I am pumping and trying to build a supply for when I travel for work or need to run errands and have milk for my LO but I am having issues pumping. I have the medela pump in style and whenever I pump I can never get more than an 1-1.5oz at a time and I have to squeeze my breasts for the milk to come out even when I have it on the highest suction setting and tried different breast shield sizes and I know there is milk in there. The other day I pumped 1.5oz from my left breast and couldn't draw any more out and then put LO on that breast immediately for 12 minutes and he fed and went down for 3 hours so there is definitely milk in there. LO will be 2 months on Tuesday.
Re: Pumping issues
but make a pillow/blanket fort when I'm at home. Likewise you don't need to have it on the highest setting- pumping definitely should be comfortable. I'm totally with PP about warm compresses or even a hot shower. Initially I pumped my left while DD was eating off right to get things going.