Trouble TTC

TTTC Checkin 11/16/2015

GoldenKeysGoldenKeys admin
edited November 2015 in Trouble TTC

Good morning everyone.. it's checkin time!  Congratulations to any BFP's this week and hugs to anybody who needs one.  How is everybody doing?

Welcome to the following newbies:  @nberth , @kerismatic

My thoughts and prayers go out to anybody affected by the crisis in France this weekend.


stac12679: dx: Bilateral tubal blockage  treatment: mini IVF
tripplek1988: dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid
KidShrink: dx:Immature follies, thin lining   treatment: Femara/Ovidrel/Prometrieum
krbjoy: dx: unexplained, low AMH, fibroids  treatment:Lupron, Follistim, Menopur + trigger
AdorkablePixie: dx: Hpyothalmic amenorrhea   treatment: Menopur, Ovidrel, IUI
kistra: dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid, Ovidrel, IUI
mylienc: dx:low follicle count  treatment: Clomid + Novarel
CopperLane:  dx: PCOS  treatment: natural BFP before taking Clomid
susykat77 dx: DOR  treatment: IVF with embryo hatching and glue
Alyeena dx: PCOS + MFI  treatment: modified IVF + ISCI


@kristylang ; dx:Low counts/quality  treatment: Clomid+IUI
@starlitfae dx:Unexplained, thyroid  treatment: Synthroid, femara, trigger+IUI
@mandasand: dx: low AMH  treatment:IVF
@jnissa: dx: DOR   treatment: IVF
@J_k4ever05 ;  dx: PCOS + MFI (morph)   treatment: benched/getting healthy
@Aera11: dx:mild PCOS treatment: Clomid
@BlissfulWifey: dx: Anovulatory: Progesterone + trigger
@SandyBrook: dx: irregular bleeding  treatment: testing phase
@AndieB83: dx:unexplained  treatment: Clomid/IUI
@Cupcakegal930: dx: MFI: count and motility  treatment: IVF+ISCI
@graphicgranite: dx: Possible PCOS treatment: Clomid + testing
@eekers: Unexplained treatment:Femara, Ovidrel, Prometrium
@amazeballz: DX: pcos treatment: TBD
@mmkipper: dx: MFI/motility treatment: Clomid + IUI
@ACleanLife24: dx: PCOS, MCTD and IBS:  treatment: testing phase
@Mando15: dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid + IUI
@Inge Molon: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole + Ovidrel
@AshleySchulte87: dx: PCOS, Premature ovarian failure   treatment:Clomid
@clt2pwm11: dx:anovulatory PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@linne23 dx: PCOS  treatment: Clomid + trigger
@ceclarlinetlo: DX: septate uterus and PCOS   Treatment: hysteroscopic resection; low carb diet, exercise, myo inositol
@babyexpress: dx: unexplained  treatment: Clomid + IUI
@GoatSnakeMouse: dx: MFI  treatment:waiting for RE
@Osteoblastic: dx:Irregular cycles, unofficial pCOS  treatment: Getting healthy
@riveridgional: dx: Unexplained, hypothyroidism, suspected ovulatory dysfunction  treatment: injectibles
