TTC After a Loss

Using Essential oils

I recently have discovered essential oils. I have been using them primarily for sleep issues in the home. My husband is an insomniac so I diffuse lavender in our bedroom at night and also in my 3 year olds room. We also rub lavender oil on our feet before bed.
I have been researching oils for fertility and as we have been TTC and had a loss at 8 weeks in June.
I read that clary sage is a good oil to use for fertility but I want to make sure to use it properly. Has anyone experimented with essential oils?

Re: Using Essential oils

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    kmmharrisonkmmharrison member
    edited November 2015
    Hi! I use EOs and have done a good bit of research about what is safe for TTC, pregnancy, and babies/children. I will caution you about online research about EOs. You aren't guaranteed that the information you are reading is accurate. I would suggest investing in the following resource books:

    Evidence-based Essentail Oil Therapy: The Ultimate Guide to the Therapeutic and Clinical Application of Essential Oils by Dr. Scott A. Johnson.
    This one is a little pricier than the others, but it has the most info. It has an entire chapter on EOs during pregnancy and each entry includes which oils are recommended for each trimester.

    Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails: A definitive guide to essential oils that could save your life during a crisis by Dr. Scott A. Johnson
    Everything that is in this book is also in the first book I mentioned, but the first book has much more. I think it is a second edition or update of this one. You probably don't need both. This one is less expensive, but the other one has more info.

    Gentle Babies: Essential Oils and Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Childbirth, Infants, and Young Children Revised 5th Ed by Debra Raybern
    This one has more application info where the other books have more clinical info. As far as learning what's safe or not, I recommend Dr. Johnson's books. For suggestions for use such as testimonials and recipes, this book has more of that, but Johnson's books do have recipes too.

    I will also say, please be sure that you are using only high quality, therapeutic grade oils.

    I stopped taking any oils as a dietary supplement when we started TTC because it is recommended that you not ingest oils during the first trimester, but topical and aromatic use are safe with the proper oils. Definitely research before using.

    Lavender is one of the mildest, safest oils with a wide variety of uses. I would personally feel safe using it myself during pregnancy, but I encourage you to continue researching what is best for you and your family.

    According to what I read in my books, clary sage is preferred for 2nd and 3rd trimesters, but I have read that it can be used for infertility.
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    I would also recommend the book Essentail Oils Pocket Reference 6th Ed by Life Science Publishing

    All of the books I listed are written by doctors or medical professionals.
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