May 2016 Moms

Even celebs get fat!

yogahhyogahh member
edited November 2015 in May 2016 Moms
I needed this article this morning.. thank you NY POST!

And a little before and after for inspiration. So ladies, EAT THOSE DONUTS!!! EAT THAT PASTA!! We can all be super hot again!

Queen B

Kim K


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Re: Even celebs get fat!

  • Thanks for posting this. I am seriously having issues. I can't believe I am going to say this, but honestly, I just feel fat. I see the HDBD photos and I love them, but with me, I just feel frumpy. I suppose this isn't helped by some of my eating choices, which are sometimes fine, but sometimes not great at all. I know that I am going to get bigger, but I'm really having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. Like, I KNOW that pregnancy means weight gain, but I can't help the illogical side of my brain that is seeing my reflection in the mirror and being sad. :( Sorry for the depressing post but I don't know where else to say this!
    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

  • I had gained a little weight before getting pregnant so I was trying to lose that. But then I got pregnant, got so sick, couldn't work out or eat healthy until recently. Obviously weight gain is inevitable but it still sucks. LOL I just wish I had the resources the celebrities do for after the baby to get my body back!
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  • Thanks for this! I've been feeling so frumpy starting to gain weight. I'm petite so I feel like the chub is taking over, even though I know it's normal and is m body getting ready to nurse baby. 

    I've been trying so hard to eat healthy, but nothing sounds good besides carbs. 
  • I am actually loving watching my bump grow. My ass and thighs, not so much. It's hard not to obsessively wonder how my body is going to change, will I get bigger all over or will it stay in the bump where it belongs? Will I ever fit into my pre-pregnancy pants again? They seem so tiny now. I feel like I didn't appreciate what I had and now it's gone!

  • I think just like any other weight gain, it goes through stages. A week ago, I still felt very fat, but this week my bump settled in lower and I feel comfortable. I'm sure by the third trimester I'll be huge again (though I'm hoping to not gain quite as much weight this time). Pic below for reference, though it's blurry...I still had a month to go at that point.

    Regarding things going back, just know that for many women it's 9 months on, 9 months off. When the weight is back off, some things go back to how they were, other things don't-- and that's also different for everyone. My feet went back, my butt, thighs, and arms bounced back, and my upper waist too. My lower waist never flattened out again, and my hip bones were permanently wider than before and my boobs were still several cup sizes larger. My stretch marks faded, but I can still feel them. It's worth it though, and you'll be able to roll with the changes!
  • I second what @kbrands7 said. I was lucky in that my pre-pregnancy weight returned really quickly after DD was born, but some things will never be the same. You won't be huge forever and the weight can come off, but I wish my hips had gone back to normal! I also had a nice, round butt before DD and now I have a flat butt. Maybe if I spent more time doing squats and such I would get that back.

    I read yesterday that Kim K has already gained over 50 pounds!
  • NOLA520 said:
    Celebs also have all the money necessary to hire personal trainers and chefs, nannies to watch their kids while they work out constantly, and an enormous amount of pressure to lose the weight ASAP. So I don't necessarily think it's wise for everyday people without access to all those things to go hog wild on the assumption that they'll get a rockstar body after the baby. 

    But, you know, do you. 
    It was just a post to inspire and to say, hey, even the most beautiful (and pre-pregnancy skinny!) woman out there is going to gain weight, so don't worry. Obviously the average person doesn't have the unlimited budget or time to get back to a size 2 a month after giving birth...

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  • @ladysamlady, I know right!!! I totally thought I would leave the hospital looking like this

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  • I think this being my second baby I know what to expect, but it's hitting me harder. It took me 13 months to get within 5 lbs of my prepregnancy weight before I got pregnant again. (I gained over 60)

    These pics remind me that I can go back! Everything doesn't look the same, but I can go back.