@smfeuro:  dx: Unexplained and RPL  treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel
@Drove2u: dx:unexplained  treatment: IUI
@LauraNick2010: dx:unexplained  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@yellingbanana: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole, metformin, trigger, TI
@twomommiestobe:  dx: annovulatory/pcos and DW-endometriosis treatment: reciprocal IVF
@turtle148: dx: LPD  treatment: Clomid + progesterone
@kaitlink33: dx: PCOS  treatment: Letrozole, dexamethasone, and injectable meds+ provera
@Whiggrrl65: dx: PCOS treatment: Letrozole and Ovidrel + IUI
@gardeniagirlknits: dx: hypothyroidism & thyroid cancer  dx: synthroid, thyroidectomy
@roosh1982: dx: Unexplained infertility  treatment: Femara, estrace + trigger
@rachlee2010: dx: DOR treatment: IUI
@AL_TwinCities: dx: Unknown  treatment: continued temping for now
@jclaire2: dx: Unexplained Infertility & hypothyroid  treatment:  Letrozole, trigger shot, IUI and progesterone
@tiffany929: dx: Endo treatment: Lupron injects
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI
@mackenzie07: dx: Endo + PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@lily55d:  dx: Endo + PCOS treatment: metformin, Femara and progesterone.
@calfherder: dx: MFI treatment: IUI then IVF
@Tawnie2929: dx: testing
@lablover78: dx: unexplained/irregular cycles/PCOS  treatment: acupuncture & herbs
@erica0901: dx: Unexplained  treatment:IUI, Clomid
@agriffin92013: dx: Unexplained treatment: IUI+femara
@JamieL31210: dx: unexplained treatment: clomid
@hrenee721: dx: MFI treatment: IUI, then IVF if no luck
@vssbrm: dx: Minor Vercosis, morphology, high prolactin  treatment: Clomid + IUI + ovidrel + prolactin meds
@Praying4ayear dx: unknown  treatment: OPKs and temping
@mackenzie07 dx: PCOS and Endo  treatment: Clomid
@TryingforaTRbaby dx: Hughes Syndrome, immature eggs  dx: Clomid + novarel
@LauraNick2010 dx: not tested treatment: Clomid
@benten24 dx: irregular cycles, not tested yet
@ahende04 dx: anovulatory, treatment: in testing
@emgem819 dx: PCOS, treatment: provera, femara + Bravelle
@amyac15 dx: Increased prolactin, treatment: Parlodel
@wifeinraleigh28 dx: MFI  treatment: IUI + follistim
@WA85: dx: Endo + Fibroids  treatment: Clomid
@MrsB627: dx PCOS+kidney disease treatment: Clomid
@Plainjanie: dx: in testing
@katehutsen: dx: MFI treatment: Clomid, IUI with DS
@Soon2bemissG: dx: PCOS  treatment: Metformin + provera
@taragust dx: MFI  treatment: IUI
@iloverocksalot dx: high FSH, MFI  treatment: DHEA+ Clomid+IUI
@BrightenMySky dx: MFI  treatment: Clomid+IUI
@severmilli12 dx: in testing phase
@ErinJoshua2011 dx: anovulation/amenorrhea treatment: clomid + prometrium
@nberth dx: PCOS  treatment: Provera + Clomid
@kerismatic dx: PCOS treatment:  Metformin


