Ill start

1. I am playing hookie from work today. Just needed a day, alone, in the quiet to relax and read. I do this occasionally, and its always really nice
2. We are looking at a new apartment tonight. I mentioned before our landlord sucks. Barely gives us heat. Hasn't ever been proactive to fix anything. So we need to move, especially before the babe comes.
3. I heart Charlie Sheen, but not surprised about the announcement he is HIV positive. I told DH last week I thought it would be him when initial story was being leaked.
4. I cant wait to finish 'The Good Girl' today. I am hooked on this book!
5. Our anatomy scan is on 12/29. I bought a card on Etsy for the tech to fill out, and on NYE when we are out to dinner we will open it. SO EXCITED!
6. Speaking of anatomy scan, I have been convinced its a boy. But I don't have a definite feeling about it one way or the other anymore.
7. The Rockettes were on the Today show. For some reason, they always make me emotional and I cried a bit. The show in NYC is amazing and I cant wait to take the LO in a few more years! I am really looking forward to starting Christmas traditions as a family!
8. Filling out the paper work to change my name today! It will hopefully be officially done the week after Christmas. I am happy to change it, but it feels so weird.
9. I foresee a nap in my immediate future

10. Going back to take some prenatal yoga classes this weekend, and looking forward to adding it to my regular workout routine again.
Re: TTT!
2. DH's mom is coming over tonight. He is FINALLY going to tell her about the pregnancy even though she probably already knows. I kinda want to go out when she's here but DH won't let me.
3. Our next appointment is next week. I'm excited bc I'll get to hear baby again and we get to schedule our anatomy scan.
4. Looking forward to Thanksgiving. We had to use up some of our vacation time for the year so we have 6 days off in a row. Lots of nap times. And of course food and family.
5. I've started Christmas shopping for some small things this week. I always get excited giving gifts to others. Especially the LO's in the family.
6. We are officially announcing the pregnancy to the world next week some time. I'm pretty excited that I won't have to keep this massive secret anymore. Except DH needs to tell his lead at work and keeps slacking. He tells everyone except the people who need to know.
7. I really need to start cleaning up my office to start moving some things out of here. Idk where half the stuff is going but baby needs a room. And my dad wants to get the new floor put in here like yesterday.
8. This heartburn is killing me. I've always had an iron stomach. Could eat whatever I want. No heartburn ever. Now? I so much as drink or eat anything that can cause heartburn, even in a small quantity, I get it. And right away. And I'm absolutely miserable. Tums are my friend, but they only offer so much assistance.
9. I'm going to concert with DH and my sister in 2 and a half weeks. Excited doesn't even explain half of how I feel.
10. My dog is being a massive jerk lately. DH doesn't come in the house with me right away? Barking. I go outside to get something without the dog? More barking. I really like the way your food smells, give me some. Even more barking. I feel like he barks at everything now. He was never like this until recently and now I'm worried he's getting jealous. Now we really have our training work cut out for us... Thankfully he learns quickly.
2. My dog has been extra attached lately and refuses to not be around me every second I am home. My husband made him a stuffed kong yesterday and he left it on the floor to come lay by me. I just love him so much.
3. Saturday was our ten year dating anniversary and baby Mac may be born on our five year wedding anniversary. Best way to celebrate.
4. Currently a one car family and thinking about researching a second car on top of all the baby stuff stresses me out.
5. Had great news at the doctor yesterday so still riding that cloud 9.
6. Insurance is changing in January and my doctor wants me to prepay based on current insurance but it's changing. Plus I'll hit my maximum out of pocket before the delivery so I'm not sure what to do. Advise, please!
7. Working out today at lunch and so excited. Finally starting to see the scale go up and trying to not let it bother me.
8. Lunch will be leftovers from work thanksgiving potluck and I CANT WAIT.
9. Just now starting to write on these boards and I feel guilty and behind. Acting like a sponge to absorb everyone's knowledge!
10. Hard core Dave Ramsey fan- if anyone is using his methods or budgeting for baby, please share advise!
Married in 2011
Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
Baby 2: Due May 2016
2. I think I'm putting my Christmas tree up tomorrow. Judge away, but I took the week off work and I'm using it as a decoration for my son's 1st birthday party in a couple weeks. It's one less thing to worry about if it's done.
