TTC After a Loss

Ovulation cramping on both sides plus positive OPK for days

I have had a positive OPK for 3-4 days now along with cramping. I had cramping on the left side and then the right started a couple days later. My temp hasn't really spiked yet so I'm not sure what the deal is. I feel like I'm bothering hubby with wanting sex every day just in case I miscalculated when my ovulation is. Any idea why I would have so much cramping and so many positives?

Re: Ovulation cramping on both sides plus positive OPK for days

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    edited November 2015
    Have you miscarried within the last month? Have you talked to your doctor? If you aren't having your HcG levels monitored from after your loss, it is impossible to know if you still have hormone in your system. And it's possible for your OPKs to pick up on HcG instead of LH if your levels are still high enough. Talk to your doctor is the best advice I can give you. Every woman is different, especially when it comes to pregnancy. 

    Edit because words. 
    TTC #1 - Started 7/2015
    MC #1 - 1/10/2014
    MC #2 - 10/15/2015

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    @rmurphey I feel like we're living parallel lives! I'm CD17 & have had positive OPK's since Friday. My temp dropped yesterday & today but hasn't spiked up either. I know, I bother DH every day for BD, I feel bad but I guess it's better to go for it :)
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    @FireInWonderland I did have a miscarriage in August, but the doc said my HcG levels went down. I'll just keep temping and testing just to be sure. This is the first cycle that I've tested for O so I don't know how my cycle works yet! And @Aera11, isn't it torture? Oh well. We shall see what happens!
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    @rmurphey I just went through the same thing, but in October - I still have hormone in my system, but I'm having all the same symptoms as you are. I think the difference is that I still have hormone in my system. I've had positive OPKs for the last 4 days now and fertile cervical mucus with ovulation cramping around the usual time before O. But I'm not temping, it's too fresh for me. I'm still not sure on my cycle either, but the doctor says it's possible I am having O - it's all so confusing for me. :( I hope you get your answer soon!
    TTC #1 - Started 7/2015
    MC #1 - 1/10/2014
    MC #2 - 10/15/2015

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    Gosh! I'm sorry to hear about that @FireInWonderland How long will you wait until TTC again? I just got a negative OPK result today thank gosh! I will keep temping and testing. Best of luck to you!
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    @rmurphey We are "trying but not trying" right now - I'm not charting or temping, it's just too much to start over like that again right now. But we are having sex EOD or E2D in the hopes of catching my O day. After my first AF finally hits, we will start charting and temping again, and actively trying. I'm taking another OPK in a few hours, and I keep hoping it turns up negative. Haha. If it does, that means we are good to go on TTC this month and we can take a break with the sex. 

    As for you guys, I hope you get your BFP soon! Thanks for the luck and right back at you! FX that everything goes well for you and your SO!
    TTC #1 - Started 7/2015
    MC #1 - 1/10/2014
    MC #2 - 10/15/2015

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    I got a huge spike in my temp today but still flashing opk's so I'm not really sure what to think...sigh
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