To be added to the Weekly Checkin, please answer the following:

1.  How long have you been TTC?

2.  What is your diagnosis?

3.  What is your current treatment plan?

Question of the Week:  What is the farthest place you've been from home?

Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc


Re: TTTC Checkin 11/16/2015

  • My hysteroscopy is tomorrow! The nurse said I will be under conscious anesthesia and will be awake but unable to speak or move. I'm so nervous! I hope everyone has a great week!

    Question of the Week:  What is the farthest place you've been from home?

    Hmm I think probably a vacation in Florida when I was a child. As an adult I took a trip to Michigan a few years ago, which was a 12 hour drive. I don't travel much because we have livestock.
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • I'm loving acupuncture, and am looking forward to our infertility consult in early Dec. Currently in the TWW of this cycle.

    QOTW: I went to Johannesburg South Africa about a year and a half ago - that was some flight! I live in Minnesota.
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

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  • Still waiting to hear when my surgery is scheduled. If I don't get a call by noon then I'll call and see where things stand. I've also been doing a bit of reading on nutrition and PCOS in general and looking for ideas for how to adjust my diet but still enjoy food.

    Furthest I've been is to Peru.
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • @calfherder good luck tomorrow!!

    @goldenkeys how are things going with your new house? Have you moved in?
    TW: MMC
    BFP1 12/24/14 - EDD 09/07/15 (D/C 8w1d)
    BFP2 6/12/15 - EDD 2/22/16 (D/C 10w3d)
    Diagnoses and Treatments
    PCOS (myo-inositol, excercize)
    Indeterminant levels of APS IgM antibodies (baby aspirin)
    Sub-septate uterus (hysteroscopic septoplasty 12/18/15)
    BFP3 05/02/16 EDD 01/09/17 DS born 01/05/17
    BFP4 01/28/19 EDD 10/?/19 🤞🙏

  • @calfherder good luck tomorrow!! @goldenkeys how are things going with your new house? Have you moved in?
    We move in next week!  We had a yard sale last week and we're in the packing up process.  I'm so excited!! :-D

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

  • BrightenMySkyBrightenMySky member
    edited November 2015
    Could use some hugs after this weekend.  I started spotting on my way out the door to the RE's office for my beta on Friday, so I asked for a baseline US.  I have a cyst, but the RE says because it is not producing estrogen, I can get going this cycle for IUI #3.  We also talked this weekend about maybe doing one more IUI after this, then going on a trip at the end of January, and then starting IVF when we get home.  I think if I do IUI #4, I will push the RE harder for other meds.  I have been responding well to the Clomid with a good # of mature follicles each time and no impact to lining thickness, but I've read that injectables can yield better quality eggs, so seems like it'd be worth a try.  

    And furthest is Israel (I live on the East Coast), but hopefully that will change to Hong Kong & Japan after our trip this winter (which has yet to be planned/booked...advice welcome).

    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • We have our doctors meeting tonight to review all the meds and go over how to give the shots. I end the androderm patch and bcp on the 25th, Lepron starts the 28th and our stim starts 11/30. This is our second IVF and my fingers are crossed we will have a Christmas miracle. We'll find out what they are changing in meds this round since our first IVF we only got 1 egg. Hoping for better results.

    QOTW: traveled to Costa Rico with my sister and her girlfriends when I was in college for a fun summer trip. It was a lot of fun and I have many great memories from that trip. :)

    Wishing for the best to everyone who is in the process of an IUI or IVF. To all the women on here who are down in the dumps hugs to you ladies and keep your head up. It will happen for all of us and when it does, it's going to be the best thing in the world.
  • @GoldenKeys can you update me? Dx: Me-annovulatory/pcos and DW-endometriosis tx:reciprocal ivf.

    I am halfway through provera and acting like a crying angry mess. I don't know how I will survive all the IVF meds, I'll be a nutcase the whole time!
    I am so stressed bc I habe so much school work to do before Dec (going back to school to get Bachelors). I thought school would distract me from IF stress but instead the IF is distracting me from finishing my work :(

    We went to London (from TX). I love flying so it was a great flight!

    RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS  RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
    Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm on CD16 and thinking I may not have missed o this cycle. After being so sick last week testing and temping went out the window. Yet this morning I had ewcm so maybe we didn't miss out this month. I didn't tell dh just because I didn't want to put any pressure on him.
    @GoldenKeys congrats on the big move! We looked at our new house as a way to start fresh and leave all the disappointments in the old one.
    @BrightenMySky hugs and thoughts for you today!

    Qotw: Paris. I love that city so seeing it ripped apart hurts.
  • The gonal-f, dexamethasone, ovidrel combo worked for me (finally something worked!!). At my last U/S last monday I had 5 measurable follies (first time in forever to have anything growing let alone measurable) 11, 16, 17, 22, and 29. I triggered last monday as well and I O'd on tuesday. I am currently 6dpo and trying like crazy not to SS but its so hard. I am hoping and praying this is our cycle since the injectables worked for making my follies grow. 
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
  • I needed a mental break so I took off last temping, no bump, no stressful sex. It was amazing. Finally put my big girl panties on this month and got my baseline US done, which looked fine. Started Clomid yesterday and will get a trigger shot next Monday. Fingers crossed that this is our cycle.

