July 2015 Moms

Vomiting after every bottle-Need Advice!

Hi ladies I really need some advice!

My son will vomit quite a lot after he eats (every time). He just turned 4 months and has been doing it pretty much since birth. He was breastfed for 2 and a half months and he would do it with breastmilk also. He will vomit around 3 times every time I burp him. The doctor just now prescribed him medicine for reflux because he was starting to whine after he threw up, but she says that it most likely won't stop the "spit up". They aren't concerned about it because he's gaining weight, but it's very concerning to me and just doesn't seem like he's getting enough ounces in a day. I've aready tried changing his formula, keeping him upright after feedings, making sure I burp him.. Nothing seems to stop it from coming up. Any advice?

Re: Vomiting after every bottle-Need Advice!

  • Is he on a hypoallergenic formula? Sometimes it's a milk/soy protein allergy and they need to be on Nutramigen or Alimentum. My LO is on Nutramigen, she had a terrible time on breastmilk despite me cutting out dairy/soy for 2 months! She is also on Zantac for reflux. It doesn't reduce spit up by makes it less acidic so it doesn't irritate their tummies. Hope this helps.
  • He's not on a hypoallergenic formula.. I thought about that, but he doesn't have any diarrhea or a rash that is supposably common with an allergy..just the throwing up so I wasn't sure if that was it. Did your LO?
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  • No, diarrhea or rash for her either...vomiting and very uncomfortable after (and during) feedings. She is doing much better on Nutramigen. My son also had the dairy/soy allergy and for him the symptoms were blood/mucus in stool. There are lots of different symptoms so they don't always get them all or the same ones.
  • My son does it too! Drs aren't concerned he's gaining fine. But it's a lot of laundry!! Just know your not alone!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We put our daughter on hypoallergenic formula because of throwing up. Your baby might have a protein allergy where he can't digest protein as good. Or a digestive problem. I suggest seeing a gastro specialist and also a occupational therapist. Our daughter has been seeing one since birth and it helped a lot with her eating. She still has some problems but it is getting a lot better :)
  • same here. it really bothers me because the look on my baby's face makes me so sad when this happens and he has vomit all over him and is face :( despite multiple attempts to get my doctor to be more concerned, he just isn't. poor thing. apparently if they're gaining weight, that's all the doctors seem to care about. I guess they're the professionals but I don't like how lax it seems.
  • same here. it really bothers me because the look on my baby's face makes me so sad when this happens and he has vomit all over him and is face :( despite multiple attempts to get my doctor to be more concerned, he just isn't. poor thing. apparently if they're gaining weight, that's all the doctors seem to care about. I guess they're the professionals but I don't like how lax it seems.

    I think you should try looking for another pediatric and someone who is more concern for you baby boy. As a mama we have that sixth instinct and feel when something else is going on. It could be reflux or maybe just the milk he's using. I hope everything works out and good luck on finding another pediatric, I hope you find one you can trust and is open to any concerns and questions!
  • My baby was breast fed and had major tummy troubles! I figured it was normal until I tried her on formula! She reacted to regular formula so then I tried her on soy and she vomited none stop for a couple hours!! Hypoallergenic formula was my next option and she has been fine! It's worth a try! Or if your going to breast feed try cutting out all dairy products!! Hope you figure it out it's super tough!
  • My son did the same thing. I've cut out diary because I do still breastfeed him. He's also on soy formula. My oldest son had to be on soy because of an allergy. My doctor also prescribed medicine for reflux. It doesn't stop the spitting up but he doesn't look like he's in pain or fussy anymore. Just wanted you to know you weren't alone. Maybe try a different formula.
  • I breastfeed my daughter, but she was starting to do the same thing.  I read that it may be oversupply causing the problem, so I've only been nursing on one side at a sitting. Now she almost never spits up, although she does need to eat a little more frequently than before.  I realize that you are bottle feeding, so it may not be anything similar, but maybe you could try giving half a bottle, and then pace feeding until baby is done. My daughter was going through at least six outfits a day, but today she wore the same one all day and I think  heard my washing machine give a sigh of relief.  Good luck! 
    Married 8/29/09
    MC: 9/14
    Goober #1 born: 8/17/15
    MC: 9/16
    Goober # 2 EDD: 6/27/17
  • Same here, my son was diagnosed with a reflux condition and after each breastfeeding you should carry him up for 20 mins, and you should use the reflux pillow, there is a special pillow for them, and if you are not breastfeeding you should give him anti reflux formula (AR) you can find it almost in every brand, im using novalac AR plus breastfeeding.
    Hope this will help you
  • I used Zantac for some time but i stopped it, it will not fix the problem but make it a little less but i didnt see any difference so i stopped it, they say it will get better when they grow up and hopefully will stop by 6 months or sometimes more and some casses needs operation, lets just hope that it will gey better. But you have to check his weight on monthly basis to make sure the vomiting is not affecting him growth.
  • Thanks for all the advice ladies. Today I'm starting him on a hypoallergenic formula to see if there's any difference! I noticed the vomiting getting more forceful at times so I'm praying this works for him!
  • If formula switches don't work, look into pyloric stenosis. My son had it and it required surgery to correct. His vomiting became projectile. Pretty scary, but a quick surgery with amazing results! It's diagnosed through a sono.

    This would be worst case-scenario obviously, but you never know. It's hard to see them get sick. Good luck!
  • @ahanson26 I hope it works!! Keep us posted.
  • @Melis222 Did you see a difference pretty soon after? He's still throwing up quite a bit of the new formula.
  • And does anyone else think this formula smells god awful? Lol
  • @ahanson26 yes it smells awful! lol! It may take a few days for it to help also if it is a milk intolerance it takes like a week for it to be out of their system. I'd give it a week or so. My LO still spits up but she is not vomiting and uncomfortable like she was before. She is also on Zantac for reflux.
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