Baby Names


What do you think of Eleanora for a girl? Nickname of Nora possibly? Is Eleanora to long/unheard of? It's not on the ssa list, but I like feminine sound of Eleanora vs Eleanor. We like "real" names that are a bit unique. Thanks for any feedback!

Re: Eleanora

  • I like Eleanora even though I would prefer just Eleanor. I don't think Nora as a NN is a stretch at all. It makes sense. I've seen Lenora too, which I also like.
  • My friends named their baby Eleanor and call her Nora.  I prefer that to Eleanora, butI think either work. 
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  • I love Eleanora and I prefer it to Eleanor which I don't think sounds pretty.


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    Formally LisaG09

    "Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."

  • Eleanora is beautiful. I like how different it is. Choose whatever you think is best. Its your baby. I think Eleanora is unique and I like it.
  • I like Eleanora, I think it's very pretty.
  • Why not just Nora?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Married: May '15
    M/C: May '15
    Expecting DS: April '16

  • I like Eleanora, though with a four syllable name, I assume she may get a nn. And I don't like Ellie at all. Thanks for the thoughts-we are just looking for something elegant yet not too common. Husband vetoed Camilla, Stella, and Amelia :/
  • Hybrid names are not my style, but it's your child and it's not bad.
  • I wouldn't use it since Eleanor is becoming so common. I think people would often confuse them. "Eleanor?" "No, Eleanora!"

    I like Lenora or just Nora.
  • Love all of them.. Nora, Elenora, Lenora. I don't think you can go wrong :)
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