    Farthest I've travelled was the Dominican Republic. Gorgeous!

    @calfherder Good luck tomorrow!

    @BrightenMySky Hugs to you! Injectables definitely might be a good next step before jumping into IVF. That was the path our dr recommended because of the higher success rates but we decided to do a less aggressive approach for cost reasons.

    @twomommiestobe You got this! December isn't too far away. And it will all be worth the stress/hot mess in the end!
    Me: 31  DH: 32  Dx: Unexplained
    TTC #1 off and on since 2010
    11/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    12/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    1/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    2/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    4/16 - Follistim + IUI = BFN
    5/16 - 11/16 - Life / WTFing / Pity Party / Saving $
    1/17 - IVF #1 (Fresh Transfer / 6 frosties) = BFN
    3/17 - FET.... BFP! EDD 11/29
  • @Lin&amp;say I am glad your break went so well, FX for you this cycle.  I started Clomid yesterday as well and I'm guessing I'll trigger Monday night, so we are on the same schedule.  I picked out some little fancy chocolates over the weekend for this round of Clomid--I find the pills really gross tasting, so I eat a square every night after taking them as a treat.  
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • Last IUI was not successful and with it being the 3rd had to have a sit down with the RE to discuss what to do next.  Because I couldn't get in until CD 10 I was past getting meds for this month so all I've done is temp, OPK and have had 2 acupuncture sessions.  After telling him that we will not do IVF he will try another IUI and wants to do a hybrid cycle.  Take 7.5mg Femara days 3-7 and Gonal F on 7 and 9.  I haven't decided what to do yet.  I must say I'm not sure if it's from being off the meds, the acupuncture or combination of both but I feel better today than I have in a year.

    QOTW:  We went on a Caribbean cruise for our honeymoon
  • Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well!

    I am currently in the TWW, 3-4DPO. I got positive OPK's two days in a row, which I never had and I was sick so I couldn't temp to confirm the day. I also ovulated later than expected on the Clomid to begin with but I'm just excited to get a positive. I am going to try my hardest to not SS because I know in about a week, I probably will!

    QOTW - The furthest I have gone is to the Caribbean on a cruise for our honeymoon.
    DS born 2016
  • @kaitlink33 those sound like great follies! FX that this is your month!

    @twomommiestobe I'm also so nervous about the IVF meds! I started birth control a couple weeks ago, and I've felt so blah and I've gained 5 lbs so far since starting it. I've never taken BCPs and had no idea that I'd feel so different on them. Good luck on your school work!

    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • I had my baseline ultrasound this morning, and all looks good, so I'm starting follistim injections tomorrow and will take those each night through Friday.  I have my CD7 ultrasound scheduled for Saturday morning and I'm praying for some good follies!  It's looking like our IUI will be on Thanksgiving, which will be a challenge to figure out with so much family being in town.  But we are obviously going to make it happen no matter what and no matter when it needs to be.

    QOTW - Like @BrightenMySky the farthest I've been is Israel.  I've actually been twice.  I'm sure you loved it, it's a spectacular place!  Best of luck with your next round... hopefully injections will do the trick!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • @wifeinraleigh28 I've been a few times, and it is beautiful and so many significant places to so many different peoples.  I'm always amazed going somewhere like that where things go back so far, whereas in the U.S.--even on the East Coast that is "older"--that kind of history is unheard of.  

