
Breastfeeding After C-Section

I'm a FTM and I have always dreamed of being a somewhat "crunchy" stay at home mom. On Friday I had to have an unexpected emergency cesarean. I was planning on having an unmedicated, vaginal delivery. Baby is safe though and that is all that matters. Baby was doing pretty well with different nursing positions that didn't aggravate my incision however, now that my milk has come in and my breasts are firmer it's hard for her to latch at all. The only position I've had any luck with puts a great strain on my incision. I've given her formula a few times and have felt jealous and like I wasn't doing my best (silly, I know). I'm waiting on a prescription for a breast pump to be filled and hopefully that will solve my problem, but in the meantime, does anyone have any tips?

Re: Breastfeeding After C-Section

  • Have to visited with a lactation consultant? What position are you using?
    I found the football hold to be the easiest and most comfortable while I was nursing. For me, I had to start pumping around day 3-4 and I started supplementing shortly after that. I know the recommended is to wait for at least six weeks to avoid nipple confusion but all babies aren't the same. 
    I was also a horrible pumper. I never did check and see what or if my insurance covered a pump. I ended up getting a manual one. If I have more babies, I am definitely getting better pump. 
  • I have. My baby was living the football hold until my milk came in. Now she will only latch if I lay her across my lap and bend down and lower my breast into her mouth. It's so painful and I feel like I'm going backwards in the healing process. I probably will set up an appointment with a lactation consultant. I was just hoping to avoid it because I'm having such a hard time getting around. The pharmacist advised me to not take the oxy codone that was prescribed to me and ibuprofen is not cutting it.
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  • Try taking a zinc supplement to speed up your healing.   I have done that with both my c-sections and it really helps.   The first couple of weeks with breastfeeding can be a big learning curve and even painful but it gets better!   Stick with it and don't use bottles/pacifiers till she is well-established on the breast and you two will be pros before you know it!  Good luck mama!  :)
  • Thanks for the advice @jabbottscott I'll definitely try the zinc!
  • Try hand expressing a bit before you try to get her to latch to ease some of the firmness.
    What was the pharmacist's reason for not taking the heavier meds? I obviously wouldn't overdo it and would try to wean yourself as soon as some of the pain subsides, but if you need it for a few more days, why not?

    Are you using a pillow when you feed? Assuming it is more the bending that is hurting and not the baby but a thicker pillow to bring the baby up to you might help a bit.

    Good luck and don't feel guilty if you have to give a little formula in the beginning while you heal. As an earlier poster mentioned, all babies are different, but I started pacis and bottles (only when I had to to get them to eat) from day 1 with both of my girls and never had issues with nipple confusion.
    Married DH 08.28.10
    Pregnancy #1: BFP 04.10.11 EDD 12.23.11 DD1 Born 12.4.11
     Pregnancy #2: BFP 5.12.14 MC 5.20.14 @ 5wk4d
    Pregnancy #3: BFP 11.1.14 EDD 7.5.15 MC 11.13.14 @ 6wk4d
    Pregnancy #4: BFP 1.31.15 EDD 10.5.15 DD2 Born 9.23.15
  • Just wanted to update you guys, in case anyone else was having trouble too. My baby was having so much trouble latching because she was tongue tied! Her pediatrician clipped it and now she latches beautifully.
  • The oxy was causing My baby to be really sleepy all the time. I stopped it and she was completely different. I also done the football hold. Only lasted about a week due to latching issues and now I exclusively pump but the hold didn't hurt to much
  • Try pillows on your lap to raise baby up. It may help.
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