    I think we all accept they have personal trainers and chefs getting them back into shape, the point is your body won't be like this forever, whether it takes 6 months or 6 years your body can change.
  • Thanks for posting this today. I was just thinking about this when I read the article about Kim K gaining 52 pounds at 8 months. The article also talks about other famous women who have been honest about their weight gain during pregnancy. Last night I started to worry about the "pregnancy weight gain guidelines" my doctor gave me and if I will be able to stay in the normal range. I personally feel like its a lot of pressure. The struggle is real when I want to be healthy but I also want that second donut! So anyway the fact that celebs gain more than they are supposed to makes me feel better. Ha ha
  • Thanks for posting this @yogahh. Our bodies are going to go through a lot of changes. And I'm ok with that. I'm just reminding myself that right now, I don't NEED to eat a lot of extra calories and I need to eat when I am hungry. My best friend told me that she immediately started eating for 2 and gained 60 pounds (which isn't a bad thing) but with her second pregnancy, she was more mindful of when she was hungry and what she was eating and only gained 30-40. 

  • @wsgjmw1 I've said this before in here somewhere but I ate fairly well and still put on over 60 lbs. my doctor never said anything to me about it and it just about all came off before I got pregnant again. A new midwife told me at my last visit 25-35 lbs and I almost rolled my eyes. No, being pregnant isn't an excuse to literally double you calories, but I think imposing weight restrictions on patients is too much pressure. My mom put on a TON of weight with me and my brother and went right back down to being a skinny Minnie, it's just what her body did.

    And maybe I'll get flamed for this, and I know there are medical guidelines, yet it is really hard for me to be told how much weight to gain in a judgemental tone from someone who is extremely overweight. I am very snarky and in my head I was thinking "pot meet kettle?"
  • Thank you @yogahh for posting this! I had a mini crying breakdown with DH about my weight gain down the road. He reassured me but I think this helped too!
  • NOLA520 said:
    I think this being my second baby I know what to expect, but it's hitting me harder. It took me 13 months to get within 5 lbs of my prepregnancy weight before I got pregnant again. (I gained over 60) These pics remind me that I can go back! Everything doesn't look the same, but I can go back. I think we all accept they have personal trainers and chefs getting them back into shape, the point is your body won't be like this forever, whether it takes 6 months or 6 years your body can change.
    Oh, sure. I understood the point. But when the point is coupled with "eat all the donuts and pasta," it kinda loses its mojo for me. 

    But, then, I think it's silly to obsess over weight gain during pregnancy when it doesn't cause actual health concerns because, you know, we're GROWING HUMANS. I'm not even remotely concerned about losing it right away. But, then, I also think "skinny" is not something to aspire to. All of which is probably better suited for the UO thread, apparently. 
    I think you are taking a VERY tongue in cheek post/comment and blowing it out of proportion. Obviously you should not be gorging yourself, and the weight you gain can affect the baby, but no one should be felt to feel bad if they want a treat or a second helping of pasta. You are absolutely correct; we are growing humans. At the same time, we are human too and should be able to give into a craving or two without worrying what it is doing to our hips. 

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  • @wsgjmw1 I've said this before in here somewhere but I ate fairly well and still put on over 60 lbs. my doctor never said anything to me about it and it just about all came off before I got pregnant again. A new midwife told me at my last visit 25-35 lbs and I almost rolled my eyes. No, being pregnant isn't an excuse to literally double you calories, but I think imposing weight restrictions on patients is too much pressure. My mom put on a TON of weight with me and my brother and went right back down to being a skinny Minnie, it's just what her body did. And maybe I'll get flamed for this, and I know there are medical guidelines, yet it is really hard for me to be told how much weight to gain in a judgemental tone from someone who is extremely overweight. I am very snarky and in my head I was thinking "pot meet kettle?"