    And our IUI is likely going to be the day before Thanksgiving, so right there with you, although I think we'll be staying around and doing something low key.  And I'm not starting injectables this round, won't be until next time if we end up in another IUI cycle.  I regret not pushing my RE more to do something more aggressive, but the baseline appointment feels so rushed, and I don't even know how long it would take me to get the drugs.  I am thinking about sending him an email laying out our thoughts about getting more aggressive just to convey how we are feeling.
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • @BrightenMySky - I agree, being in Israel and surrounded by the vast history (even if you're just standing in a desert or the banks of the Jordan River) is overwhelming and awesome.  I hope to go back some day with DH since he's never been.  FX that this IUI will be it for you!!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • @wifeinraleigh28 FX for you, too, for this cycle!
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • @calfherder GL tomorrow!  Hope all goes well!
    ceclarlinetlo I'll share what I learn re: diet during next week's update... stay tuned!
    Hugs @BrightenMySky

    So sadly it looks like I did not ovulate like FF thought I had and my CH went away.  I'm on CD 99 and decided to start the Provera yesterday.  I also officially started the Metformin yesterday.  So far, thankfully no observable side effects.  I see the nutritionist for my first appointment tomorrow to discuss ways to get my weight and insulin levels down.  I'm a little nervous about what I'll be expected to give up.

    GTKY: Caribbean Cruise... I think the furthest point from home was Honduras.


  • Hugs to everyone this week. I did 2 successful photoshoots this weekend. I'm crampy and have the worst headache right now. Technically i'm one day late for my period, but I think thats because i'm on Clomid and everywhere i've read, people say Clomid lengthens your cycle.

    Question of the Week:  What is the farthest place you've been from home?
    That would be Paris about 2 1/2 years ago. I really want to go to Iceland and New Zealand in the near future!
    TTC #1: March 2011 (slightly before)
    Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
    dx: Endometriosis and Fibroids 
    2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy
    6 rounds of clomid
    5 rounds of iui
    Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP
    Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month)
    IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
    ER 12/1/2016
    ER-Retrieved 22 eggs 10 fertilized
    4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
    FET 1/10/2017  
    Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
    FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March

  • On my second day of letrazole now and hoping for my third iui around thanksgiving.

    No idea about farthest I've gone. I travel a lot for work...Argentina, Brazil, turkey, Ukraine? Not sure on the mileages. Haha. And I live on the east coast.
  • riveridgionalriveridgional member
    edited November 2015
    I'm currently 3dpo. I could definitely feel ovulation this cycle, and it happened right about 36 hours from trigger (Friday night). I was expected to release 3 or 4 eggs, so I'm hoping all released and at least one sticks! I'm feeling hopeful this cycle. My doctor switched my progesterone supplement from prometrium orally to Crinone (vaginally) and is letting me take estrace in case a drop in my estrogen mod 2ww is causing my pre-AF spotting. If this one doesn't work, I'll feel like IVF really is the next step as I don't see how what we've tried so far hasn't worked so far. Hopefully that will give me some peace if it's a BFN.

    I'm glad I'm set up for a busy 2 weeks at work. Not sure if I'll try to hold back from testing this time since the negative last time hit me so much harder. I'm shooting to wait until at least the Wed before thanksgiving.

    Good luck to everyone!

    QOTW: Probably Moorea in the French Polynesia, which is where we went on our honeymoon (DH planned it completely by himself and refused to tell me where we were going. I'm still impressed he kept that secret for so long and my mom, who packed my bags, didn't break either!)
    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
  • So I am currently on CD 12 and go in this Friday for US and BW with hopefully an IUI this weekend! The doctor's appt is CD 16 and I tend to ovulate on CD 17 so we shall see! They increased my clomid this month in hopes of producing more than one follicle so FX that I will have at least two!!

    QOTW- I went to Japan the summer after 8th grade with my school after studying Japanese throughout middle school
    Me 32 DH 34
    Married 9/2012 

    TTC #2 starting 9/2019
    BFP 7/13/2020!
    Due 3/18/2021

    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
    IUIs #1-#5: 9/2015-2/2016 all BFNs
    Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016  Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
    Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016

  • I am currently CD23 and 3-4dpo, so I guess I am in the TWW.  Not really feeling super hopeful since my last appoint on CD14 but I have had a lot of O symptoms, so I am hoping it happened but we'll see.  I refuse to test early...I may even wait an extra week...still slightly traumatized from my CP.  I go into see my RE on Friday and I am hoping we can come up with a new game plan.  

