
Going into labor vs. Scheduled c section

Hi all
Just wondering how many of you had a scheduled delivery date but then ended up going into labor. I have 27 days until my c section...but i feel so much pressure and i feel like i getting huge. I am currently 35 weeks...scheduled for 38 weeks 5 days. Not sure if going into labor is as easy with some with twins

Re: Going into labor vs. Scheduled c section

  • I was scheduled for 38 weeks since twin A was footling breech.  My water broke at 35+4 and I had my section a few hours later.  I had a couple contractions but my cervix was still completely closed.  I had a speedy and fairly comfortable recovery.
  • I don't remember exactly when my c-section was scheduled for, it might have been 38 weeks. 
     At 31 weeks I went into preterm labor. I didn't even know I was in labor, which was weird because it wasn't my 1st pregnancy and I thought I knew what labor felt like. Luckily I had a regular check up appointment that day. They did the usual ultrasound and told me to race across the street and check myself into the hospital! Luckily they stopped the labor and I spent the next 5 weeks on bedrest.
    Then at 36 weeks baby a's water broke. That time there was no doubt I was in labor. I felt in immediately. By the time they were examining me 1.5 hours later I was already over 5cm. they were surprised and scrambled for the CS. I had to have the CS because baby A was breech. 
    From what I felt of it, it was a much faster and more intense labor than I'd had w/ my first (singleton).
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
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  • EmJ628EmJ628 member
    edited November 2015
    I was scheduled for a section on 38wks exactly. I felt huge at 35wks and had lots of pressure and just all around uncomfortable since probably around 30wks. I had Cholestasis but we didn't know it until the day before my water broke at 35+1. We'll never know but I think had I not had Cholestasis I think I would have made it to my scheduled day.
  • I'm on the other end of it, I thought for sure I would never make it to my scheduled csection date. We scheduled it for 38+1 weeks and around 34 weeks I was thinking to myself, ok any day now they could come. I waited around 4 more weeks and woke up that morning to go have my csection with no signs of labor whatsoever. So you never know with twins what will happen!

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