3. I actually don't want to put my Christmas tree up. Christmas is not my all. But the rest of the family loves it, and my 2 year old is starting to understand the "Santa" concept so maybe this year will be more fun.
4. My baby will be 1 in 2 weeks. I can't even pretend to be ok with that right now. I'm not ready.
5. I decided to do breakfast food for his party...what was I thinking? I need about 5 more ovens
6. It's our turn to host the monthly WWE pay per view. It's Sunday. I'm not sure I can really handle it this month, since I have a funeral on Thursday, but I need the normalcy back in my I'll push through it.
7. The fact that my son will FINALLY drink out of a sippy cup at 11 months has me on cloud 9
8. Teething. It can kiss my butt. So much pain and grouchiness and guess what? They just fall out in 5 years anyway...ugh.
9. My anatomy scan is the same day my son gets his 1 year shots...Dec 21...right before christmas. I hope they treat him better this time...he doesn't handle the shots well at all. Usually a pretty high fever and a trip to the er...
10. Little TMI, but the sneeze pees have started. Yay for that lol
4. My hubby and I have started a list of things we need to make sure we bring with us. This makes me happy, I love lists.
5 I'm having issues getting through a book for work. It's like a text book, and boring, and clearly written with a bias.
10. I officially can't button my pants anymore. Next big milestone- feeling movement that is clearly movement and not possibly gas.
I'll schedule some extra time to sit down with them when I'm there next time!
1. I'm super excited for the Holiday season this year. I want Christmas decorations everywhere. Last year I totally did not have the holiday spirit because of all the legal problems with my sister and how it was affecting the whole family. I didn't even get a tree last year. Part of it was because I went to Alaska for half of December for the birth of my nephew, which was one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
2. I just received my new pair of glasses last night and I'm pretty sure the prescription is wrong...again. So I need to call them again and get back in there..
3. My OB called and wants me to come back in to give another urine sample because the sample I gave yesterday was sent in for the wrong test. She called right as I finished going to the bathroom.
4. I slept in today and am taking my sweet time getting ready for the day. Which is a bad habit I've been getting into lately.
5. I have my first therapy appointment tonight to begin working on my "mommy issues" aka have someone help me figure out why I have such a strained relationship with my mother and how to cope with it instead of stuffing it like I've apparently been doing. I think my pregnancy hormones have made my patience for my mother worse and I can't even talk to her at this point because I'll say something I'll regret, and she won't even understand what I'm saying.
6. I'm so thankful to have and amazing stepmom and MIL who are so supportive and understanding and respect my boundaries.
7. I started my coffee maker this morning without putting water in it. That's the first time I've done that.
8. I got my first flu shot yesterday, ever, and my arm is sore today. I'm not surprised, but I'm a side sleeper and it really cramped my sleeping style last night.
9. I found out yesterday that our insurance covered our early dating ultrasound, which I am so surprised about! I thought we'd have to pay for all ultrasounds out of pocket.
10. I need to get into a better habit of eating regularly. I tend to skip meals, which I know is bad in general, but my Dr explained how blood sugar is different during pregnancy. I need to really break some bad habits..
2. I have never been much of a meat eater but now it is all that I want all the time. Beans and lentils are a fine substitute but I am actually craving red meat and beans can kiss it!
3. Just realized that something went wrong with our automatic rent payment this month and we are now 17 days late!! Hoping the landlord is understanding, she makes us pay through renttrack, afterall. If we were paying the old fashioned way she'd have her money. I'm trying to be cool about it but I hate this kind of thing, it stresses me out!
4. My husband teaches on Tuesday nights and doesn't get home until 11 o'clock, before getting KU I used to relish the alone time but now I miss him when he's gone.
5. I'm really excited for the new Hunger Games movie and trying to convince H to see it with me Saturday afternoon.
6. I am definitely feeling a million times better than I did during the first tri but the exhaustion has not gone away. I wish I could stay up past 9:30 and feel rested the next day. Sigh.
7. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving! We're driving up to CT where my family lives next Wednesday afternoon and will come back home on Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing my grandparents and nephews and cousins and everyone. And eating. I really can't wait for my father's cooking, not only on Thanksgiving. He is a fantastic cook.
