
When should my shower be?

I'm just looking for some advice, since I've never had a baby, especially twins, before I have no idea what to expect! I'm trying to pick a date for my baby shower, but I'm worried about being put on bed rest or having the babies early. I want to make sure I can go to my own shower! Right now we're thinking about having it when I'm just over 29 weeks. Do you think that's too late? Thank you for your advice!

Re: When should my shower be?

  • I think 29 weeks should be fine, I had mine at 30 and was able to go and I had a great time. I was worried like you, a ftm, and really excited about the shower and since my mom and sister were throwing it for me and I'm the first person in my immediate family to have twins, I wanted to make sure I would actually be there. I was due in July and my mom & sister wanted to have the shower mid-June as they would for a singleton, lol, I knew that wouldn't work.

    29ish weeks should be good to allow you to A) attend the shower B) set up all the cool gifts and stuff you get at the shower.

    I was put on modified bedrest @ 34 weeks and delivered my boys at 37w5d by induction.

    Congratulations and have fun!!!
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  • I had mine at about 30 weeks and that was perfect for me. I didn't end up having them for another 2 months but I didn't have to worry about anything those last months besides putting everything together that I got from my shower. Plus you won't be SO big and uncomfortable and you can enjoy it!

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  • I had mine at 28 weeks- and I traveled for 2 hrs.  I was still uncomfortable, I couldn't imagine doing it any later.  I went on strict bedrest at 31 weeks.
  • I had one in my hometown at 26 wks, but I had to fly. dr didn't want me flying after 28 wks. I had another in town shower at 30 wks and it was fine. I had a work shower scheduled at 35 wks and I ended up having my boys on that very day so I missed the party! :)
  • I am 28 weeks this Wed. and my shower is this weekend.

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  • I'm having mine on Sunday - I'll be 32 weeks! I know that's later than some but I wanted it to be after I finished work but before I got so uncomfortable I couldn't enjoy it.
  • Thank you everyone for your advice!
  • I had mine in mid April, and my girls were born in early June at 38w2d. So I was about 32 weeks at mine. Worked perfectly fine for me. I was able to enjoy it, and put things away at home.

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