September 2015 Moms

10 week supplementers please help - how often are you feeding?

Those of you who are exclusively giving formula are you giving a bottle on a schedule when you anticipate LO to be hungry or are you waiting for LO to give hunger signs? And if on a schedule how often are you giving bottles and how much at this point. My DD is 10 weeks and we were feeding about every 2-3 hours about 3-4 oz but lately it seems like we are feeding a bit more often like 1-2 oz here and there. We often make 4 oz bottles but she usually doesn't finish it. She seems to be spitting up a bit more and I'm wondering if we could be overfeeding her.

Re: 10 week supplementers please help - how often are you feeding?

  • My nutritionist recommended 140cc per kilo.
  • My son was eating 4 oz every 3 hours but was spitting up a lot. The ped said to reduce to 3 oz but now he just acts hungry all the time. Oh and still spitting up. I have no idea what to do.
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  • 10 weeks on Tuesday and we are doing 4oz every 3 hours. She does have a stretch of about 4.5 or 5 hours at night. We generally break up the 4 oz into 2 2oz bottles. In the last few days, she has taken her first 2 oz bottle fine, but has waited about 30 mins between bottles now instead of right after. She has also started spitting up a little more as well.

    We have to really make sure we get a good burp out of her (which can be difficult) and leave her sitting up for 20 or so minutes after she eats. When we are really good about doing that, she seems to do better.
  • My lo eats apr 2 oz every 2 hours during the day and will eat between 2 and 2.5 oz per feeding at night. But she gets formula thickened with cereal so she doesn't need as much food.

    As for the spitting up, taking her to a chiropractor has done absolute wonders for her. She used to have huge spitups a couple times a day and now she has one small spitup every few days. I don't know why it works, but it does.
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