    @riveridgional we are cycling twins :) FX crossed for you!  And did you stay in one of those huts on the water?!  That is like my dream vacay and it's sounding pretty good right now.

    QOTW:  Probably Seoul, South Korea...or Prague!
  • HI everyone!

    Last month we basically continued the taking off due to DH starting on Clomid - we decided to give some time for the medications to work.  So right now I am on CD4, and I'm all set up for my ultrasound next week and IUI.  This will be my third, but only the second that will count toward the 4 IUI limit they have, because last time DH's count was so low they didn't even want to count it.  Right now I'm trying to lose these last couple of pounds I gained on the hiatus...  I would hate going in there for the ultrasound only to be told I was out of their guidelines so they can't treat me :/.  I think I'll be ok though.

    I'm trying to keep my hopes up, but I am so low.  I feel like I'm staring at the 5 year anniversary of us starting trying to have kids (even though it isn't for a while), and I'm already trying to figure out how in the world we would be able to pay for IVF.  Good thoughts, good thoughts, maybe this month is the month! 

    QOTW - When I was 10 I traveled from PA to Niagara Falls, Canada with my family.  And for my honeymoon we went from VA to Orlando.  DH is more interesting, he's been all around the world!

    @Drove2u I'm on Letrazole too.  Fingers crossed!

    I hope everyone has an amazing week!  <3

    TTC since 2011

  • @starlitfae sounds like you could use some hugs.  FX this cycle is it for you.  
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • @BrightenMySky @wifeinraleigh28 Israel sounds amazing! I would love to visit.

    @starlitfae I am sending positive thoughts your way - I really hope this is your cycle!
    me 30; DH 35
    TTC since May 2014.
    Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
    Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
    AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. 
    RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
    Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
    Short LP (8 days).
    Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days 

    Summer 2016 LFAF awards: 

    Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:

  • I'm one week into the iUI was last monday and my beta is next monday.  Trying to think positive thoughts but it's hard. Also trying not to symptom spot but that is hard too.  I had 2 mature follicles at the time of the trigger

    QOTW: the furtherst I have been is also Israel @BrightenMySky @wifeinraleigh28  I loved it..I went when I was 16 and am dying to go back.
  • @starlitfae - there are weight guidelines for IUI? Can you say more?  Keeping my fx for you!


  • @Aera11 Yay for cycle buddies!! Hopefully this month is a winner for both of us!! And, yes, we did stay in an over-water bungalow. It was incredible. A section of the floor was glass, so you could see fish and even the occasional octopus swim around. Several dolphins also took a morning swim near the bungalow. We also snorkeled with sharks and giant sting rays and went on a whale watching tour that, if the conditions are right, allowed you to snorkel next to humpback whales. Unfortunately, the conditions weren't right when we went but it was still cool. The trip was incredible! A dream vacation I didn't even know existed until I went! I highly recommend it!
    Married to DH 10/6/12
    TTC since 5/14
    Unexplained with (controlled) hypothyroidism and suspected ovulatory dysfunction (but, I do ovulate on my own)
    Clomid 50 mg 3/15 (unmonitored) - BFN
    Clomid 50 mg + metformin 4/15 (unmonitored) - BFN 
    First RE appt. 5/15; Natural cycle 5/15 monitored with 2 mature follicles and Pregnyl Trigger (full dose) + prometrium - BFN
    6/15 HSG - clear tubes & normal uterus; great PCT test results
    TI - 100 mg Clomid + prometrium (AM & PM) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 6-7/15 (monitored) --> no additional response and thinned lining - BFN
    TI - Injectables (follistim + Gonal-F, Ganirelix, & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 9/15 --> 3-7 mature follicles (3 definites and 4+ that could have matured due to trigger) @ O -->BFN + 5 large cysts
    BC for 2 weeks due to cysts
    TI - Injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & full dose Pregnyl) + prometrium (AM & PM) 10/15 --> 1 mature follicle --> BFN 
    TI - Last attempt at injectables (Gonal-F, Ganirelix & 1/2 dose Pregnyl) + crinone (AM only) + vaginal estrace (AM & PM) 11/15 --> 3-4 mature follicles --> BFP!! 11/27/15 @ 13dpo (shockingly, actually waited until then to test)

