TTC After a Loss

Nerves and sad I mite not b pregnant

I'm feeling nerves bc I'm having cramps like I normally get b4 my period comes but so far no bleeding. I got so nevers I tested but I think I tested to early, it came bk negative n I almost felt like giving up but I checked the calendar n it mite be to early anyways so I'm gonna wait if I miss my period n 3 days after. Prayers please I'm feeling alil down but trying to stay strong bc it's been a year since are last miscarriage so we r hoping for a good sign n a sticky baby.
Trisha Natal wife n soon to be mommy.

Re: Nerves and sad I mite not b pregnant

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    I was starting to think maybe my pregnant text was no good bc I've had it for a few months now I've had it since August but imma buy another one to make sure bc I feel in my heart I'm pregnant.
    Trisha Natal wife n soon to be mommy.
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    NatalBaby07NatalBaby07 member
    edited November 2015
    Thank u, it just hurts so bad bc it made a yr on the 7 since r last miscarriage n I just feel like I'm never gonna have a baby. my husband n I have been together 9yrs married 3yrs n still no good pregnant all miscarriages n it hurts so bad bc I'm the one that carries the baby n I feel like I'm the blame. I was suppose to get my period today no sign yet still looking out to c what's next.
    Trisha Natal wife n soon to be mommy.
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    Thank u, it just hurts so bad bc it made a yr on the 7 since r last miscarriage n I just feel like I'm never gonna have a baby. my husband n I have been together 9yrs married 3yrs n still no good pregnant all miscarriages n it hurts so bad bc I'm the one that carries the baby n I feel like I'm the blame. I was suppose to get my period today no sign yet still looking out to c what's next.
    I'm sorry for your struggles.  I agree with the advice from @R0824H and just wanted to tell you also that you should probably not have your full name on your signature, for internet safety purposes.  
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Married Sept '13
    TTC Dec '13
    BFP 10/8/2014 MMC 11/20/2014 D&C 11/26/14
    BFP 9/20/2015 MMC 10/7/2015 D&C 10/15/15
    BFP 3/6/2016

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