
EBF Moms: How do you do it? Gym, nails, etc.

Hi, ladies!

FTM, EBF and my baby just turned two months. So far I haven't done anything, I'm still recovering as I got a vaginal hematoma during labor, but the hematoma prevents me from sitting like a normal person so I can't cut my toenails and a pedicure would be nice!

My question is, (and I apologize if it seems stupid) when you're EBF, how do you do things like get your nails done or go to the gym?

Re: EBF Moms: How do you do it? Gym, nails, etc.

  • krissyberbkrissyberb member
    edited November 2015
    Tomorrow I'm getting my first pedicure since my son was born. He's almost 4 months. My MIL is in town and can watch him and I have the day off. I figure that at most I'll be gone 2 hours and I'll feed him right before I leave. He generally goes 2 1/2 to 3 hours between feedings. I also have a decent freezer stash that she can get into if he can't wait. I haven't been to the gym since he was born--still need to figure out how that will fit in to our new schedule. I've just been back to work 3 weeks now and we're still figuring a lot out.
  • Start pumping and working on a freezer stash. Be careful not to be away from baby for too long because that leads to engorgement and decreased supply so no full day of beauty for a while. Days where you are out a lot and sitter is using stashed milk be sure to pump after a feeding to prevent supply from dropping and replace some of what got used.
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  • O.K, we hadn't introduced bottles yet so I was wondering... Thank you, ladies! I can't workout yet because of my hematoma, but a pedi would be nice! I don't want my baby thinking that her mother is part bald eagle.
  • I got my first pedi when LO was 4 weeks. I fed her right before I left and was home 2 hours later so she was good. Definitely try to do little things for yourself if/when you can!
    Married DH 08.28.10
    Pregnancy #1: BFP 04.10.11 EDD 12.23.11 DD1 Born 12.4.11
     Pregnancy #2: BFP 5.12.14 MC 5.20.14 @ 5wk4d
    Pregnancy #3: BFP 11.1.14 EDD 7.5.15 MC 11.13.14 @ 6wk4d
    Pregnancy #4: BFP 1.31.15 EDD 10.5.15 DD2 Born 9.23.15
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