Trouble TTC

New here

Hi all, just wanted to do a quick introduction. I've currently been working with a RE for 4 months now. My af has been MIA for 10 months now after I stopped bc to start ttc. After a few blood tests, monthly ultrasounds and a few rounds of provera and estrace followed by provera it seems my uterine lining refuses to thicken. I believe it's stuck at 5mm. Was wondering if anyone else has gone through so many months without af and how many rounds of estradiol it took to thicken up your lining. Thanks!

Re: New here

  • I don't have personal experience with this but I remember someone having a similar diagnosis a while back. I can't recall exactly how long it took to thicken but I'll do a search to see if I can find out. Welcome to the board!

    Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
    dx:  Diminished Ovarian Reserve
    2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc

  • Welcome and sorry you have to be here! Do you have any diagnosis from the tests you've done so far with the RE (PCOS?). I didn't have an issue with not getting my period (it came very regularly after 25-26 days), but it was always quite light and my lining would never get to more than 7mm or so, despite letrozole and progesterone (I was never on estrace). My RE does a 3D ultrasound of the uterus as part of the initial work up. He had found then that it looked as though I had a slight t-shape uterus, where I had a band of muscles constricting my uterus at the base and preventing proper bloodflow. That was corrected through an hysteroscopy, and really did the trick. My next period was much heavier, and at my IUI the next cycle, my lining was finally more than 8mm (8.4mm the day before the IUI if I remember correctly). It may be worth asking if there is anything anatomical that may be preventing it from thickening if there's no hormonal explanations. Good luck!
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  • My hormone levels were all in the normal range except for the estrogen level being low. The doctor confirmed it was not PSOC. I may ask my RE about a 3D ultrasound though. Right now they are fighting with my insurance to get me on 6mg estrace a day for 21 days. Once I'm on that they plan on doing another ultrasound at 10 days to see if the higher dosage is helping. Thanks!
  • I guess the thickness makes sense if your estrogen levels are low (the lining thickens as the estrogen level rises when getting ready for ovulation).
    @GoldenKeys : could it have been someone with hypothalamic amenorrhrea or something like that?
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