Cloth Diapering

Good amount for newborn stash?

I am pg with #2.  I started cloth with DS when he was 3 mos. old.  I have HUGE stash of OS pockets, AIOs, and fitteds.  But, I want to CD much earlier with #2.  I have about 10 NB fitteds I bought off a friend, a few fleece covers, and a few wool covers.  I want to add prefolds and regular covers to this stash. 
Approximately how many diapers make a good NB stash?

Re: Good amount for newborn stash?

  • 36 changes is a comfortable place to be. With how much new babies poop I wouldn't assume more than 2-3 changes per cover. I had 8 and it was just enough, thinking of getting two more before this baby comes!
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
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  • I have 30 prefolds, 15 wraps/covers, 6 size 1 pockets, 7 AIO, 10 sz 1 fitteds and numerous bamboo boosters, fleece liners and inserts. Probably overkill, but I have become addicted to buying pre-loved nappies in good condition. 

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