
Pumping issues

I am pumping and trying to build a supply for when I travel for work or need to run errands and have milk for my LO but I am having issues pumping. I have the medela pump in style and whenever I pump I can never get more than an 1-1.5oz at a time and I have to squeeze my breasts for the milk to come out even when I have it on the highest suction setting and tried different breast shield sizes and I know there is milk in there. The other day I pumped 1.5oz from my left breast and couldn't draw any more out and then put LO on that breast immediately for 12 minutes and he fed and went down for 3 hours so there is definitely milk in there. LO will be 2 months on Tuesday.

Re: Pumping issues

  • Sully3302Sully3302 member
    edited November 2015
    I am having the same exact issues as you! I can only pump 2 ounces at 5am after LO has eaten on one side...and that's when my boobs are full and hard. Otherwise it is just drops during the day. My LO also only naps for 40 mins, so she usually eats every 1.5 hours during the day. I'm not sure what the issue is
  • Don't know what thelse issue is but have you tried pumping while being with the baby? If I pump with my son with me I seem to get more out sometimes. If he's not there I look at a pic of him. It releases more oxytocin and helps production. Other than that I don't know.
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  • krissyberbkrissyberb member
    edited November 2015
    It sounds like you're not getting a let down with the pump. Agree with pp to try looking at a picture or video of baby. I've used warm compresses right before pumping, which some to help with let down. I've also heard of mamas who pump one side while baby nurses on the other. I'm not coordinated enough to try that!
  • If you are EBF and pumping between feeds that amount is totally normal! Check out for lots of info on breastfeeding & pumping. I had this same concern when trying to build up my freezer stash.
  • Make sure your producing with the stimulation phase before you hit the button or go to the expression phase. Make sure your comfortable, I all
    but make a pillow/blanket fort when I'm at home. Likewise you don't need to have it on the highest setting- pumping definitely should be comfortable. I'm totally with PP about warm compresses or even a hot shower. Initially I pumped my left while DD was eating off right to get things going.
  • I trained my body to let down for the pump by nursing on one side and pumping the other at the same time first thing in the morning. That helped me let down for the pump, and now, I pump at work with no issues.
  • Also try "power pumping" when you pump for a little bit then stop and leave pump and come back to it a few times can be time consuming but I ebs my son and don't react well to pumps so when I need to I don't have a good let down for it power pumping always worked. Warm compress for sure or hot showers can help too:)
  • I had the same problem and pump. I was pumping on a high setting and had to squeeze my boobs to get out more milk and would only get 2 oz between both boobs. I now use a warm compress (a sock filled with uncooked rice and heated for 2 mins in the microwave) while I pump to help with the let down. I also use the pump on the lowest setting that milk comes out at and massage my breast at the end to coax out any untapped milk. I also will pump one side until the milk stops and then the other and then repeat so each breast gets pumped two times each session. I pump about every two to three hours and get about 4-4.5 oz between both breast. My LO is only a week old.
  • Oh I'm so glad I found this thread! LO is 10 days, and I tried pumping for the first time-- 1oz. So discouraging! But now I have some excellent idea for next time I try (mostly just working up a stash, plus DH is dying to feed her lol). Thanks ladies!
    Baby number 1 on the way!
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