I was diagnosed yesterday with the exact same thing. Thankfully it happened the same morning as my 12 wk checkup. My ob was really fantastic about it though, he had me laughing in five minutes. The only thing he told me to do cut the exercise to one short walk a day (a necessity with my two dogs), not to lift anything bigger than 5-10lbs, and no sex till the next visit.
Mine measured a full inch and is located under the placenta, which I was told was actually on the larger scale. The plus side is that they said they will most likely monitor with ultrasounds at my check ups until it goes away. Yay for more baby time! Yesterday the little one was jumping around like a bouncy ball.
I had one with my last pregnancy and it got so big at 8 weeks it separated my pregnancy from my uterus and I had a D&C after finding out a week later.
It happens.
It's not uncommon to have a SCH and I've seen quite a few women in the office end up with normal pregnancies as they usually re-absorb.
I had one with this pregnancy too but it bled out on its own at 9 weeks and now at 24 weeks it's gone.