July 2015 Moms

Hylands teething tablets

Hi ladies! Has anyone used these hylands teething tablets? I bought them yesterday for my fussy baby and they seemed to work. I gave him 2 at 12:30 today and hes been asleep from 1 till now as we speak. Are they safe? Im just a little worried because he doesnt usually nap this long during the day.

Re: Hylands teething tablets

  • My doctor approved them and said she gave them to her children. They've been a life saver. I only give one at a time though.
  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited November 2015

    Hi ladies! Has anyone used these hylands teething tablets? I bought them yesterday for my fussy baby and they seemed to work. I gave him 2 at 12:30 today and hes been asleep from 1 till now as we speak. Are they safe? Im just a little worried because he doesnt usually nap this long during the day.

    The back says it will make baby sleep because pain was relieved. I also have the tablets and the hyland teething gel. I like the gel better though! Hyland products are homeopathic without any artificial flavors, dyes or parabens. I'm glad it helped though and your little one was able to rest!
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  • I just bought these today so we shall see.
  • They are the best! I have both regular and night time ones. I give him 2 regular ones if he is fussy during the day and or before his nap (only if he really needs them). Then 4 of the night time ones. 2 before getting ready for bed, and 2 before nursing to sleep. I like to have at least a 30min gap between the 2 doses.
  • Not sure if it is a coincidence or not, but I gave him 3 of these and began rocking him for his nap and he went from screaming to sound asleep in about 3 minutes. I'll try again at his next nap to see, but if it is then I'm hooked.
  • How did you guys give your baby the tablet? In a bottle or just put it in their mouth and it dissolved really quickly?
  • In their mouth. It dissolves really quick! It works wonders!
  • What made you give them? Was your baby cranky or just not sleeping?
  • LCretaro said:

    What made you give them? Was your baby cranky or just not sleeping?

    I gave it to him because of teething but I prefer the gel better.
  • Both cranky and wouldnt sleep. He is teething so he is extra fussy but i dont give them to him unless ive tried everything and he isnt having it.
  • I just slip them under his tongue and tgey melt right away. It's been pretty easy because he's been crying every time I've given them. I'm not sure they're doing much for him though.
  • I just plop them in his mouth, they dissolve pretty quickly. And my son is teething and the night time teething tablets help with sleep. It's a win win!
  • Is there really a difference between nighttime ones and regular ones? Ftm so no experience with these. I just ordered some from Amazon but I don't think it specified for nighttime.

    Also just a heads up, my best friend used these with her Lo and said they were great in relieving pain from teething but in turn made him constipated. I'm sure every baby reacts differently but just wanted throw that out there just incase!
  • @jmucc421 The night time ones help with sleeping as well.
  • jmucc421 said:

    Is there really a difference between nighttime ones and regular ones? Ftm so no experience with these. I just ordered some from Amazon but I don't think it specified for nighttime.

    Also just a heads up, my best friend used these with her Lo and said they were great in relieving pain from teething but in turn made him constipated. I'm sure every baby reacts differently but just wanted throw that out there just incase!

    That's why I prefer gel better. At first my son didn't like the tablets because it was harder for him to poopy but this week I lost his teething gel and gave him the tablets instead and he has been able to poopy just fine. I think it's because he is bigger now and his body takes it just fine. But I still prefer the gel lol it's easier to give and he like it too. They're both good it's all about what you prefer I guess. Anyway good Luck!
  • I use them with out lo and they work wonders!
  • I realize that these have been reformulated and have been put back on the market since the recall a few years ago. I read a lot about them online so that's not the part I'm worried about. The part that concerns me is that the box says don't use for more than 7 days in a row. How does everyone else feel about that? How often have you been using them? I tried them last night and they only seemed to help minimally.
  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited November 2015
    I use them once every couple days or weeks. I don't really give him the tablets unless he's really annoyed but thank God I havn't had to give it to him every day. He seems to enjoy teething toys and I also want to buy an amber necklace to see if it helps
  • Thanks @n3na94. I was hoping these would also help us with our nighttime sleep issues which is why I thought we might need them more often.
  • I have the night time ones and LO is just starting to teeth, I can see a little bit of white under his gum but not much so I only give him 1 or 2 if he's extra fussy
  • My LO is teething bad! He drools a lot.... He soaks the bibs with the plastic..... So I bought it Sunday! And as soon as I gave him 2 tablets he knocked out for 2 hours!!!!
  • I also prefer the gel. I like being able to apply just little amounts. The whole teething tablet numbing her whole mouth freaks me out.
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