I need your help please! My daughter is named Anna, however everyone calls her Annie. We have a son named Wyatt. Now with number 3 I am having a really hard time deciding between two names starting with the same letter. What L name should I use? Lily? Or Ella? for a girl vs. Levi?. No I am not having twins this time but If I choose one does it knock the other out for #4? We are also team green so we will not be using the other gender. I absolutely adore the name Lily for a girl, I had it as my favorite even when we were naming Anna. Also I love Annie and Ellie together. Now I love Levi with Wyatt too! What L name to choose? Or can we use both???TIA
Re: Planning #3
I wouldn't worry about one L name of the other. If there is a #4, you can use the other. I don't like all sibling names beginning with the same letter, but two is fine. You might also completely change your mind by then.