8. I love the holiday season at work. There is a killer party every year and the spirit of generosity is abound. After Thanksgiving I'll switch to my Christmas Pandora station and it will be glorioussss.
9. I actually did not grow up celebrating Christmas but plan to celebrate it with my child. We started the family Christmas tradition when my brother started having kids and it is so much fun. It is not about the religious meaning for us, but we still celebrate the spirit of family, charity and love. This year I'm asking DH for a snoogle and The Secret Garden adult coloring book.
10. Someone at work touched my bump today but I actually liked it. I finally don't feel totally awkward when people notice and talk to me about being pregnant. Yay!
2. Headaches have been plaguing at least half of every day for over a week. I have client heavy days today and tomorrow then I think Thursday will be a sleep it off and rest kind of sick day.
3. I did a short circuit workout and am so sore. Need to keep at it!
4. I'm a huge fan of The Voice. I've never been into any of the singing competition shows until maternity leave last fall when I got hooked on this one!
5. I feel guilty talking in general about future plans at work, knowing I'm going to leave. Anyone been through that and have advice? I know it's not possible to tell them now and keep working for 6 months so.....kind of stuck.
6. We are in the final stretch of our home project! I'm looking forward to giving the first floor a good cleaning, not having workers in the house, and sitting and staring at our pretty backsplash. Yes, I'm that person. When did I start caring more about cloth diapers and tile than being social and well accessorized?! I like this me better.
7. I'm jealous of the snow falling out west, but know I'm not quite ready for it here in the Midwest.
8. Clementines are life. I've had 4 today and it's not even 11am.
9. We have two dogs, one is a rescued retired greyhound. I know we don't have any business with more dogs but there's something about greyhounds that melts my heart...I want them all!
10. I'm boring and have nothing else to share except that I'm loving the increase in snarky gifs around here!
2. I hate cleaning. When I go back to work after baby is born, I am seriously considering a cleaning service every other week to do the deep cleaning stuff.. scrubbing floors, toilets, windows, etc. Did I mention I don't like cleaning?
3. I need to find out when the Peanuts Thanksgiving special is. I have loved watching that every year since I was a little kid. I love all the Peanuts holiday specials.
4. I still fit in my pants, but they are getting more and more snug by the day. I seriously can't find any nice maternity dress pants that have long inseams (I'm 5'11"). I have a couple pairs from gap from my last pregnancy that are ok, but I'd like something different. This seriously makes me sad. I could wear dresses and skirts, but it can be so freakin' cold here in the winter. If anyone has suggestions, let me know! I've checked Gap, Old Navy, Motherhood, Loft, Asos, H&M, J. Crew...
5. I have a bachelorette party to attend this weekend. Pregnant on a party bus... woooooo!
6. I get winded so easily lately! It's quite sad because I usually have a great endurance and can run for long distances. Lately, not so much... Last night I ran up our stairs and was huffing and puffing. I felt so pathetic. I'm hoping I can start making more time for the gym now that I'm feeling better. I have a feeling it's going to be hard with the holidays right around the corner, but no excuses!
7. I don't want to tell work about being pregnant. I'm supposed to sign on a big client next week, so I'm hoping I can give the news of the new client, then tell them about the pregnancy. I work in the investment management division of a bank, so other than my department, I will just wait until everyone figures it out on their own.
8. For some reason I thought that you could only eat well-done steaks while pregnant. I typically like mine medium rare, so I was thrilled when I was told I could have medium steaks. My H and I were in Las Vegas over our anniversary, so we went to a great steak place and I had filet mignon that I could cut with. my. FORK. Yum. It was so tender and delicious. Then I had dessert at Jean Phillipe Patisserie which is absolutely fantastic (it's the place with the chocolate fountains). I was on cloud 9!!
9. If you like babies and Instagram, follow Scout Ponder. Her mom is Samantha Ponder, who is an ESPN anchor and her dad is Christian Ponder who is an NFL quarterback (I can't remember which team and am too lazy to look it up). Anyway, Sam obviously runs the page, but she comes up with the funniest pictures and captions of Scout. It makes me laugh.
