I went for bloodwork pregnancy test this morning. At 330I got a call from the nurse that my beta was at 5.4 and a ground above 5 is considered pregnant. They want me to keep up with my progesterone injections but then I went to the bathroom and I have my period ..I am so confused ladies and so upset. This is a first sign of anything for me and the thought of finding out Monday it didn't take is killing me!
Me 29 Dh 30
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!

Re: 5.4 beta (Update 11/20)
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!
Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer.
3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)
Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March
Trying to conceive since November 2012
**BFP and loss warning**
ok ladies so I went back several times the 16th was my second test and I was 13dp5dt and my levels were up to 25 and the nurse told me to stop progesterone support I went back two days later on the 18th and I was 15dp5dt and my levels were up to 85 and they told me to continue progesterone support. Now I am back here again 17dp5dt and my levels are at 211. I now go back Tuesday the 24th which will be 21dpt for another blood test and ultra sound. As if this wasn't enough of an emotional roller coaster I don't even understand what is going on. I am excited to see the dr on Tuesday as I feel that none of my questions are getting answered. I can barely focus at work and I just feel like I am being strung along for something bad to be told to me. I am trying not to think like this but has anyone out there had something just as weird going on???
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!
@kindrex05 that is great news that your numbers seem to be going up, and pretty significantly! My RE told me that they want to see a MINUMUM of 66% increase every 48 hours and your seems to be exceeding that (math isn't my strongest subject so forgive me if I'm wrong!).
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!
**BFP and loss warning**
Thank you all for the support! It is all greatly appreciated!
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!
**BFP and loss warning**
Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN.
Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016
Moving to IVF March 2016
Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745
U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!!
Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
I wanted to keep you all informed bc I notice there isn't always a lot of follow up to know what happened to someone and it helps others!
ttc since fall 2012
started fertility aid March 2015
2 failed iui
ivf September 2015- no transfer due to no fertilization
Ivf November 2015- bfn
ivf fet March 2016- BFP!!!!
@kindrex05, I'm so sorry to hear that news as I know we were all cheering you on and hoping! You and your DH are in my thoughts and hopefully 2016 will be your year! That's good news that they don't think it's ectopic - my RE is still concerned mine might be since my beta levels have slowly increased since last week but I'm hoping they start to go down soon.
I hope you and your DH are able to take some time, especially this holiday weekend, and be kind to yourselves and grieve any way you need to. We are all here for you.
Married 5/14/13
TTC #1 since 5/14
TTC #1 w/ treatments since 5/15
BFN 7/15
BFP 8/15-MMC 9/15
BFP 10/15- Diagnosed BO 12/15
BFP 2/16-EDD 11/18/2016
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
You guys are in my thoughts.
Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer.
3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)
Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March
Trying to conceive since November 2012