My baby boy will be a year old the 28 of November. I ebf besides one bottle a week when I go to school. He still isn't on a schedule I just nurse him when he is hungry. Except when he is teething he wants to nurse more sometimes we barely go an hour before he wants to nurse. He screams till I give him the boob if I don't think he is hungry. He can go 6 hours between eating when I am not home. He still nurses 2-3 times at night. I do no not know what to do. I'm scared to wean him because I feel like it isn't going to go easy. Any advise with how to wean? I only wanted to go till a year.
Re: Advise about weaning.
I felt guilty that I was going to stop after 15months when my son didn't seem ready (my goal was 12months) we stopped because he started waking up every 1-2hrs again and neither of us were getting adequate sleep.
As soon as I would have a "last feed for good" I would start to question whether I could tough it out and continue..."just one more feed" I would think as if I were a drug addict (I ended up taking weeks to finally stop our remaining night feed)
I wanted to continue cosleeping but was having such a hard time sleeping next to my son when he was trying to nurse all night. I ended up wearing a sports bra with a sweatshirt to bed every night and that helped a lot.
Use green cabbage leaves!!! They smell horrid once they finally wilt but I think they really help.
Coming off the hormones was a total roller coaster! I hadn't considered that the flood of hormones for 15months would make me feel like I was detoxing when I finally stopped.
I was completely convinced that I was pregnant the week after I weaned my son. And I mean obsessively. I took SIX pregnancy tests. I had every.single.symptom.possible!!! But I wasn't pregnant, it was all the hormones and I finally relaxed and started enjoying having my breasts back. Guess what though? Five weeks after weaning my son...BFP