10. My boobs have grown slightly, but I'm hoping I will get to experience what having boobs is like during pregnancy/BF. Haha. I'm the president of the itty bitty titty committee, so it would be fun to have a little somthin' somethin' for a while. However, when they go back to normal I hope they don't look like a marble on a surfboard.
Married in 2011
Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
Baby 2: Due May 2016
2. Watching Losing Isaiah which makes me a ball of mush every time.
3. About to make Louisiana grillades for dinner.
4. Waiting for doctor office to call me back (impatiently).
5. Waiting for plastic surgeon office to call me back so we can go through my breast lift and reduction so I can get a game plan for BF.
6. I can't believe I'm actually airing my house out with all the windows open in November!!! This weather is crazy!
7. I took a most wonderful video of DD blowing raspberries on my belly this morning and then telling my belly "I love you brother sister" then kissing my belly.
8. Sooo relieved to not have gray hairs anymore and officially a red head as of Friday! (I'm usually a platinum blonde).
9. Hoping I can get off early tomorrow night so I can go to DD's school Thanksgiving luncheon without being a complete zombie.
10. DH struck again by not keeping his mouth shut about our freakin baby names! His best friend had his baby yesterday and sure as shit named him one of our baby names bc DH mentioned we liked the name. UGH!
Been married since 2009.
Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
Several MCs
DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)
2.. FIL wants to go to the beach and wants us to drive him and offered to board our dogs and pay for everything. Sounds great right? WRONG! He is super needy and super manipulative, and it would pretty much be hell on earth. It's all I can do to keep my mouth shut around him as it is during an hour or so supper. The main reason I do not like him is because of how he treats my husband. I don't think I could last 5plus hours in a car and then cooped up in the same hotel room. Nope nope nope, and a whole lotta more NOPE!
3. I'm so not motivated today. This is due to a lack of sleep. Last night I felt like I was drowning in a sea of boogers. It always happens at night. During the day I"m fine and during the night I"m choking constantly on snot (drainage) as I try to sleep. Probably TMI. I know all the tricks and home remedies; they don't help much in my experience.
4. Our NT scan is Thursday. I'm nervous. I'm so afraid that there won't be a heartbeat. I've heard other people's horror stories about thinking everything is fine and then going in for an ultrasound only to discover no more baby. That terrifies me, especially b/c we have already lost one earlier this year. If that happens I will be fit to be tied.
5. I'm not much into vegetables. I'm a very picky eater when it comes to veggies. Now that I"m pregnant, I'm even more picky than before. Veggies = mostly yuck Id rather eat fruit.
6. I've done most of my Christmas shopping. Just have to get my sister one more thing, a couple more things for my dad and then shop for the hubby. Unfortunately, next step after that is wrapping - which I hate.
7. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. The last three months of the year are my favorite. They always seem to fly by though.
8. Been having weird dreams. Some dreams are sex dreams and they are super weird and creep me out to an extent.
9. I work from home so my wardrobe is pj pants and a tshirt. I don't sleep in the same pj pants I wear during the day. I have separate pairs lol
10. I worry about my husband sometimes.
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
- BFP: 09/11/2015
- EDD: 05/25/2016
Baby Born04/15/2016
2. I cannot get enough apples, in all forms. Sliced with peanut butter? Yes. Applesauce? Duh. Martinelli's apple juice? Why not?!
3. I am sick of getting heartburn from every. Single. Thing.
4. I got a new vehicle right before we got the BFP. Heated steering wheels are my new favorite thing.
5. My dog has been my shadow and follows me EVERYwhere.
6. I can't wait for Thanksgiving. It's the first one I'll spend with my family in a few years, and I can't wait to have everyone in one place!
7. My mom is terrified of my dog (and all dogs). I think it's hilarious when she comes over, because my dog LOVES her.
8. I used to be a major coffee drinker, and since I found out I was PG, it doesn't even sound good.
9. I'm excited to finally have a little bump! One of my coworkers noticed it on Monday and it made me feel a little better about my pants not fitting anymore!
10. I'm dreading finding a winter coat. Snow and chilly temps are just around the corner and my current "go-to" winter coats are a little snug near the tummy, and I'll need something nice and warm for our winter vacation in a couple of months.