Please help!! I am nursing my 15 week old son and just yesterday I had the nastiest cold sore pop up. Does anyone know if L-lysine pills are safe to take? Or maybe abreva? I would really like to get rid of it! Thanks I'm advance ladies!
I am not sure about the medicine but I think you should call your doctor and ask just in case. They may provide a list of medicines you can take since some medicines can mess with your milk supply. I hope everything gets better! Good luck!
Lysine is an amino acid found in many foods. I believe even prescriptions like valtrex are safe to take for cold sores while pregnant and breastfeeding.
I emailed the clinic on Friday night and haven't heard anything back yet I'm sure I will sometime tomorrow, I called the ob floor of the hospital and they had no idea either I guess I'll just keep waiting haha thanks. Kristyn831 that's what I thought too!
I have a history of cold sores and my doc ok'd using lysine daily to prevent cold sores. My DD had one the week LO was born and our physician warned us the virus could cause meningitis is newborns! Talk about terrified! Then of course between lack of sleep and stress (about cold sores!) I got one the next week! So far LO is ok! Glad to hear you've got some answers!
It actually had started to go away before I got the prescription but at least I have the greatest ahead and the meds on hand for another one!! Thanks everyone!
Re: Cold sores and nursing