November 2015 Moms

PSA Tongue Tied

For those of you trying to breastfeed a baby who has extreme difficulty latching do not give up! At their wellness checkup ask the doctor to look inside their mouth got any abnormalities. It was taking 20-30 minutes to get my baby to latch and it turned out she was tongue tied. As soon as the doctor clipped it I nursed my baby she latched instantly. I was so happy that I cried. You have to be forceful with these doctors. While we were in the hospital I mentioned that her tongue looked a little forked, the nurses looked and said she was fine. All of the lactation consultants knew how much trouble I was having and never mentioned a possible tongue tie. Thank goodness we have a great pediatrician or I'd have the option of nursing taken away from me.

Re: PSA Tongue Tied

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    Both of my girls were tongue tied. I knew to ask with DD2 since DD1 had hers corrected. I didn't get to nurse with DD1 asa result so, I'm hoping to have better chances with DD2.

    Also, with her being a premie, it's taking longer for her to get the hang of nursing. The pedi did she should have it down by the due date.
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    I'm tongue tied! I'm surprised my mom was able to breastfeed me for my whole first year, but apparently I didn't have any issues. The LC who taught our class made sure to mention tongue ties to us, which was great. I got to show my tongue tie off to everyone in class so they knew what to look for in their baby. My weird tongue finally came in handy :)
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