    I agree. My midwife just told me 15 was the norm and 35 was the MAX. I laughed. Its comforting to hear your experience as well, thanks for sharing :)

  • NOLA520 said:
    yogahh said:
    NOLA520 said:
    I think this being my second baby I know what to expect, but it's hitting me harder. It took me 13 months to get within 5 lbs of my prepregnancy weight before I got pregnant again. (I gained over 60) These pics remind me that I can go back! Everything doesn't look the same, but I can go back. I think we all accept they have personal trainers and chefs getting them back into shape, the point is your body won't be like this forever, whether it takes 6 months or 6 years your body can change.
    Oh, sure. I understood the point. But when the point is coupled with "eat all the donuts and pasta," it kinda loses its mojo for me. 

    But, then, I think it's silly to obsess over weight gain during pregnancy when it doesn't cause actual health concerns because, you know, we're GROWING HUMANS. I'm not even remotely concerned about losing it right away. But, then, I also think "skinny" is not something to aspire to. All of which is probably better suited for the UO thread, apparently. 
    I think you are taking a VERY tongue in cheek post/comment and blowing it out of proportion. Obviously you should not be gorging yourself, and the weight you gain can affect the baby, but no one should be felt to feel bad if they want a treat or a second helping of pasta. You are absolutely correct; we are growing humans. At the same time, we are human too and should be able to give into a craving or two without worrying what it is doing to our hips. 
    Right. And this was my point, which DIDN'T seem to be your point, because your OP seemed obsessed with not getting fat. That's what I took issue to -- who gives a shit if you gain weight? If people are telling you not to have second helpings of something you want, tell them to get bent. 
    Where in the original post was I "obsessed" with getting fat. I posted an article about celebrity weight gain. I didn't whine or cry about the weight I have personally gained so far or even say anything about gaining weight. I even said in the post to EAT, so not sure where your idea that I am obsessed with gaining weight comes from? 

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  • I'm confused. 
  • yogahhyogahh member
    edited November 2015
    NOLA520 said:
    yogahh said:
    NOLA520 said:
    yogahh said:
    NOLA520 said:
    I think this being my second baby I know what to expect, but it's hitting me harder. It took me 13 months to get within 5 lbs of my prepregnancy weight before I got pregnant again. (I gained over 60) These pics remind me that I can go back! Everything doesn't look the same, but I can go back. I think we all accept they have personal trainers and chefs getting them back into shape, the point is your body won't be like this forever, whether it takes 6 months or 6 years your body can change.
    Oh, sure. I understood the point. But when the point is coupled with "eat all the donuts and pasta," it kinda loses its mojo for me. 

    But, then, I think it's silly to obsess over weight gain during pregnancy when it doesn't cause actual health concerns because, you know, we're GROWING HUMANS. I'm not even remotely concerned about losing it right away. But, then, I also think "skinny" is not something to aspire to. All of which is probably better suited for the UO thread, apparently. 
    I think you are taking a VERY tongue in cheek post/comment and blowing it out of proportion. Obviously you should not be gorging yourself, and the weight you gain can affect the baby, but no one should be felt to feel bad if they want a treat or a second helping of pasta. You are absolutely correct; we are growing humans. At the same time, we are human too and should be able to give into a craving or two without worrying what it is doing to our hips. 
    Right. And this was my point, which DIDN'T seem to be your point, because your OP seemed obsessed with not getting fat. That's what I took issue to -- who gives a shit if you gain weight? If people are telling you not to have second helpings of something you want, tell them to get bent. 
    Where in the original post was I "obsessed" with getting fat. I posted an article about celebrity weight gain. I didn't whine or cry about the weight I have personally gained so far or even say anything about gaining weight. I even said in the post to EAT, so not sure where your idea that I am obsessed with gaining weight comes from? 
    Oh sweet Jesus, girl. Give it a break. It was the impression I got from your OP. I'm not going to argue with you about it all damn day. 
    Relax... no one is arguing. 
    Image result for panties in a bunch

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  • missnc77missnc77 member
    edited November 2015
    Let's just chalk it all up to pregnancy hormones and go get some gelato.

  • @ladysamlady, I was trying to find the fat lady rubbing her stomach gif again, but came across this and totes thought of you!
    cat eating watermelon

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  • This thread has been really fun to read while I'm eating all the pasta and donuts.


