Today we had our first appointment... Yayy... Or should I really say WTH. A little background info.
We moved to a new town 12 months ago, for DH new job, which means we have new insurance.
So.. I had ALOT of anxiety having to pick a new doctor. After a 2 hour wait, we where shuffled into the back into a consultation room. ok...
The lady precedes to explain our insurance and meeting deductibles and tells us the most they can charge for a CSection is 2800 plus we have to pay half of my 2000 deductible.
So long story short. We have to pay the doctors office 260 a month for 6 months. Then all we have to pay is 20% of what the hospital charges after the baby is born. This includes anesthesia, for the CSection. Which is about 99% going to happen again.
After doing some math, we may only have paid 5000 after the baby is born and all is said and done.
Now I'm keeping my on the prize, but obviously as a SAHM, with only one income. This is a financial hardship. My complaint is, we still pay about 500 a month to my husbands employer for insurance monthly. Now an extra 260 for the next 6 months, plus more after the hospital stay. How do people afford this. My husband makes too much for us to qualify for anything, yet not enough for all this.
We are both college educated, he has a graduate degree and is a civil structural engineer, we are doing everything we are suppose to and this new baby is going to put us in debt. We will stay positive and figure it all out. I just wonder if anyone else is having these issues with insurance and Cost of having a baby. Our last baby we had a different insurance company with a different employer and paid 250 out the door. So we are still in shock over our first OB appointment.
espically since we waited 2.5 hours didn't get an US and got told we would see the doctor again at 11 weeks. Maybe we were just really spoiled with our last doctor!!
Re: Second pregnancy Schoker
This is just 1 person not a family plan.
I set my flex spending account for the max out of pocket so that's an additional $106nper month. A flex spending account is nice because it's pre tax money. Basically you get about 25% more bang for your buck.
For a family plan your plan doesn't sound that out of line from mine. I just reduced what I was contributing to my Roth IRA for next year so that it makes up the difference in my monthly premiums.
Ask your husband to look into a flex spending acount and annual enrolment for his company. This is that time of year for the enrollment period for next year.
Good luck!