So LO and I got the thrush about 2 weeks in. I did the proper treatment, hers went away, mine I felt lingered on. I've actually stopped breastfeeding and have gone on to exclusively pumping and supplementing.
But my nipples are SUPER Sensitive still! They do not hurt, and do not itch, but are just really sensitive to anything they touch. I still apply anti fungal cream and even went on a week long diflucan treatment. My doctor is no help and says that I just have to stop pumping/breastfeeding for a week. This of course would kill my supply-and I don't make much at all.
Before I go to another doctor-just want to know if anyone has had experience with this. Do I still have the thrush? (LO is 8 weeks) it's driving me absolutely insane and making pumping very uncomfortable
Re: Extremely sensitive nipples
Also coconut oil like the pp said. I liked it better than lanolin and it makes you smell like the beach!