    Beta #1 @ 16dpo (11/30/15) = 1,075
    Beta #2 @ 19dpo (12/3/15) = 3,150
    One baby: Saw heartbeat @ 5w5d (114 bpm; baby measuring 2.3mm)

    "Great Things are Happening"
  • kerismatic - The clinic I go to has a BMI requirement, which I didn't find out about until I was at the office.  It was kind of horrible to go there, excited to maybe start getting some answers, only to be told that I had to lose weight before they would do as much as a blood test (or order a SA on DH, since they said they had to check me out before ordering one).  I don't know if me being 1-2 lbs over is enough for them to refuse to do the IUI, but I don't want to take any chances :(

    Thanks for the good vibes everyone!  The whole thing is just getting to me, I think.  I told DH last year that I didn't want to go through another holiday season with nothing, but it looks like it will be that way anyway.

    TTC since 2011

  • TTC 3 yrs. PCOS w/anovulation. Letrozole, Dexamethasone, Menopur, and Ovidrel
  • Day 3 on letrazole here. So far no side effects.
  • I'm waiting on AF to come, my body has felt like she will be here but she hasn't come yet. Once she is here we can start the cycle and start with clomid!

    QOTW: I'm from Boston and Budapest is probably the furthest I have been.
  • Update- AF just came, on my 30th birthday nonetheless! She showed up 2 days late to get our hopes up. Bitch
    TTC #1: March 2011 (slightly before)
    Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
    dx: Endometriosis and Fibroids 
    2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy
    6 rounds of clomid
    5 rounds of iui
    Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP
    Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month)
    IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
    ER 12/1/2016
    ER-Retrieved 22 eggs 10 fertilized
    4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
    FET 1/10/2017  
    Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
    FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March

  • Oh I'm sorry! But happy birthday!!! Now you can have a nice birthday with cocktails. :-)
  • Thank you @Drove2u ! I plan to have all the cocktails :smiley:
    TTC #1: March 2011 (slightly before)
    Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
    dx: Endometriosis and Fibroids 
    2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy
    6 rounds of clomid
    5 rounds of iui
    Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP
    Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month)
    IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
    ER 12/1/2016
    ER-Retrieved 22 eggs 10 fertilized
    4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
    FET 1/10/2017  
    Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
    FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March

  • @BrightenMySky Yay! Glad to have a cycle buddy. I'll be thinking of you. I haven't noticed a weird taste afterwards but I've been chugging a lot of water with it. Maybe that helps? @WA85 Ugh! Happy 30th though! Hope you're able to take your mind off things and enjoy the day!
    Me: 31  DH: 32  Dx: Unexplained
    TTC #1 off and on since 2010
    11/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    12/15 - Clomid + TI = BFN
    1/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    2/16 - Clomid + IUI = BFN
    4/16 - Follistim + IUI = BFN
    5/16 - 11/16 - Life / WTFing / Pity Party / Saving $
    1/17 - IVF #1 (Fresh Transfer / 6 frosties) = BFN
    3/17 - FET.... BFP! EDD 11/29
  • Thanks @lin&amp;say ! Surprisingly I'm doing good right now. My husband bought me a camera lens and I'm anxiously waiting for its arrival! I also had a Hershey bar for breakfast.
    TTC #1: March 2011 (slightly before)
    Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
    dx: Endometriosis and Fibroids 
    2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy
    6 rounds of clomid
    5 rounds of iui
    Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP
    Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month)
    IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
    ER 12/1/2016
    ER-Retrieved 22 eggs 10 fertilized
    4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
    FET 1/10/2017  
    Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
    FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March

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