David Israel :x 4 months old as of today at 4:19pm. My biggest blessing! ;;) we made strawberry lemonade to celebrate lol but he got booby milk instead
Lennox was 4 months October 26 (she was 3 weeks early so ended up being a June baby). She is wearing size 1 diapers and in size 0-3 month clothing. 12 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long.
Isabella would not smile for her 4 month pic! 16 lbs, about 25.5 inches long. Still hanging on in size 2 diapers and 3 month clothing, though. Some of the 3-6 month stuff is still way too big!
Bostin Gregory turned 4 months on November 9th. He's 15lbs 26 inches. In size 2 diapers still can wear some 0-3 but we're mainly in the 3-6 month clothes now.
Adaline Blake turned 4 months on the 18th. She is 17lbs and still in size 2 diapers. She is still able to wear some of her 3 month clothes but is in 6 months sleepers. We have our 4 month checkup this Tuesday.
Re: 4 month photos!!
4 months on 11/3.
16 pounds and 25 inches long.
Size 3 diapers.
Sleeps through the night but STILL NO NAPS!!
17.1 lbs and 26in long
he LOVES his big brother!
4 months old as of today at 4:19pm. My biggest blessing! ;;) we made strawberry lemonade to celebrate lol but he got booby milk instead
16 lbs, about 25.5 inches long. Still hanging on in size 2 diapers and 3 month clothing, though. Some of the 3-6 month stuff is still way too big!
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/5020794/uploads/FileUpload/fc/b080f1162b278099608e249a5094c2.jpeg" />
My Ovulation Chart