    Okay, this is disgusting, but irrationally made me want spaghetti. 

  • missnc77 said:

    Let's just chalk it all up to pregnancy hormones and go get some gelato.


    You just reminded me of a new gelato place I've been dying to try!! Dang it!

    Also, DD is potty training and I totally bribed her with ice cream if she poops in the potty at school today. Not because I think it'll work, but because I really freaking want some ice cream! And now I've changed my mind to gelato!
  • I find posts like this helpful. I am fully aware that celebrities have chefs and personal trainers. But at the brink of having my body dramatically change, it's reassuring to look at people (particularly real life examples) who have been able to regain their former physiques. The women in my gym inspire me because they are all fit and strong, and many have had multiple children. I hear a lot of women complain that's it's all over when they have kids (looks wise) and yes, your body does change, but it does also depend on the person.
    That's what this thread reinforces for me.
  • edited November 2015
    I think as women, it's perfectly natural and ok to fear gaining excess weight during pregnancy. Some women will have wonderfully blessed pregnancies in which they gain 25 to 30 lbs, all of which is gone 1 month post partum... meanwhile, others will eat right, exercise, and still gain much more weight than wanted or intended. It's just the nature of things. I personally find solace in seeing the celebs like jessica Simpson and kim K who did gain a lot of pregnancy weight because--though they can afford trainers and all that, they are still in fact human- all the money in the world doesn't make it EASY to lose weight for anyone (unless of course you get lipo, but I don't think I've seen any celebs do that to lose post partum weight). You still have to muster the motivation to actually go to those trainer appointments-- thats not easy for ANYONE (especially a mom with a newborn baby!) So thanks yogah for this post! it made me feel a tad bit better today while I was staring at the wonderful cellulite beginning to accumulate on my upper thighs!
  • I knew before I opened this thread that it would take a turn. Can't talk about weight gain at all without someone getting offended.
    *Siggy Warning*
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • From Scary Mommy today. I have to say, I am NOT a Kim K fan, but she is showing the world what a true pregnancy can look like. 

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  • Yes obviously celebrities have access to luxuries that make their lives easier, but to someone else's point, that doesn't mean they didn't sweat their butts off (literally) to get back in shape. I think it's refreshing when a celebrity isn't like "oh I just breastfed and it all came off in 2 weeks," it makes them a little more human. And, it's not like we don't try to see similarities in our lives outside of pregnancy. There's a reason tons of girls are running around contouring their faces etc, we want to see ourselves in their shoes even for a day. We are all human going through a very unglamorous process, it's nice to see we aren't the only ones struggling sometimes!
  • Kim K takes a lot of flack for a lot of stuff that really doesn't matter. I applaud her attitude of loving her body through they whole process. Im finding it very hard some days to really look in the mirror and say "Yes! I look great!" so I can't imagine what it would be like to have to walk out in public every day with photographers following me and posting things about how I look disgusting or making fun of my super fat, bread loaf feet. Regardless of weather you love the girl or hate her, no one deserves that kind of criticism or hate. This of course isn't just about Kim Kardashian. . . lots of celebs get massively criticized during pregnancy but she tends to be a favorite hate target.

    Thanks for posting that article @yogahh I hadn't seen it before.
  • I also feel like all of the stress about baby weight and whatnot is seriously detrimental to our happiness, in general.  When we choose life partners, we do so knowing that we plan to grow old with that person.  Even if nothing catastrophic happens to us, we're going to get old and grey, our skin will start sagging, our body shape will shift.  We know that going in, and yet we're worried (and are encouraged to be worried) about gaining weight during pregnancy? We all want to be healthy, for ourselves and our partners, but that doesn't correlate to how much we weigh or where our fat now sits on our bodies.

    I get being frustrated that we can't fit into our clothes anymore (that shit's expensive), but I fundamentally don't understand the fear of getting fat and the pressure we put on ourselves to "get our old bodies back."
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